A Repertory of Toothache
The toothache may be taken as one of the most troublesome conditions where the patient requires immediate relief and efficacy of homoeopathic medicines can be tested. If one does not get relief within a few doses he will revert to allopathy.
Potency: One should try the higher potencies at first. The improvement should follow within a very short time if the selection of the medicine is proper. If the improvement does not follow within a few doses, one can use the same medicine in lower potency, if he still thinks that the selection of medicine is correct. According to my observations, the need to repeat medicines does not depend on the particular medicine, but on the ailment of the patient. The acute and functional troubles require high potency and infrequent repetition and pathological advanced cases require low potency. The higher the vitality, the higher the potency and the less frequent the repetition. The lower the vitality, the lower the potency and more frequent the repetition.
A single characteristic, uncommon and peculiar symptom is of more value than half a dozen symptoms.
Dose and administration of Medicine.
1M potency in globules should be given dry on tongue at first in all cases. In children, pregnancy, and hypersensitive persons, only five to ten globules should first be dissolved in half a cup of water and taken in spoonful.
Aconite, Agaricus, Ant. c., Antipyr., Apis, Arsenicum, Atrop., Bell., Bry., Calcarea c., Carbolicum acidum, Carbo v., Cham., china., Clem., Cocculus., Coffea, Colocynthis, Ferrum m., Gelsemium, Gloninum, Hekla, Hepar .sulf., Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Kali carb., Kreosotum, Lach., Mag. c., Magnesium phos., Merc., Nux v., Nus. Moshc., Acid oxalicum, Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Plant., Puls., Rhus tox, Sep., Spig., Staphysagria, Stramonium, Tabacum, Theridion, Thuja. Verta. Alb.
(The bold medicines will be able to cure most of the pains.)
(The medicines in italics are frequently employed)
Medicines frequently employed for females:
Aconite, Belladonna, Calcarea Carb., Chamomilla, China, Coffea, Hyos, Ignatia, Mag.carb., Nux. Mosch., Pulsatilla, Sepia.
Toothache before the period: Arsenicum, Baryta Carb.,
Toothache during the period: Calcareac., Cham., Carb.veg., Lachesis, Phosphorus, AmmoniumMur,. Nat.carb.
Toothache after period: Calcareac., Bry,. Cham,. Phos
Tootchache during pregnancy: Bell, Bry, Calcareac, China, Hyoscyamus, Mag.c., Mag. phos., Merc, Nux. Mosch, Nus.V., Puls, Rhus.tox, Staphysagria,
Toochache when suckling: Acon, Ant. Crud, Bell, Calcareac Cham, coff, Ign, Mec.sol, Nux.mosch, Puls, Sil
Nervous and sensitive person: Acon, Ars, Bell, Cham, Coff, Gels, Hyos, Kali.ph Mag.ph, Nux.mosch, Pulsatilla
Medicines frequently employed for Children: Acon, Ant.c, Bell, Calc, Cham, Coff, Ign, Merc, Nux.v, Puls, Sil
Autum: Bry, China, Merc, Nux.m, Nux.m, Rhus
Intermittent: Bell, Bry, Cham, Coff, Calc, Chin, Merc, Puls, Rhus, Sil, Staph, Sulph,
Change of weather: better from warmth and eating: Rhod
Constant day and Night: Merc
During day and better at night: Bell, Calc, Nat.m, Sil, Sulph
Morning: Ars, Bell, Bry, Carb.v, Caust, Chin, Nyos, Ign, Nat.m, Nux.v, Phos, Phosphorusac, Puls, Rhus, Staph, Sulph,
Awakening, on: Bell, Carb.v, Lach, Nux.v,
Forenoon: Carb.v, Caust, Mag.c, Nat.m, Nux.v, Puls, Staph, Sulph
Noon: Coccul, Rhus
Afternoon: Calc, Caust, Lyco, Merc, Nux.v, Phos, Puls, Sulph
Evening: Bell, hyos, Mercurius Phos, Puls, Rhus.
Only during the day and better in evening/ night : Calc, Bell, Merc Nux.v.
Only at night, not during the day: Bell, phos
Night Agg: Acon, Ant.c, Ars, Bell, Bry, Carb.v, Cham, Chin, Coff, Hep, Hyos, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.m, Nux.v, Phos, Phosphorusac, Puls, Rhus, Sil, Staph, Sulphur
Only at night,not during day: Bell, Phos
Before mid-night: Bry, Cham, Chin, Nat.m, Rhus, Sulph
After mid-night: Ars, Bell, Bry, Carb.v, Cham, Chin, Merc, Nat.m, Phosphorusac, Puls, Rhus, Staph, Sulph
Every other day: Cham, Nat.m,
Seventh day: Ars, Phos, Sulph
Every Spring: Acon, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb.v, Dulc, Lach, Nat.m, Nux.v, Puls, Rhus, Sil, Sulph
Summer: Anr.c, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb.v, Cham, Lach, Nat.m, Nux.v, Puls
Autumn: Bry, China, Merc, Nux.m, Nux.v, Rhus
Winter: Acon, Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb.v, Caust, Cham, Dulc, Hep, Hyos, Ign, Merc, Nux.m, Nux.v, Phos, Phosphorusac, Puls, Rhus, Sil, Sulphur
Air Cold: Bell, Calc, Caust, Cham, Hyos, Merc, Nux.mosch, Nux.v, Sil, Spig, Staph, Sulph
Damp Air :Nux.mosch, Merc
Weather Cold: Acon, Dulc, Rhus, Sil
Cold Wind: Acon, caus, Dulc, Puls, Rhus, Sil
Draught: Bell, Calc, Chin, Mag.c, Sulph
With pain in ear: Cham
Taking cold air in to mouth: Ant.c, Bell, Bry, Calc, Caust, Hep, Merc, Nux.mosch, Nux.v., Sil, Staph, Sulph
In Open: Bell, Calc, Caust, Cham, Chin, Hyos, Merc, Nux.m, Nux.v, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Staph, Sulphur
When Sweating: Cham
Breathing, Ant.c, Bell, Bry, Hep,
Deep: Nux.v
Blowing nose, from — Culex., Thuja.
Change of weather, from — Aranea, Mercurius, Rhododendron
Brushing teeth: Bry
Chill in general: Acon, Bell, Bry, Cham, China, coff, Dulc, Ign, Hyos, Mercurius, Nux.mosch, Nux.v, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Staph, Sulph
Chill when perspiring: Cham, Daph, Rhus
During chill: Hell,
Heat and Chill: Lach
Cleaning teeth: Lach
Coffee: Bell, Coccul, Ign, Merc, Nux.v, Puls, Rhus, Sil
Coitus: Daph
Aml: Camph
Getting wet: Bell, Calcareac, Caust, Hep, Lach, Nus.mosch, Phos, Puls, Rhus
Cold in general: Ars, Ant.c, Calc, Carb,v, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.m, Nux.v, Puls, Phos, Phosphorusac, Rhus, Sil, Staph, Sulph
Washing: Ant.c, Bry, Calc, Cham, Merc, Nux.m, Nux.v, Puls, Rhus, Sil, Staph, Sulph
Water, rinsing mouth with: Sulph,
food: Bry, Calc, Cham, Nux.v, Puls, Rhus, Staph, Sulph
Drink: Bry, Calc, Cham, Caust, Hep, Lach, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.m, Nux.v, Puls, Sil, Staph,
Putting hands in cold water: Phos
Cold or hot things in moth: Lach, Sep
Cold and Heat: Ant.c, Ars, Bry, Cham, Chim, Hep, Lach,, Merc, Nux.m, Nux.v, Plant, Puls, Saba, Sil, Staph, Sulph
Cold damp air: Nux.mosch, Merc
Cold draugh: Bell, Calcareac, chin, Sulph
Cold weather, Nux.mosch Rhus
Contact, touch, from — Belladonna, Calcarea fl., Causticum, Cinchona, Kali carb., Magnesia muriatica, Mez., Plant., Staphysagria
Concussion: Nux.m,
Drinking: Cham, Calc, Caust, Lach, Merc, Puls, Rhus, Sil
Drinking cold or warm: Lach
Coffee: Bell, Carb.v, Cham, Coccul, Ign, Merc, Nux.v, Puls, Sil, Staph, Sulph
Alcohol: Acon, Ign, Nux.v, Rhus
Tea: China, Coff, Ign, Lach
Water: Bry, Calc, Carb.v, Cham, Merc, Nux.v, Puls, Sil, Staph, Sulph
Eating, from — Antim crud., Arn, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea c., Chamomilla, Chimap., Kali carb., Magnesium phos.,Merc, Mez., Nux.m, Nux v., Phos, Phosphorusac, Pulsatilla, Rhus, Silicea, Spigelia, Staphysagria, Sulph, Zincum met.
Only while eating: Coccul
In intervals between meals — Ignatia
Exertion of mind or body, from — Chimap., Nux v.
Lying down, rest, quiet, from — Aranea, Magnesia carb., Nat. s., Ratanh., Sepia
Menses: Carb.v, Cham, Coff, Lach, Sep, Staph
Mind is diverted: Bary.c, Sep,
Radiating: Kali.bi, Merc, Nux.v, Staph
Salivation during pain: Cham, Dulc, Mercurius
Shrill sounds, from — Theridion
Smoking tobacco, from — Clem., Ignatia, Spigelia
Traveling: Ars, Bry, Cham, Puls, Rhus, Staph, Sulph,
Thinking: Spig, Nux.v, Thuja,
Touch; Bell, Bry, Carb.v, china, Hep, Merc, Nux.v, Puls, Rhus, Sulph, Staph
From slight touch: Bell, Hep, Ign, Nux.v, Staph
From touching with tongue: Carb.v, china, Ign, Merc, Phos, Rhus
From contact with food: Bell, Ign, Nux.v. Phos, Staph
From sucking with tongue: Nux.v
From pressing with teeth: Caust, chin, Hyos, Staph, Sulph
From sucking gums: Bell, Carb.v, Nux.mosch, Nux.v, Sil
From pricking the teeth: puls, Sang
From cleaning the teeth: Carb.v, Lach, Staph
From biting: Bell, bry, Calcareac, Carb.v, Caust, Chin, coff, Hep, Hyos, Lach, Merc, Nux.v, Phos, puls, Rhus, Sil, Staph, Sulph
From biting soft food: Veratrumalb
From biting hard food: Merc
Breathing : Puls
Drinking: Cham, Caust, Lach, Merc, Nux.v, Puls, Staph Sulph
Drinking water:Bry, Cham, Merc, Puls, Staph
Drinking alcohol:Acon, Ign, Nux.v, Rhus
Drinking Beer: Nux.v, Rhus
Drinking coffee: Bell, Cham, Ign, Merc Nux.v,
Drinking tea: Chin, Ign, Lach, Thuj
Eating: Carb.v, Caust, Cham, Coccul, Hep, Hyos, Lach, Merc, Nux.m, Nux.v, Phos, Phosphorusac, Puls, Rhus, Sil, Staph, Sul
Only while, eating: Cocculus
After eating: Ant.c, Bell, Bry, Calc, Cham, Chin, Coff, Ign, Lach, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.v, Staph, Sulph
Some time after eating: Bell
Salty thing: Carb.v,
Biting: Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Cham, China, Ciff, Hep, Hyos, Lach, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.v, Phos, Phosphorusac, Puls, Rhus, Sil, Staph, Sulph,
Hard food: Merc
Soft food: Coccul,Verat
Chewing: Arn, Ars, Bell, Caust, Carb.v, Chin, Coccul, Coff, Hyos, Ign, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.v, Phos, Phosphorusac, Puls, Sil, Staph, Sulph.
Only when: China,
Swallowing when: Staph
Moving the mouth: Caust, Cham, Merc, Nux.v
Cold food: Cepa.Bry, Cham, Nux.v, Puls, Staph, Sulph
Cold beverages: Bry, Cham, Caust, Hep, Lach, Merc, Nux.mosch, Nux.v, Staph
Warm food: Bry, Cham, Nux.v, Puls
Warm Beverages: Bry, Cham, Lach, Merc, Nux.mosch, Nux.v, Puls, Rhus
Hot food: Bell, Calc
Salted food: Carb.v
fruits and Sweet substances: Nat carb
Gums, sucking when: Bell, Carb.v, Nux.m, Nux.v, Sil,
Lying down, when: Ars, Bell, Bry, Cham, Hyos, Ign, Merc, Nux vomica,v, Phos, Puls, Staph, Sul,
Lying on painful side: Ars, Nux.v
Lying on non-painful side: Bry, Cham, Ign, Puls
Lying in bed: Bry, Cham, Nux.v, Puls
Menses, Before: Ars,
During: Calc, Cham, Carb.v, Nat.m, Lach, Phos,
After: Calc, Bry, Cham, Phos,
Masticating From, : China, Hyos, Ign, Merc, Nux.v,
Only on mastication: Cham
Mental emotions: Acon
Anger: Nux.v, Staph
Vexation: Acon, Cham, Rhus, Staph
Mental exertion: Bell, Ign, Nux.v
Morning, in: Arn, Bell, Bry, China, Merc, Nux.v, Phos, Staphysagria
Rising: Ign, Merc
Movement of mouth: Cham, Caust, Merc, Nux.v
Noise: Calc
Opening mouth:Bry, Cham, Caust, Hep, Nux.v, Phos, Puls
Reading while: Ign, Nux.v
Room, in a: Apis, Ant.c, Cham, Hep, Nux.v, Puls, Sulph,
On entering from the open air: Phos
Sitting: Ant.c, Cham, Merc, Puls, Rhus,
Sleep: Merc
When awakening from: Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb.v, Lach, Nux.v, Phos, Sil, Sulph,
Smoking: Bry, Cham, China, Ign, Merc, Nux.v
Speaking: Nux.mosch, Sepia,
Stooping: Spig
Swallowing: Staph
Taking deep breath: Nux.v
Talking: Bry, Cham, Nux.m
Talked by others, being: Ars,
Teeth, cleaning: Carb.v, Lach, Phosphorusac, Staphysagria
Pricking: Puls
Pressing: Caust, Chin, Hyos, Nat.m, Staph, Sulph
Touched by, a crumb: Ant.c, Arn, Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb.v, Caust, Cham, China, Coff, Hep, Ign, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.v, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Staph, Sulphur
Softly: Bell, Ign, Hep, Nux.v, Staph
Traveling: Ars, Bry, Cham, Puls, Rhus, Staph, Sulph,
Waking: Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb.v, Lack, Nux.v, Phos, Sil, Sulph
Walking in open air: Staph, Nux.v., Phos
Warmth in general : Bry, Calc, Carb.v, Chamomilla, Coff, Lach, Mercurius, Prun. sp., Nat.m, Nux.m, Nux.v, Phosphorusac, Pulsatilla, Sil, Sulphur
External: Bry, Cham, Hep, Merc, Nux.m, Nux.v, Phos, phos.ac, Puls, Rhus, Staph, Sulph
Of room: Bry, Cepa, Cham, Hep, Nux.v, Phosphorusac, Puls
Of Stove: Ars, Puls
Of Bed: Bell, Bry, Cham, Merc, Nux.v, Phos, Phosphorusac, Puls, Rhus
Becoming wrm in bed: Cham, Merc, Phos, Phosphorusac, Puls,
Warm Drinking from: Bry, Cham, Lach, Merc, Nux.m, Nux.v, puls, Rhus, Sil,
Warm food, from – Bell, Bism., Bryonia, Calcarea c., Causticum, Cham, Clem., Coffea, Mercurius, Nux.v, Phos, Phosphorusac, Puls, Sil,
Washing with cold water: Ant.crud, Bry, Calc, Nux.mosch, Nux.v, Puls, Rhus, Sil, Staph, Sulph
Windy weather, thunderstorms — Rhododendron
Air, cold: Nux.v, Puls,
Air, drawing into mouth: Clem, Nux.v, Puls,
Air open: Ant.c, Bry, Cepa, Hep, Kali.s, Merc, Nat.s, Nux.v, Phos, Puls, Staph, Sulph,
Bed in: Sulph
Biting: Ars, Bry, Cham, Coff
Chewing: Bry, Chin, Coff
Cold Air: Puls
Cold external: Bell, Bry, Cham, China, Merc, Phos, Puls, Staph, Sulph
applying cold hand or finger: Cham, Rhus
Holding ice in mouth: Coff
Untill cold water becomes warm in mouth: flour.ac
Holding cold water in mouth: Bry, Cepa, Coff
Cold washing: Bell, Bry, Cham, Puls
Cold air — Natrum sulph., Pulsatilla Nux.v
Drinks Cold — Bism., Bell, Bryonia, Chimap., Cham, Coffea, Ferrum m., Ferrum p., Merc, Nat. s, Nux.v, Phos, Pulsatilla Rhus, Sulph
Beer: Camph,
Drinks warm: Nux.m, Nux.v, Puls, Rhus, Sulph
Eating — Bell, bry, Cham, Ignatia, Phosphorusac, Plant., Spigelia
Removed from eating: Rhod
After eating: Arn, Calc, Cham, Rhus, Sil
After warm food: Ars, Bry, Nux vomica,mosch, Nux.v, Rhus, Sulph
After warm beverage: Nux.mosch, Nux.v, Phos, Puls, Rhus,
Gum, sucking: Caust
Hot liquids — Magnesium phos.
Lying down – Bry, Merc, Nux.v, Spigelia
Lying on painful side: Bry, Ign, Puls,
Lying on non-painful side: Nux.v
Bed, in: Merc, Puls,
Masticating: Bry, China Coff
Mouth open, sucking in air — Mez
Movement: Puls, Rhus, Glon
Picking till blood comes: Bell
Pricking: Phosphorusac,
Pressure external — Bryonia, China.
Pressure on teeth — Bell, China., Bry, China, Ign, Nat.m, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Staphysagria
Rest: Bry, Nux.v, Staph
Rising: Phos, Nux.v
Room in: Nux.v, Phos, Sulph
Rubbing cheek — Merc. Phos,
Sitting in bed: Arsenicum Merc, Rhus,
Sleeping after: Nux.v, Puls
Smoking: Merc
Sitting up in bed: Merc, Rhus
Sweat in general — Chamomilla, Chenop. gl.
Sweets; Chenopod
Sucking gums: Caust
Teeth Pricking: Phosphorusac,
When rubbing, Merc, Phos
When touching: Bry, Nux.v
Tobacco, smoking: Merc
Touching; Bry, Nux v.
Touch with cold hand: Rhus
Uncovering: Puls
Walking about –.,Puls, Rhus,
Warmth, external: Arsenicum, Bell, Calc, Cham, Chin, Hyos, Lach, Lycopodium, Magnesium phos., Mercurius, Nux v. Rhus, Staph
Warm, getting in bed: Bry,Rhus,
Of room: Nux.v, Phos, Sulph
Washing: Bell, Bry, Cham, Puls
Wrapping up of bed: Nux.v, Hep, Phos, Sil,
Wet finger — Chamomilla
Vexation: Acon, Cham, Rhus.tox, Staphysagria
Anger: Nux.vom
Mental fatigue: Belladonna Ignatia Nux.vom
Chill when perspiring: Rhus, Cham
Coffee — Chamomilla, Ign
Cold bathing — Antim crud. Calcareac, Nux.mosch Rhus.tox
Cold wind: Acon, puls, Rhus, Silicia.
Damp air: Merc
Night air: Nux.mosch
Damp cold weather: Cepa, Nux.mosch, Mercuriussol. Rhus.tox.
Decay teeth: Cham, Kreas, Merc, Staph
Dental pulp, inflamed — Belladonna
Drafts, or cold exposure — Aconite, Belladonna, Bry., Calcarea c., Caust, Chamomilla, Chin, Coffea Dulc, Ign, Hyos, Mercurius, Nux.v, Nux.mosch, Phos, Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Rhus, Sil, Sulph
When overheated: Glon, Cham, Rhus.
Extraction of teeth — Arnica, Staph
Fruit or sweet: Nat.carb
Menses, during — Barayta carbonica, Chamomilla, Sepia, Staphysagria
Nursing baby — Cinchona
Pregnancy: Calc, Cham, Mag.c, Nux.mosch, Puls, Ratah, Sep,
Riding in a carriage: Coccul,
Worse in cold: Mag.c,
Salty things: Carb.v,
Sweet things: Nat.c
Tea: China, Coff, Ferr, Ign, Lach, Sele, Sep, Thuja.
Thinking: Spig, Nux.v, Thuja,
Tobacco-smoking — Clem., Ignatia, Plant., Spigelia
Washing clothes — Phosphorus
WET, getting : Bell, Calc, Caust, Hep, Lach, Nux.mosch, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Sulph,
Front teeth: Bell, Caust, Carb.v, Cham, coff, Merc, Nux.mosch, Nux.v, Rhus, Staph, Sulph
eye, and stomach-teeth: Acon, Calc, Hyos, Rhus, Staph
Molars: Bry, Carb.v., cham, coff, Hyos, Ign, Merc, Nux.mosch, Nux.v, Phos, Puls, staph
Upper teeth: Bell , Bry, Calc, Carbo.v, China, Nat.m,
Lower teeth: Arn, Bell, Bry, Carbo.v, Caust,Cham, China, Hyos, Ign, Merc, Nux.v, Puls,
Rhus, Sil, Staph
One sided: Acon, Bell, Bry, Cham, Coff, Lach, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.v, Puls
Left side: Acon, Arn, Carb.v. Caust, Cham, China, Hyos, Merc, Nux.mosch, Phos, Rhus, Sil, Sulph
Right side: Bell, Bry,Calc, Coff, Lach, Nat.m, Nux.v, Phosphorusac, Staphysagria
Roots: Caust, Cham, Staph
Better by pressure: Ammoniumm,
Row of teeth, in a whole: Cham, Merc, Rhus, Staphysagria
Decayed/ Carious teeth — Ant. c., Ars, Arum.triph, Arn, Bell, Calc.c. Carb.v, Chamomilla, Coff, Hep, Hyos, , Kreosotum, Lach, Magnesia carb., Merc., Mez., Nux v., Phos, Phosphorusac, Plan, Puls, Rhus, Sep, Staph., Sulph, Thuja.
Better in air, and warmth: Bov
Awakening from sleep: Carb.a,
Eating or drinking: Caust
After taking cold: Bary.c,
When food gets in: Phosphorusac, Sang, Staph,
With gum boil: Phos,
Rapid decay: Sep
Eye teeth — Theridion
Roots of teeth — Meph., Mercurius, Staphysagria
Sound teeth — Argentum nitricum, Causticum, Chamomilla, Coff, Mag.c, Plant., Spigelia, Staphysagria
Wisdom teeth: Bell, Calc, Fl.ac, Mag.c, Sil,
Bursting: Sab
Long, as if teeth were too: Bry, Carb.v, Caust, Cham, Hyos, Lach, Mag.c, Merc, Rhus, Sil, Sulph,
Loose: Carb.v, Caust, Hep, Hyos, Merc, Nux.v, Phos, phos.ac,Rhus, Sep, Sil, Staph, Sulph,
Aching — Chamomilla, Kreosotum, Mercurius, Mez., Staphysagria
Burning — Arsenicum, Belladonna, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.v, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Silicea Spig, Sulph
Drawing, jerking, tearing — Belladonna, Chamomilla, Chimap., Coffea, Cyclamen, Kreosotum, Meph., Mercurius, Nux v., Prun. sp., Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Sul.
Gnawing boring — Calcarea c., Carbo vegetabilis, Mez., Nux v., Plant., Pulsatilla, Silicea, Staphysagria
Increase slowly and cease slowly: Stann,
Increases slowly and ceases suddenly: Sul.ac,
Neuralgic, congestive : Aconite, Aranea, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Ced., Chamomilla, Coffea, Dolichos, Ferrum picr., Ignatia, Magnesia carb., Mag. ph., Mercurius v., Plant., Spig
Periodical — Arsenicum, China s., Coffea
Rheumatic — Aconite, Bryonia, Chamomilla, China s., Colchicum, Guaiac., Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Rhododendron
Shock-like — Ammonium carb., Aranea, Nux v
Shooting – Bry, Calcarea c., Chamomilla, Kali carb., Magnesia carb., Mag.ph, Nux v., Phosphorus, Sepia, Silicea
Stitching — Bryonia, Chamomilla, Acid nitricum, Pulsatilla
Tearing: Bell, Bry, cham, china, Lach, Merc, Rhus, Spig, Staph,
Throbbing: Acon, Bell, Hyos, Lach, Mag.c, Merc, Nat.m, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Sep, Sil, Staph
Wandering/shifting: Sulph,
Head: Apis, Ant.crud, Cham, Glon, Lach
Heat in: Acon, Hyos, Puls
Rush of blood to: Acon, Calc, China, Hyos, Lach, Puls
Swollen vein of fore head and hand: Chin
Jaw-bone: Lach, Merc, Hyos, Nux.v. Sulph
Cheek: Bry, Caust, Cham, Merc, Sil, Staph, Sulphur
Ear: Bry, Cham, Hep, Kreo, Lach, Merc, Nat.m, Plant, Rhod, Sep, Staph, Sulph
Stitches in right: Sulph
Stiches in Left: Calad
With deafness: Petrol
Eye: Calcareac, Calcareap, Caust, Carb.a, Cham, Merc, Puls, Staph, Sulph,
Burning: Bell
Inflammation: Bry
Anxiety: coff, Mag.c, Puls
In arm: Mang, Sep
Anguish: Acon, Coff,
Besides himself: Acon, Bell, Cham, Coff, Hyos, Ign, Nux.v
Complaining and wailing: Nux.v
Distraction of the mind — Aconite, Cham
Excitement: Cham, Coff, Gels, Hyos
Exhaustion: Rhus
Fainting: China, Puls, Veratrumalb
Restless: Coffea Mag.c, Mang, Spig
Weeping: Cham, coff, Puls,
Ears cold, Lach,
Aching: Bell, Borax, Puls, Plant, Rhod
Eyes: Bary.c, Spig, Staph
Eyes With burning of: Bell
Cheek, with redness of cheeks: Acon, Arn, Bell, Cham, Lach, Merc, Nux.mosch, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Sulph
With redness of one cheek and perspiration of scalp: Cham
With swollen cheeks: Arn, Ars, Bell, Bry, Cham, Lach, |Lyco, Mag.c, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.v, Puls, Staph
With cheek pale: Nux.v. Petrol, Puls, Phos,Phosphorusac, puls, Staph, Sulph,
Suppuration: Calcareas,
Swollen jaw: Heckla
Chilliness: Merc, Puls, Rhus
Chilliness, heat, and thirst Lachesis
Constipation: Bry, Merc, Nux.v, Staph
Coryza: China
Better when coryza is worse, worse when coryza ceases: Cepa
Cough: Bry, Sep
Diarrhea: Cham, Coff, Dulc, Rhus
Erection: Daph
Erysipelas: Cham
Face: Hyos, Kali.c, Lach, Merc, Nux.v, Rhod, Rhus, Sulph,
Aching, left: Chel,
Face, pale face: Acon, Ars, Ign, Puls, Staph, Sulph
Flue due to: Merc,
Swollen, neck: Clem, MercuriusIod,
Gums Affections of, : Bell, Merc, Staph
Due to abscess: Hekla
Painful: Ant.c, Arn, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb.v, Cham,China, Hep, Hyos, Lach, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.m, Nux.v, Phos, Phosphorusac, Puls, Rhus, Sil, Staph, Sulph
Swelling: Carb.v, Cham, Hep, Lach, Mag.c, Merc, Nat.m, Nux.v, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Rhod, Sulph
Swelling of gums and glands: Merc,
Head: Ant.c, Ars, Cham, Hyos, Kreo, Merc, Nux.v, Phas.ac, Sang,
Head, with congestion of blood to head: Acon, Bell, Calcareac, Chin, Glon, Hyos, Lach, Puls, Sep
With swelling of vein of forehead and hands: China
With headache: Kali.c, Lachesis (Apis, Glon)
With heat of head: Acon, Hyos, Puls,
Ringing in ear: (gastritis) Coccul
Stitching to ear: Rhus
Wrapping: Hep, Nux.v, Phos, Sil,
Uncovering: Puls
Heat: Lach, Sil, Verat
Hysteria: Ign, Sep
Mouth, with dry mouth and thirst: China
With dry mouth and without thirst: Puls
With dry throat with thirst: Bell
With flow of saliva: Bell, caust, cham, Dulc, Merc, Phos, Plant, Rhus
Neck, stiff: Lyco
Nausea: Verat
Neuralgia of face and palpitation of heart: Spig
Neuralgia of lids, reflex — Plant.
:Sleepiness: Sulph
Sleeplessness: Sil, Spig
Stomach, pain in: Calcareaph, Colo,
Alternates in pressing stomach: Ipec
Sweat: Clem
Cold on forehead: Veratrumalb
With hot perspiration: Hyos
Swelling about jaws, cheeks: Belladonna, Borax, Chamomilla, Hekla, Hepar, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Silicea
Tear, involuntary: Nat.m
Teeth, must pick: Sele
Soreness of teeth — Belladonna, Mercurius, Plant., Zincum met. m.
Tossing about in bed: Clem, Nat.s
Urination, frequent: Plant
Walk about must: Cham, Mag.c, Rat, spig
Wrapping Head: Nux.v,
Generally the selection of medicine depends on modality and concomitants. The observation of the patient also plays an important part.
“Etiology/ causation overrules the totality of symptoms”
(These symptoms have been culled from Hering’s Guiding Symptoms. J.H. Clarke, William Boericke and other authors.)
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