Thuja is a tree. The leaves and leaf oil are used as a medicine.
Thuja is used for respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, bacterial skin infections, and cold sores. It is also used for painful conditions including osteoarthritis and a nerve disorder that affects the face called trigeminal neuralgia.
Some people use thuja to loosen phlegm (as an expectorant), to boost the immune system (as an immunostimulant), and to increase urine flow (as a diuretic). It has also been used to cause abortions.
Thuja is sometimes applied directly to the skin for joint pain, ostearthritis, and muscle pain. Thuja oil is also used for skin diseases, warts, and cancer; and as an insect repellent.
In foods and beverages, thuja is used as a flavoring agent.
In manufacturing, thuja is used as a fragrance in cosmetics and soaps.
How does it work?
Thuja contains chemicals that might fight viruses. It also contains a chemical called thujone that can cause brain problems.
Thuja patients are very secretive; they will not permit themselves to be even looked at. They do not trust anybody easily and do not portray themselves truthfully. This will not happen suddenly; usually the patient suffers with low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. These inner doubts make the patient portray a pleasing and expected image to the world. This hiding of unpleasant aspects leads to a secretiveness. Patient learns to not display their real character anymore. You as a doctor always feel that some information is lacking or purposely withheld by the patient . Thuja occidentalis patients are very reserved and suspicious. They do not allow any type of deep communication, as they are mistrustful and worry what might happen if they entered into deep communication. That is why they learn the art of manipulation.
Thuja occidentalis is a remedy which tends to alter the sycotic constitution, by changing the soil in which elements of the disease grow. There are three main precursors to the chronic conditions calling for Thuja: (1) Suppressed gonorrhea. (2) Suppressed warts. (3) Vaccination. If gonorrhea is checked by injection, by cold or by any other influence, constitutional symptoms may arise which call for Thuja. Thuja occidentalis has a marked relationship to the smallpox vaccine, but has a lesser capacity to remove the untoward effects of other immunizations.
Regarding the nervous system, Thuja patient exhibits a manner which is hurried and impatient. Their movements are unnaturally active and hurried. There is a form of insanity or mania for which we find Thuja the only remedy, and that is one where there is a fixed idea in the patient’s mind that he is made of some brittle substance, and he will be broken if touched. Or, he thinks that his body and soul are separated, or that a stranger is by his side. Another singular characteristic of Thuja occidentalis is one that was first met with in an old maid. She experienced a sensation as though a living child were in her abdomen.
The action of the drug on the nervous system is further shown in various forms of neuralgia. Thus it is indicated in the form of headache in which the patient has a sensation as though a nail were being driven into the vertex, or into the frontal eminences.
Thuja occidentalis is an excellent remedy for cases of gonorrhea where the discharge is thin and greenish, and there is scalding pain during urination. After urination there is a sensation as if a few drops of urine ran down the urethra. Warts or condylomata appear on the genitals, at the anus, about the perineum and upon mucous surfaces. In the female organs, there are cauliflower like excrescences or fungus growths of venereal origin. There is thick green leucorrhoea. Thuja occidentalis is of great use when articular rheumatism or prostatitis like complications result after the suppression of gonorrhea.
The hair is dry and split at the end; the scalp becomes scaly and covered with dry scurf. Also, Iritis with inflamed eyelids with a discharge that is thick and green. Teeth decay at the edge of the gums, the crowns being apparently normal. Pyorrhea, ranula and varicose veins on tongue and mouth. These are some of the local complaints which occur in the sycotic soil and respond well to thuja.
Thuja patients are hard people. The hardness of their emotional expressions manifest even on the physical level, as hard tumors. Thuja has the singular property of softening hard tissue, even tissue naturally hard, as the nails. The warts may have a seedy look, or they may be of a cauliflower shape.
As regards physical generals, Thuja patients are chilly and worse from cold. There is general aggravation from damp weather. Perspiration is oily and sweet smelling, or sometimes offensive. Patient shows specific intolerance to onions. There is craving and aversion to onions and garlic.
Key notes or used for
Cold sores. ...
Low white blood cell count (leukopenia). ...
Nasal swelling (sinusitis). ...
Sore throat (tonsillitis). ...
Stimulating immune function.
Skin infections.
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