Wednesday, 31 January 2018


Leading Remedies in Homeopathy for Heart Attack

Aconitum is given immediately at the onset of a heart attack. There is numbness of the left arm.

Cactus grandiflorus treats angina pectoris. The arteries and heart are weak due to atherosclerosis.

Spigelia relieves violent cardiac palpitations with shooting pain in the breast area. An inability to sleep, worse sleeping on the left side.

Craetaegus oxyacantha is a tonic for the heart. It treats coronary insufficiency. The pulse is rapid and visible. The pain on the left side of the chest radiates to the left arm.

Aurum metallicum treats myocardial weakness. The chest pain is aggravated at night. A sensation as if the heartbeat will cease.

Latrodectus treats precordial pain, the pain intensifies with breathing.

Laurocerasus is indicated for heart failure.

Digitalis treats cardiac muscle failure. There is a slow pulse, a tight heart, palpitation, the sensation as if suffocating, and all symptoms are aggravated sleeping on left side.

Baryta carbonica is indicated for a senile heart,atherosclerosis, hypertension, and loss of memory.

Viscum album treats hypertrophy of the heart.

Glonoinum treats hypertension,atherosclerosis, and all heart conditions aggravated in the heat of the sun.

Platina relieves spasmodic contraction of the muscle around the heart.

Carbo vegetabilis is indicated for heart failure with cyanosis.

Naja treats angina pectoris. The chest pains radiates towards the nape of neck to the left upper shoulder, and arm.

Veratum album calms cardiac palpitations.

Plumbum album is indicated for hypertension, sclerosis, and loss of memory.

Strophantus is indicated if there is suspicion of a heart attack. The degeneration of the cardiac muscle accompanied by irregular heartbeat. The pulse rate is rapid at times and slow at other times.

Tabacum treats hypertrophy of the heart.

Kalmia treats bradycardia accompanied by rheumatism or gout.



*Homeopathic medicine for vomiting*

Dr. Amaan Khan


1. Great nausea with vomiting.

2. No thirst.

3. Tongue clean, no coating.


1. Vomiting after mixed food.

2. No thirst.

3. Tongue white coated.


1. Vomiting after food poisoning due to taken bad meat or fish or contaminated foods.

2. Thirst for small quantity of water  at short interval.

3. As soon as water touches the stomach it vomited out.

4. Great weakness


1. As soon as the pt takes water it vomited out after few minutes when water become warm in stomach.

2. Thirst for icy cold water.

  *Antim Crud.*

1. Vomiting after over eating.

2. Tongue thick white coated.

3. Desire for pickles

*Calc Carb*

1. Vomiting of children at the time of dentition.

2. Vomiting of curd like matter after taking of milk.

3. After vomiting child plays.

4. Child fair fatty and flabby.


1. Curd like vomiting after taking milk.

2. After vomiting child become weak and he sleeps.

3. After vomiting child is hungry, takes milk and again vomited out and become weak.

4. Child lean and thin and weak

*Verat Album*

1. Great diarrhoea and vomiting.

2. Desire for large quantity of water and long interval.

3. Cold sweats on forehead.


1. Vomiting immediately after food with burning pain.

2. Especially in gastric ulcer.

*Iris Vers.*

1. Periodical vomiting.

2. Vomiting of sour matters.

3. Vomiting With migraine.

Lara Shri in Clinical Tips



Calcarea Carb:
Head remedy with which treatment should be started. It will cure great majority of cases. In hernia where walls of abdomen are thin and truss cannot be worn.

Hernia of right side. Strangulated hernia. Give in 1000 potency every fortnight. Distension of abdomen with rumbling of gas.

Nux Vom:
Hernia of left side. Give in 1000 potency every fortnight. It also cures right side hernia when Lycopodium fails.

Give in 30 potency when Lycopodium and Nux Vomica fail.

Aurum Met:
Inguinal hernia in children if the above remedies fail.

Hernia strangulated, sloughing.

Strangulated hernia whether femoral, inguinal or umbilical.

Hernia of the bladder. Systocele.

Inflamation and swelling of inguinal glands. Painful to touch. Painful inguinal herria.

Aesculus Hippocastanum:
Inguinal hernia. Cutting in right inguinal region.

Source: 'select your remedy' by  Rai bhadur dr. Bisambar das

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Master's Tips

From Masters

🔴Causticum is the routine remedy for retention of urine after operation.= Dr. D.M. Foubiser
🔴Nothing equals Hypericum in cases of smashed fingers.= Dr. E.A. Frrington
🔴Hyoscyamus is one of our best remedies for hiccough occurring after operations on the abdomen.= Dr. E.A. Farrington
🔴Hypericum is the main remedy for spinal injuries.= Dr. D.M. Foubister
🔴Berberis Vul. is an excellent remedy for renal colic.= Dr. E. A. Farrington
🔴Cholesterinum is said to be almost specific for gallstone colic.= Dr. Pulford
🔴Colocynthis cures colics again and again.= Dr. T.K. Moore
🔴In biliary colic, Calc. Carb. has never failed me.= Dr. R. Hughes
🔴One’s chief use for Mag. Phos. has been in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea.= Dr. M.L.Tyler
🔴Any haemorrhage seeming to be in sympathy with heart trouble, think of Cactus.= Dr. E.B. Nash
🔴In cramps of the calves, I have never known Cuprum to fail.= Dr. Jousett
🔴In habitual vomiting in babies, one should think of Iris.= Dr. C.G. Raue
🔴For the excessively obstinate child, Tuberculinum is most often indicated.= Dr. D.M. Foubister
🔴I have cured probably 100 cases of Adenoids with Tuberculinium alone.= Dr. J.T. Kent
🔴Persons suffering from ulceration of the lungs can scarcely get well without Kali Carb.=Dr. Hahnemann
🔴There is one remedy in regard to enlarged prostate and that is Hydrangea.= Dr. A.H. Grimmer
🔴For the terrible falling out of hair after Typhoid, Fluoric Acid is well indicated.= Dr. C.M. Boger
🔴I recommend Arnica Mont. as preventive and curative of boils.= Dr. Hahnemann
🔴Nitric Acid is almost specific for diarrhea after antibiotics, especially the mycins.= Dr. E.W. Hubbard
🔴I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali Brom 30.= Dr. J.H. Clarke
🔴Lycopodium is master remedy in infantile Eczema.= Dr. Leon Renard
🔴We have found Bacillinum almost specific for ulceration of cornea in children.= Dr. M.L. Tyler
🔴Several cases of cataract have been arrested in their progress by Causticum and the sight even improved, where before its administration they were rapidly going on to complete blindness.= Drs. Allen and Norton
🔴The more Benzoic Acid is used in Gout the more it will be prized.= Dr. C. Hering
🔴Arthritis deformans responds to Antim Crud. a near specific.= Dr. Schwartz
🔴In Diabetes, 2 or 3 grains of the 3rd trituration of Uran. Nit. Administered morning and night, will in a short time reduce the quantity of urine passed to nearly a normal standard, and after a continual use, the proportion of sugar is materially lessened.= Dr. Bradford
🔴Some of the worst cases of chronic rheumatism have been cured by Ant. Crud., guided by the extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet.= Dr. E.B. Nash
🔴Ipecac. is especially the infant’s friend and is commonly indicated in the bronchitis of infancy.= Dr. J.T. Kent



Saturday, 27 January 2018




Clinical Info.


POSTED: 27/01/2018.

1 Anaemia - Deficiency of haemoglobin in the blood

2. Analgesic - Medicine which alleviates pain

3. Arthralgia - Pain in a joint

4. Cephalalgia - Headache

5. Nephralgia - Pain in the kidney

6. Neuralgia - Nerve pain

7. Myalgia - Muscle pain

8. Otalgia - Ear ache

9. Gastralgia - Pain in the stomach

10. Pyoderma - Skin infection with pus formation

11. Leucoderma -Defective skin pigmentaion

12. Hysterodynia - Pain in the uterus

13. Hysterectomy - Excision of the uterus

14. Nephrectomy - Excision of a kidney

15. Adenectomy - Excision of a gland

16. Cholecystectomy - Excision of gall bladder

17. Thyroidectomy - Excision of thyroid gland

18. Arthritis - Inflammation of a joint

19. Bronchitis - Inflammation of the bronchi

20. Carditis - Inflammation of the heart

21. Cervicitis - Inflammation of the cervix

22. Colitis - Inflammation of the colon

23. Colpitis - Inflammation of the vagina

24. Cystitis - Inflammation of the urinary bladder

25. Enteritis - Inflammation of the intestines

26. Gastritis - Inflammation of the stomach

27. Glossitis - Inflammation of the tongue

28. Hepatitis - Inflammation of the liver

29. Laryngitis - Inflammation of the larynx

30. Metritis - Inflammation of the uterus

31. Myelitis - Inflammation of the spinal cord

32. Nephritis - Inflammation of the kidney

33. Pharyngitis - Inflammation of the pharynx

34. Blepharitis -Inflammation of the eyelids

35. Cholelithiasis - Stone in the gall bladder

36. Nephrolithiasis - Stone in the kidney

37. Osteomalacia - Softening of bones through deficiency of calcium or D vitamin

38. Adenoma -Benign tumour of glandular tissue

39. Myoma - Tumour of muscle

40. Diplopia - Double vision

41. Thrombosis - Formation of a blood clot

42. Pyloromyotomy - Incision of pyloric sphincter muscle

43. Hedrophobia - Fear of water(Rabies in humans)

44. Neuroplasty- Surgical repair of nerves

45. Pyloraplasty -Incision of plastic pylorus to widen passage

46. Hemiplegia - Paralysis of one side of the body

47. Nephroptosis - Downward displacement of the kidney

48. Amenorrhoea - Absence of menstrual discharge

49. Dysmenorrhoea - Painful menstruation

50. Leucorrhoea - Whitish vaginal discharge

51. Menorrhoea - Menstrual bleeding

52. Haemorrhage- Escape of blood from a vessel

53. Arrhythmia -Any deviation of normal rhythm of heart

54. Cholestasis - Diminution in the flow of bile

55. Haemostatis - Arrest of bleeding

56. Neurasthenia - Nervous debility

57. Cystostomy - Surgical opening made into the bladder

58. Cystotomy - Incision into the urinary bladder

59. Hypertrophy - Increase in the size of tissues

60. Haematuria - Blood in the urine

61. Glycosuria - Presence of sugar in the urine

62. Albuminuria - Presence of albumin in the urine

Friday, 26 January 2018


A brief comparative study on homeopathy remedies for quarreling

1. Kali group—Quarrels at home with known people.

2. Causticum—Quarreling against injustice to achieve justice.

3. Nux Vomica—Quarreling due to intolerance of contradiction, As he is an achiever.

4. Asaefotida— Quarreling due to anger, destructive rage and fury in a very loud tone

5. Moschus— Quarrels due to his over senstiveness to all external Impressions.

6. Lycopodium—Quarrels when his authority is challenged.

7.Aurum— Quarrels when his rules and regulations are not followed. ( Dutiful and discplined.)

8.Cina—- Always complaining, quarreling is a continuous Nagging and moaning.

9.Phosphorus—Quarrels when not getting returned affection. (Misanthropy)

10.Arsenic alb.—Quarrels due to his extremely censorious and Critical nature.

11.Verat. alb.—Quarrels to show his position.

12.Hyoscymus—Induces quarrel by inciting people.

13.Crocus— Quarrels due to his changing moods suddenly.

14.Mercury—Quarreling from timidity.So rebelling or revolting.

15.Cantharis—A riotous quarrelsome.Least contradiction makes him furious

Homeo Learning system

.Mother Tinctures

Hormonal Imbalance

Learn Homeopathy

Bio salt

Thursday, 25 January 2018

For quarreling

A brief comparative study on homeopathy remedies for quarreling

1. Kali group—Quarrels at home with known people.

2. Causticum—Quarreling against injustice to achieve justice.

3. Nux Vomica—Quarreling due to intolerance of contradiction, As he is an achiever.

4. Asaefotida— Quarreling due to anger, destructive rage and fury in a very loud tone

5. Moschus— Quarrels due to his over senstiveness to all external Impressions.

6. Lycopodium—Quarrels when his authority is challenged.

7.Aurum— Quarrels when his rules and regulations are not followed. ( Dutiful and discplined.)

8.Cina—- Always complaining, quarreling is a continuous Nagging and moaning.

9.Phosphorus—Quarrels when not getting returned affection. (Misanthropy)

10.Arsenic alb.—Quarrels due to his extremely censorious and Critical nature.

11.Verat. alb.—Quarrels to show his position.

12.Hyoscymus—Induces quarrel by inciting people.

13.Crocus— Quarrels due to his changing moods suddenly.

14.Mercury—Quarreling from timidity.So rebelling or revolting.

15.Cantharis—A riotous quarrelsome.Least contradiction makes him furious

Homeo Learning

Monday, 22 January 2018


Less Amniotic fluid..

Clinical Homeo

Grey Hair


1 Anaemia - Deficiency of haemoglobin in the blood

2. Analgesic - Medicine which alleviates pain

3. Arthralgia - Pain in a joint

4. Cephalalgia - Headache

5. Nephralgia - Pain in the kidney

6. Neuralgia - Nerve pain

7. Myalgia - Muscle pain

8. Otalgia - Ear ache

9. Gastralgia - Pain in the stomach

10. Pyoderma - Skin infection with pus formation

11. Leucoderma -Defective skin pigmentaion

12. Hysterodynia - Pain in the uterus

13. Hysterectomy - Excision of the uterus

14. Nephrectomy - Excision of a kidney

15. Adenectomy - Excision of a gland

16. Cholecystectomy - Excision of gall bladder

17. Thyroidectomy - Excision of thyroid gland

18. Arthritis - Inflammation of a joint

19. Bronchitis - Inflammation of the bronchi

20. Carditis - Inflammation of the heart

21. Cervicitis - Inflammation of the cervix

22. Colitis - Inflammation of the colon

23. Colpitis - Inflammation of the vagina

24. Cystitis - Inflammation of the urinary bladder

25. Enteritis - Inflammation of the intestines

26. Gastritis - Inflammation of the stomach

27. Glossitis - Inflammation of the tongue

28. Hepatitis - Inflammation of the liver

29. Laryngitis - Inflammation of the larynx

30. Metritis - Inflammation of the uterus

31. Myelitis - Inflammation of the spinal cord

32. Nephritis - Inflammation of the kidney

33. Pharyngitis - Inflammation of the pharynx

34. Blepharitis -Inflammation of the eyelids

35. Cholelithiasis - Stone in the gall bladder

36. Nephrolithiasis - Stone in the kidney

37. Osteomalacia - Softening of bones through deficiency of calcium or D vitamin

38. Adenoma -Benign tumour of glandular tissue

39. Myoma - Tumour of muscle

40. Diplopia - Double vision

41. Thrombosis - Formation of a blood clot

42. Pyloromyotomy - Incision of pyloric sphincter muscle

43. Hedrophobia - Fear of water(Rabies in humans)

44. Neuroplasty- Surgical repair of nerves

45. Pyloraplasty -Incision of plastic pylorus to widen passage

46. Hemiplegia - Paralysis of one side of the body

47. Nephroptosis - Downward displacement of the kidney

48. Amenorrhoea - Absence of menstrual discharge

49. Dysmenorrhoea - Painful menstruation

50. Leucorrhoea - Whitish vaginal discharge

51. Menorrhoea - Menstrual bleeding

52. Haemorrhage- Escape of blood from a vessel

53. Arrhythmia -Any deviation of normal rhythm of heart

54. Cholestasis - Diminution in the flow of bile

55. Haemostatis - Arrest of bleeding

56. Neurasthenia - Nervous debility

57. Cystostomy - Surgical opening made into the bladder

58. Cystotomy - Incision into the urinary bladder

59. Hypertrophy - Increase in the size of tissues

60. Haematuria - Blood in the urine

61. Glycosuria - Presence of sugar in the urine

62. Albuminuria - Presence of albumin in the urine

Ashraful--learn Homeo

Materia Medica

Qureshi > Clinical Materia Medica
1. Tip tip barsa paani....paani ne aag lagai.
- Apis Mell (Urine passes drop by drop causing intense burning)
2. Jiya jale jaan jale..naino tale dhua chale dhua chale...raat bhar dhua chale.
- Sulphur. ( Burning everywhere in body especially at night)
3. Ankho me teri ajab si ajab si adaye hai...
- Euphrasia (Conjunctivitis.)
4. Jo bhi main... kehna chahu...barbaad kare...Alfaz ye ye...
Cicuta virosa (Convulsion while talking)
5. Ankh hai bhari bhari aur tum...muskurane ki baat karte ho...
- Allium cepa ( Lachrymation)
6. Mujhe tumse hai kitne gile...tum itne din baad mile...bolo itne din kya kia...kya kia? Kya kia? Kya kia?
- Sepia (indifference- to her own husband)
7. Kiska hai ye tumko intezar main hoon na..dekhlo idhr to ek baar main hu na..dil chahe jitna pyar utna manglo..tumko milega utna pyar main hu na.
- Causticum (Great sympathy for others)
8. Akhiyo k jharoko se..maine dekha jo samne..tum door nazar aaye...badi door nazar aaye.
Anac. Gelsemium. Stramo. (Vision- objects looks away.)
9. Har kisiko nahi milta yaha pyar zindagi me.
- Antim Crud ( Disappointed love.)
10. Mujhe neend na aaye....mujhe chain na aaye.......... COFFEA(Sleeplessness,wide awake condition,impossible to close the eyes;physical excitement through mental exaltation)
11. Aaj na chorenge tujhe damdamadam....tune kya samjha hain mujhe damdamadam......dil hain tuphan bhara........ACID NITRIC (Irritable,headstrong;hateful and vindictive)

By, Dr. Roshan Singraur
           Allahabad, UP

Homeo Learning System


Homeo in the Kitchen

Sunday, 21 January 2018


Cervical spondylitis =Spig., Kalm.---Cervical Spondylitis
case- pain in heart region sudden severe extending to left
shoulder and arm ECG normal X-ray Cervical Spondylitis.
Spig 200., in similar pain benumbing from neck to right arm
Kalmia 30, 1000.

Cervical spondylitis =Spig., Kalm.---Cervical Spondylitis
case- pain in heart region sudden severe extending to left
shoulder and arm ECG normal X-ray Cervical Spondylitis.
Spig 200., in similar pain benumbing from neck to right arm
Kalmia 30, 1000.

Anger =Nux-v.---Nux is chiefly successful with person of an
ardent character of an irritable impatient temperament,
disposed to anger, spite or deception -Hahnemann.

By Obaidullah


Veeraragavan DR.:
Let us think about this Rubric Today :

🌷 ANSWERS, hardly 

🌷 Only Remedy : IODIUM

(Hardly means : Scarcely./. Never)
This case will give you better understanding of this Rubric:                                                                                                 🌺    A Case:                    
         Nearly three year ago, a girl of age 9 (Class IV Student) was brought to me for his complaints of severe stomach pain, ulceration in mouth and loss of appetite, by her mother. Allopathic treatments taken for the past few months did not give any relief. Also she was very dull in her activities as well as her studies.

      I asked her many questions. But she stared at her mother, not answered even a single question.

     I asked her mother to stay in the waiting hall. Her mother tried to leave her, by that time also she just pulled her finger, not saying anything.

      Her Mother went away my cabin.

I asked some questions about her school day functions, sports activities like to maintain pleasing situation.

But she sat and just saw the things in front of her in my table.

Even after ten minutes, she did not utter even a single word.
I took the rubrics,

1. ANSWERS, Hardly
And verified With the Rubric.  TIMIDITY, Bashful.

Iodium 30 was Prescribed.
🌺🌺  After few days her physical problems solved.

🌺🌺  After a month of Iodium 30, Her mother reported, that her nature also changed….Now she is somewhat active,  and she got good marks in her studies.

🌺🌺🌺   Only IODIUM 30. Only one dose, No other potencies, No other remedies…!

🌺🌺🌺   Now (Jan.2018) she is  studying in Class VII, she is well in her studies.!

Dr Veeraraghavan

Homeo Learning system

Friday, 19 January 2018


2end grade 
apis ,

By Abbas Naqvi-clinical Homeo

Piles Tips

Piles and my clinical experience

Bleeding piles with constipation
Hamamelia Q
Nux vomica 200
Sulfur 200
tds for 7 days

Bleeding piles with out constipation
Hamamelis Q
Sulfur 200
Ratinia 200
tds for 7 days

Non Bleeding piles with constipation
Nux vomica 200
Sulfur 200
Ratinia 200
tds for 7 days

Non Bleeding piles with out constipation
Aesculas hip Q
Ratinia 200
Sulfur 200
tds for 7 days
Avoid Spicy food oily rise chilli onion meat green tea
I cured more than 100 cases

By Qasim Jan in World Homeo Doctors



✈ARNICA MONTANA 30- Fatigue after travelling by ✈air or a long distance

✈BAPTISIA  TINC. 30- Shipboard 🚢fevers

✈BELLADONNA 30- ✈Air sickness in aviators. Give as a preventive, before boarding an ✈aero plane

🚉BELLIS PRENNIS 30- A good remedy for 🚉railway trvellers. And other travelers who get backache and muscular soreness on travelling . Railway spine

✈BORAX 30- Great fear of travelling in a ✈plane, when it descends to land

🚊CHIA OFF. 30- Fatigue after loss of blood and other vital fluids

⛳COCA 30-Many complaints of 🚵🏻mountaineering are covered by this remedy. Palpitation, dyspnea, anxiety and insomnia

🚘COCCULUS INDICUS 30- Nausea and vertigo from riding in a 🚘car, 🚣🏼boat also sea sickness

🚗LAC DEF. 30- 🚘Car sickness

🚠NITRIC ACID 30- Marked improvement in all symptoms while riding in a 🚠carriage

✈NUX VOMICA 30- Problems of digestion in 🚀air travelers

🚵🏻PETROLEUM 30-Ailments from riding in 🚘cars, 🚠carriages and 🚢ships

🚀PLATINUM MET 30-Constipation of travelers who are constantly changing food and water

🚘SANICULA AQUA 30- Nausea and vomiting from riding a🚘 car

🚣🏼TABACUM 30- 🚣🏼Sea sickness. Faint, sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach. Nausea

Lara Shri in Clinical Tips

Thursday, 18 January 2018


Why take sleeping pills when Homeopathy is their for Loss of Sleep(Insomnia)

    Why take sleeping pills when Homeopathy is              their for Loss of Sleep(Insomnia)

Homeopathy for Loss Of Sleep (Insomnia):

 The federal government's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicated that people who got less than four hours of sleep a night were 73 percent more likely to be obese than those who got the recommended seven to nine hours of rest. People averaging five hours of sleep had a 50 Percent greater risk, and those with six hours of sleep had 23 percent more.


 From nightmares to Insomnia to sleep apnea, sleep disorders disrupt the sleep of millions of people all over the world. Let's look at the various types of sleep disorders.


 Whether you have trouble falling asleep. staying asleep or waking up too early, you may be suffering from Insomnia.

Sleep Apnea:

 Sleep apnea causes cessation of breathing in sleep, which in turn, can cause heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and excessive daytime sleepiness.


 Characterized by uncontrolled sleepiness and excessive daytime sleepiness, narcolepsy makes living a normal life difficult.


 Sleep loss goes hand in hand. There are some common factors associated with sleep loss that is caused by excess fat in the throat that constricts the airway and stops the breath from flowing naturally.

Having a large neck, measuring 16 inches or more
Falling asleep anywhere, at any time
Having a hard time remembering things
Having a low energy level
Becoming easily frustrated
Being short of breath
Being depressed
Suddenly waking up from a deep sleep
Being a loud snorer


Avoiding the use of alcohol and medicines, such as sleeping pills and sedatives, before bed. These can relax your throat muscles and slow your breathing.
 Eating sensibly, exercising, and maintaining a weight that is as close as possible to a healthy body weight. Sleeping on your side. Sleeping on your back can increase snoring. Try sewing a pocket in the middle of the back of your pajama top, putting a tennis ball into the pocket, and stitching it shut. This will help keep you from sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your side may eliminate mild sleep apnea.
 Quitting smoking. The nicotine in tobacco relaxes the muscles that keep the airways open. If you don't smoke, those muscles are likely to collapse at night and narrow the airways.
  Raising the head of your bed 4in (10cm) to 6in(15cm) by putting bricks under the legs of the bed. Using pillows to raise your head and upper body will not work.
 promptly treating breathing problems, such a stuffy nose caused by a cold or allergies, breathing problems can increase the risk of snoring.
 Avoid taking antihistamines because they can make you drowsy and make apnea episodes worse. Instead, use decongestants, which decrease drainage.

Homeopathic Remedies:


 The sleepless conditions calling for Belladonna are due to congestion, sleep is extremely restless, as a rule, it is interrupted by talking, starting, muscular jerking's and spasmodic motions, frightful images appear on closing the eyes and the patient, therefore, dreads sleep.
 Children awake from sleep frightened. Oftentimes there is a violent throbbing in the brain which prevents sleep. The dreams found under Belladonna are frightful ones, and they constantly awaken the patient. It is probably our best remedy for Insomnia due to cerebral hyperemia, that is it will be most often indicated, also morphine which produces cerebral hyperemia of a passive variety. Aconite comes in here, too, but with Aconite there is intense anxiety and restlessness, fear of disaster or death. Lycopodium here ht child awakens very cross, very sleepy during the daytime. Belladonna is most useful in restless sleep during dentition, sleeps with eyes partially open, sudden starting, twitching, hot head and dilated pupils will indicate it.


 The great characteristic of this remedy is that the patient is very sleepy in the evening, cannot keep awake, moreover the sleep is not sound or restful and the patient is awakened at night by anxiety and frightful dreams. He awakens at about four or five Oclock in the morning feeling somewhat refreshed, but soon asleep and awakens at the usual time feeling worse than ever. It is especially the remedy for those who drink too much, those who abuse coffee and tea, those who are subjects with abdominal disorders and a sluggish portal circulation. Sleeplessness from mental overwork, from the too close study, especially at night. The morning sleep aggravates all the affections. Pulsatilla is sleepless in the evening, falling asleep very late, the sleep is restless, with frequent awakening and troubled dreams. Sleeplessness after quinine, iron, strychnine, tea, or chloral. Cocculus has sleeplessness from mental activity. Sulphur, cat naps, the slightest noise awakens and it is difficult to get to sleep again, sleepy in the daytime.


 Sleeplessness from nervous excitement, the brain is full of bewildering ideas and images. After a long illness and the brain cells are ill-nourished this remedy is very useful. It is especially indicated in sleeplessness in children, who twitch, cry out frightened and tremble. Sleeplessness from overworked minds and without apparent cause may be benefited by Hyoscyamus. The patient is jolly and wakeful. Hyoscyamus lacks the anxiety of Aconite, the violence of Belladonna, the pessimism of Nux-vom, and the stupidity of Gelsemium.

Coffea- cruda:

 In the case where there is excessive agitation of body and mind, and where ideas force themselves on the mind, Coffea is the remedy, and its use as a beverage withheld. It will be found that this acts better in the higher potencies. The patients are wide awake, without the slightest inclination to sleep, and all the senses are extremely acute. It is the remedy when excitement or good news, joys or night watching causes the Insomnia.It is well suited to sleeplessness in teething children, while Opium is better suited to adults. Sleeplessness from the bad effects of too good news. Platina has sleeplessness from extreme nervous irritability.


 For sleeplessness in children due to severe pain, chamomilla is a sovereign remedy. It quiets the irritability and the emotional excitement and the patient sleeps. It is also adapted to weal, nervous women. The sleep is tormented by dreams which are fanciful, vivid and anxious, the patient is hot and thirsty. Moaning in sleep. Thsimis also a remedy acting better in the higher potencies. Ignatia has sleeplessness when the patient is sleepy but can not get to sleep is kept awake by hearing distinctly ordinary noises, such as the ticking of clocks and the crowing of cocks. Great drowsiness is characteristic of the remedy.


 For the insomnia of brain workers. Gelsemium is a remedy. It is indicated in businessmen who pass restless nights, awaken in the morning and worry over their business affairs. It also is most useful in a state of alternate excitement and depression. Bryonia is useful where the business cares of the day keep him awake. Gelsemium has also sleeplessness form emotional disturbances, and after evening company. Ambra grisea is another remedy for sleeplessness from worry and business troubles. The patient goes to bed tired but immediately becomes wakeful. It is especially suited to thin, spare men who are nervous and subject to nervous chills.


 Sleeplessness from nervous excitement, cutaneous irritations, and external heat. The patient is drowsy all day and sleepless at night. Sleep in cat naps, wake frequently. Arsenicum is a useful remedy for the sleeplessness of malnutrition, where there is general degeneration of the blood and exhaustion of the nervous system. The restlessness of anemic irritability. Cinchona has sleeplessness from exhausting diseases. The mind is active and the patient indulges in castle building. Phosphorus. Sleeplessness following intense mental overwork and anxiety coupled with confusion, vertigo, and pain in the head.

Cannabis Indica:

 In obstinate and intractable forms of Insomnia, cannabis is one of the best remedies we have to induce sleep. An irregular sleep is more o an indication than absolute insomnia. It produces a tranquil slumber, relieves the nervousness and neuralgic pains.

Passiflora incarnata:

 Passiflora incarnata in mother tincture form in doses of from 30 to 60 drops, and repeated if necessary, will induce sleep when mental irritation or pain is the cause of the wakefulness. Camphora mono-bromate is useful for sleeplessness due to the continued use of tea. 


 Scleranthus the grasshopper mind, various thoughts coming in from all angles, bits of this and that, nerve quite finishing with one thought before another pops in. Scleranthus allows the mind to be more directed, centered and clear.


 Honeysuckle is the remedy for those who suffer from dreams, nightmares, flashbacks or any recurring thoughts from the past. Honeysuckle will bring you into the present time so the thoughts and images from the past have no need to be there.


 Vervain is the remedy for the very busy mind, who is always planning, organizing, over-enthusiastic, intense, over busy. Vervain allows your mind to relax.

Neck pain Tips

Naja treats arthritis of the neck. Palpitation in the back of the neck. Dr Shafiullah Khan

I love Homeo

Vaccination After

Wednesday, 17 January 2018


Oxalicum acidum treats arthritis of the left shoulder with numbness of the left arm

By Shafifullah Khan in World Homeo

Thuja Tips


Thuja is a tree. The leaves and leaf oil are used as a medicine.

Thuja is used for respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, bacterial skin infections, and cold sores. It is also used for painful conditions including osteoarthritis and a nerve disorder that affects the face called trigeminal neuralgia.

Some people use thuja to loosen phlegm (as an expectorant), to boost the immune system (as an immunostimulant), and to increase urine flow (as a diuretic). It has also been used to cause abortions.

Thuja is sometimes applied directly to the skin for joint pain, ostearthritis, and muscle pain. Thuja oil is also used for skin diseases, warts, and cancer; and as an insect repellent.

In foods and beverages, thuja is used as a flavoring agent.

In manufacturing, thuja is used as a fragrance in cosmetics and soaps.

How does it work?

Thuja contains chemicals that might fight viruses. It also contains a chemical called thujone that can cause brain problems.

Thuja patients are very secretive; they will not permit themselves to be even looked at. They do not trust anybody easily and do not portray themselves truthfully. This will not happen suddenly; usually the patient suffers with low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. These inner doubts make the patient portray a pleasing and expected image to the world. This hiding of unpleasant aspects leads to a secretiveness. Patient learns to not display their real character anymore. You as a doctor always feel that some information is lacking or purposely withheld by the patient . Thuja occidentalis patients are very reserved and suspicious. They do not allow any type of deep communication, as they are mistrustful and worry what might happen if they entered into deep communication. That is why they learn the art of manipulation.

Thuja occidentalis is a remedy which tends to alter the sycotic constitution, by changing the soil in which elements of the disease grow. There are three main precursors to the chronic conditions calling for Thuja: (1) Suppressed gonorrhea. (2) Suppressed warts. (3) Vaccination. If gonorrhea is checked by injection, by cold or by any other influence, constitutional symptoms may arise which call for Thuja. Thuja occidentalis has a marked relationship to the smallpox vaccine, but has a lesser capacity to remove the untoward effects of other immunizations.

Regarding the nervous system, Thuja patient exhibits a manner which is hurried and impatient. Their movements are unnaturally active and hurried. There is a form of insanity or mania for which we find Thuja the only remedy, and that is one where there is a fixed idea in the patient’s mind that he is made of some brittle substance, and he will be broken if touched. Or, he thinks that his body and soul are separated, or that a stranger is by his side. Another singular characteristic of Thuja occidentalis is one that was first met with in an old maid. She experienced a sensation as though a living child were in her abdomen.

The action of the drug on the nervous system is further shown in various forms of neuralgia. Thus it is indicated in the form of headache in which the patient has a sensation as though a nail were being driven into the vertex, or into the frontal eminences.

Thuja occidentalis is an excellent remedy for cases of gonorrhea where the discharge is thin and greenish, and there is scalding pain during urination. After urination there is a sensation as if a few drops of urine ran down the urethra. Warts or condylomata appear on the genitals, at the anus, about the perineum and upon mucous surfaces. In the female organs, there are cauliflower like excrescences or fungus growths of venereal origin. There is thick green leucorrhoea. Thuja occidentalis is of great use when articular rheumatism or prostatitis like complications result after the suppression of gonorrhea.

The hair is dry and split at the end; the scalp becomes scaly and covered with dry scurf. Also, Iritis with inflamed eyelids with a discharge that is thick and green. Teeth decay at the edge of the gums, the crowns being apparently normal. Pyorrhea, ranula and varicose veins on tongue and mouth. These are some of the local complaints which occur in the sycotic soil and respond well to thuja.

Thuja patients are hard people. The hardness of their emotional expressions manifest even on the physical level, as hard tumors. Thuja has the singular property of softening hard tissue, even tissue naturally hard, as the nails. The warts may have a seedy look, or they may be of a cauliflower shape.

As regards physical generals, Thuja patients are chilly and worse from cold. There is general aggravation from damp weather. Perspiration is oily and sweet smelling, or sometimes offensive. Patient shows specific intolerance to onions. There is craving and aversion to onions and garlic.

Key notes or used for
Cold sores. ...
Low white blood cell count (leukopenia). ...
Nasal swelling (sinusitis). ...
Sore throat (tonsillitis). ...
Stimulating immune function.
Skin infections.


Small Remedy Tips from Dr. A.L. Blackwood
Indicated in renal colic and vesicle calculi, when there is a shower of small light colored calculi, and most excruciating pain at the close of urination.  Also useful in marasmus when the neck is greatly emaciated and the skin all over the body lies in folds.

Senecio Aureus
This remedy is indicated in atonic states of the reproductive organs. The uterus is enlarged, uterine or cervical leucorrhcea replaces the menses. Menses are retarded and scanty or suppressed as a result of cold.

Ovi Gallinje Pellicula -Membrane inside a Hen’s egg.
This remedy is indicated when there is a dull heavy aching pain in the region of the heart, which at times extends to the left ovary.

Solaninum Aceticum
It is useful in threatened paralysis of the lung in the aged and in children. Old people have to cough for a long time to raise the sputum.

L. Blackwood, M. D. – A Manual of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacology (1906)

Tuesday, 16 January 2018


Lata Shri‎  :  Homeopathy Tips

The Keynotes Of Some Acute Remedies From Nash's Regional Leaders.

Posted: 16/01/2018.


🔹️When little sharp foreign bodies have entered the eyes, before they can be removed, and after removal.

🔹️Croupy cough, awaking in first sleep, particularly with children, after dry, cold west wind.

⭕Allium Cepa

🔹️Copious, watery, acrid discharge from the nose, and watering bland discharge from the eyes.

🔹️Constant sneezing with profuse acrid coryza, when coming into a warm room.

⭕Apis mellifica

🔹️Sudden, shrill, piercing screams (awake or sleeping).

🔹️Oedematous swelling of the throat; uvula hangs down and looks like a transparent bag filled with water.

⭕Arnica Montana

🔹️Fear of being touched by persons coming towards him.

🔹️Bad effect even in inflammations, from mechanical injuries, falls, bruises, and contusions.

⭕Arsenicum Album

🔹️Very great anguish and restlessness; cannot rest anywhere, moves from place to place; wants to go from one bed to another.

🔹️Unquenchable thirst; drinks often, but little at a time; the water disagrees.


🔹️Pulse much increased in force and frequency, with throbbing of carotid and temporal arteries.

🔹️Skin is so hot it burns the hand to touch.

⭕Bryonia Alba

🔹️Very irritable, inclined to be angry, chilly, or a red face and heat in the head.

🔹️The great characteristic is aggravation from motion.


🔹️Tenesmus of the bladder; urine scalds and burns; passed drop by drop.

🔹️Pain in loins, kidneys and abdomen, with such pain on urination that he could not pass a single drop without wanting to moan or scream.

⭕Carbo Vegetabilis

🔹️Great suffocation; desires to be fanned; must have more air.

🔹️Collapse, cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost, extreme pallor or greenish color of face.


🔹️Whining, restlessness; child will be quiet only when carried, which seems to relieve it.

🔹️Child wants different things, and repels them when getting them.

⭕Gelsemium Sempervirens

🔹️Copious discharge of clear limpid urine > the headache.

🔹️Fever heat with drowsiness, little thirst; feels very weak and languid; wants to lie still; trembles if he attempts to move.

⭕Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum

🔹️Sensation of a splinter or fish bone sticking in the throat.

🔹️Great sensitiveness to cold air; cannot bear to be uncovered; coughs when any part of the body is uncovered or cold air strikes him.

⭕Hypericum Perforatum

🔹️Consequence of spinal concussions.

🔹️Injuries to parts rich in sentient nerves, especially fingers, toes, and matrices of mails.

⭕Ignatia Amara

🔹️Sadness and sighing with sobs and tears and will not be comforted, wants to be alone.

🔹️ Silent grief.

🔹️The remedy of great contradictions (paradoxicalities)


🔹️Nausea intense, persistent, nothing > during convalescence.

🔹️Suffocation threatens from constriction in throat and chest; much mucus.

⭕Kali Bichromicum

🔹️Cough with expectoration of very tough mucus, so viscid that it draws out in strings down to the feet.

🔹️Ulceration deep as if cut out with a punch; edges irregular.


🔹️Hot flushes, metorrhagia and other troubles during the climacteric; burning on vertex.

🔹️Great sensibility of the throat to the slightest touch, even of the collar or bed clothes; can bear nothing round the neck.

⭕Ledum Palustre

🔹️Stings of insects, especially mosquitoes; punctured wounds.

🔹️Rheumatic pains are < in warmth of bed and bed covering, only when holding feet in cold water.

⭕Magnesia Phosphorica

🔹️Flatulent colic forcing the patient to bend double > from heat, rubbing; spasmodic pains generally

🔹️Pains lightning-like coming and going.

⭕Mercurius Vivus

🔹️Painful dryness of throat with salivation, when tonsils threaten to suppurate; sharp sticking pains when swallowing.

🔹️Most complaints < in the evening or at night; from heat of bed and during perspiration.

⭕Nux Vomica

🔹️Great heat; whole body burning hot, yet must be covered up, as the least uncovering or motion makes him chilly.

🔹️Oversensitiveness to external impressions, cannot tolerate noise, talking, music, strong odors, bright light.


🔹️Wants cold food and drink, ice cream; is > by them.

🔹️Slight wounds bleed much.


🔹️Stomach disordered from cakes, pastry, rich or fat food.

🔹️Thirstlessness with most all complaints.

⭕Rhus Toxicodendron

🔹️Lumbago from sleeping on damp sheets, or ground; on getting wet while perspiring; pains, strain, etc., < while at rest; on beginning to move; > when gets in motion and by pressure.

🔹️Pains as if sprained;

🔹️ailments from spraining or straining, lifting, particularly from reaching up high for things.


🔹️Diarrhoea some hours after midnight, or driving out of bed early in the morning, 5 a. m.

🔹️All the orifices of the body are red as if pressed full of blood

Mother Tinctures

Monday, 15 January 2018


A great medicine for chikun gunea is POLYPORUS PINICOLA 200 use 3 drops in one spoon water daily 3 times ,it will take away your joint pain and fever in 2 days but contunue till fully ok 8-10 days.Tried and tested on thousands of ppl with full recovery.

By Vivek Moshi in I Love Homeopathy


👌🏻Excell Materia Medica-👌🏻---

🔄Cardinal "Wants" of remedies.....

♊Aconite wants relief

♊Belladonna wants rest

♊Calcarea wants support

♊bryonia wants business

♊Arsenic wants money

♊Pulsatilla wants care

♊Natrum Mur wants love

♊Phosphorus wants attachments

♊Sulphur wants Knowledge

♊Aurum wants Position

♊Lyco wants power

♊Carcinosin wants nature/trecking

♊Sepia wants feelings

♊Ignatia wants controll

♊Baryta wants memory

♊Silicea wants courage

♊Opium wants sensitivity

♊Lachesis wants sex

♊Chamomila wants peace

♊Argentum wants stability

♊conium wants enjoyment

♊spiders wants music and dance
🖌Reproduced From the 📔book Excell Materia Medica.

Sunday, 14 January 2018


Some Characteristic Symptoms
✔Lycopodium – Deep furrows in forehead; old misers with wrinkled faces; flapping nostrils in pneumonia/bronchitis

✔Camphor- Vomiting and purging with cold, blue, dry, skin.

✔Stramonium – Eyes fixed upon the dark side of the room, away from the light; violent speech with wrinkled face.

✔Arnica – He goes into a rage on seeing the doctor, saying “Go home, I am not sick, I did not send for you!” (Apis)

✔Arsenicum – Cannot go to sleep because things in room are out of place, untidy.

sources :Lectures on Homeopathic M.M. – J.T.Kent
Dictionary of Practical M.M. – J.H. Clarke / Homeopathy in Practice- D. Boreland




Materia Medica notes for competitive exams in Homeopathy


The Indians….

Indian Nettle – Acalypha indica

Indian Hemp – Apocynum (American Indian)

Indian Hemp – Cannabis indica

Indian Cockroach – Blatta

Indian Cockle – Cocculus indicus

Indian Tobacco – Lobelia inflata

Indian Pennywort – Hydrocotyle

Indian Turnip – Arum triph

Indian corn – Stigmata maydis

Indian / Indigenous drugs (Common name & Clinical use)

Abroma augusta – Olat Kambal – Diabetes, Bryonia symptoms

Achyranthes aspera – apamarga – Boils with burning

Aegle Marmelos – Koovalam / Bael fruit – Diarrhoea / dysentery

Aegle folia – Bael leaves – Diabetes, Dropsy with constipation, < 4-8PM, flatulence, unsatisfactory stools (symptoms of Lyco & Nux-v)

Andrographis paniculata – Kalmegh – Liver disorders, infantile jaundice

Azadirachta indica – Neem – Fever

Atista indica – Ash-sheora – Amoebic dysentery, Worms, pains of Ca throat & Ca buccal cavity

Blumea odorata – Kuksima – Haemorrhages

Boerhavia diffusa – Punarnava – Htn, heart disease, Dropsy, ascites etc

Brahmi – Bacopa Monnieri

Caesalpinia Bonducella – Nata – Chronic fevers, Malaria

Calotropis Gigantea – Madar bark (veg mercury) – Leprosy – ulcers, gangrenous ulcers, elephantiasis, syphilis

Carica papaya – conjunctivitis, jaundice

Cassia sophera – asthma, unable to lie down, with pain joints

Cephalandra indica – Telakucha – Diabetes

Coleus aromaticus – Patharkuchi – Retention/ suppressed urine

Cynodon dactylon – Durba – Haemorrhages , Diarrhoea (symptoms of Nux vom, Aloe, Podo), Hungry during diarrhoea

Terminalia arjuna – Arjuna – Heart diseases, Htn, Angina pectoris

Jonosia asoka – Asoka tree (Saraca indica)– Dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, metrorrhagia

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis – Night jasmine – Fever, like Eupatorium perf

Ocimum sanctum – Krishna Tulasi -

Embelia ribes – Biranga – Worms

Ficus religiosa – Arayal/ Ashwattha – Haemorrhages

Gentiana chirata – Chiratha – Dyspepsia

Gymnema sylvestre – Merasingi – Diabetes,burning sensations

Kurchi – Holarrhena Antidysenterica, Wrightia Antidysenterica – Dysentery

Hygrophila spinosa – Kule khara – Fever with urticaria, skin <warm, >cold

By Jagannath Chatterjee -Homeo Learning


Dr.anand Sable:
Comparision of Trios of Delirium remedies -


*Congestion- Constant cerebral congestion.

*Desires for light and company.

*Tonic spasms.

*High grade fever with red and hot with throbbing of carotids.

*Violent mania.

* Epilepsy - During epilepsy has spasms of larynx and clutching of throat during fit.


* Congestion- Congestion with violence.

*Desires light and company.

* Tonic spasms.

* During Fever has red face and cold body.

* Mania- Violent and religious.

*Epilepsy - Risus sardonicus and quick thrustings of head to right.


* Congestion- Non-inflammatory cerebral excitement.

* Aversion to light and company.

* Clonic spams.

* Has low grade fever and dusky red face.

* Lascivious mania

* Epilepsy - Sparks before eyes, gnawing hunger, during fit, purple face, eyes projecting shreiks, grinding teeth, enuresis followed by snoring.

By.... Dr Asmath Naheeda.


Qureshi > Clinical Materia Medica
1. Tip tip barsa paani....paani ne aag lagai.
- Apis Mell (Urine passes drop by drop causing intense burning)
2. Jiya jale jaan jale..naino tale dhua chale dhua chale...raat bhar dhua chale.
- Sulphur. ( Burning everywhere in body especially at night)
3. Ankho me teri ajab si ajab si adaye hai...
- Euphrasia (Conjunctivitis.)
4. Jo bhi main... kehna chahu...barbaad kare...Alfaz ye ye...
Cicuta virosa (Convulsion while talking)
5. Ankh hai bhari bhari aur tum...muskurane ki baat karte ho...
- Allium cepa ( Lachrymation)
6. Mujhe tumse hai kitne gile...tum itne din baad mile...bolo itne din kya kia...kya kia? Kya kia? Kya kia?
- Sepia (indifference- to her own husband)
7. Kiska hai ye tumko intezar main hoon na..dekhlo idhr to ek baar main hu na..dil chahe jitna pyar utna manglo..tumko milega utna pyar main hu na.
- Causticum (Great sympathy for others)
8. Akhiyo k jharoko se..maine dekha jo samne..tum door nazar aaye...badi door nazar aaye.
Anac. Gelsemium. Stramo. (Vision- objects looks away.)
9. Har kisiko nahi milta yaha pyar zindagi me.
- Antim Crud ( Disappointed love.)

By, Dr. Roshan Singraur-Homeo Learning System
Allahabad, UP


Eosinophila best medicine is Ars iod 30 very effective medicine

-Ponnada Shiv Sankar

-Fatima Fayyaz Ahmed

I cured my with cina 200 twice daily and echinacea q tds
After three weeks go for cbc test again

-M.P. Naga Bhushan

Ars alb 30& gelsmium 30, ceananthus Americana 30. 4 pills 2 time s a day 1months.

In I Love Homeo



Scalp dandruff ( sir ki khushki sikri)
Kali sulph 30
Badiaga 30
TDs 5/5 drop piyen

By Qasim jan-I Love Homeo



🚬Tobacco products are products made entirely or partly of leaf tobacco as raw material, which are intended to be smoked, sucked, chewed or snuffed. All contain the highly addictive psychoactive ingredient, nicotine.

🚬Tobacco use is one of the main risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including cancer, lung diseases, and cardiovascular diseases.

🚬Despite this, it is common throughout the world. A number of countries have legislation restricting tobacco advertising, and regulating who can buy and use tobacco products, and where people can smoke


There are very effective remedies for the bad effects of tobacco smoking

🚬ARSENICUM ALB - - Remove bad effects chewing tobacco.Chilly and restless persons.Thirst for cold things.Nausea and vomiting                        

🚬CALADIUM SEG. -- - Modifies craving for tobacco.Tobacco heart and asthmatic complaints.Antidotes tobacco effects                

🚬CHINA --   Destroys the craving for tobacco.Nervous, flatulent, dyspeptic, persons          

🚬DAPHNE INDICA 6- Removes craving for tobacco.Severe headache and sleeplessness               

🚬IGNATIA AMARA  --Cannot bear tobacco                                     

🚬LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM ----Impotence in tobacco smokers                   

🚬 LOBELIA INFLATA --Cannot bear smell or taste of tobacco           

🚬LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS -Rapid heart action of smokers                                  

🚬MURIATIC ACID -Excessive muscle weakness in tobacco smokers       

🚬NUX VOMICA -Removes craving for tobacco.Acidity headache and nausea in tobacco smokers                                       

🚬PHOSPHORUS -Blindness due to tobacco. Unable to read by candle light.Sexual weakness due to tobacco                  

🚬PLUMBUM ACETICUM --Optic neuritis in tobacco smokers.Diplopia and cloudy vision                           

🚬PLANTAGO MAJOR --Causes an aversion to tobacco.Depression and insomnia of chronic nicotinism       

🚬SEPIA - Neuralgia and dyspepsia of tobacco smokers

🚬TABACUM -Removes craving for tobacco           

🚬SPIGELIA -Heart distress in tobacco smokers     

🚬STROPHANTHUS HISPIDUS -Irritable heart of tobacco smokers    

🚬STAPHYSAGRIA -Craving for tobacco                          


🚬CALCAREA PHOS 6X- Granular sore throat in tobacco smokers

By Visual Gupta -single remedy treating


🔴Causticum is the routine remedy for retention of urine after operation.= Dr. D.M. Foubiser
🔴Nothing equals Hypericum in cases of smashed fingers.= Dr. E.A. Frrington
🔴Hyoscyamus is one of our best remedies for hiccough occurring after operations on the abdomen.= Dr. E.A. Farrington
🔴Hypericum is the main remedy for spinal injuries.= Dr. D.M. Foubister
🔴Berberis Vul. is an excellent remedy for renal colic.= Dr. E. A. Farrington
🔴Cholesterinum is said to be almost specific for gallstone colic.= Dr. Pulford
🔴Colocynthis cures colics again and again.= Dr. T.K. Moore
🔴In biliary colic, Calc. Carb. has never failed me.= Dr. R. Hughes
🔴One’s chief use for Mag. Phos. has been in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea.= Dr. M.L.Tyler
🔴Any haemorrhage seeming to be in sympathy with heart trouble, think of Cactus.= Dr. E.B. Nash
🔴In cramps of the calves, I have never known Cuprum to fail.= Dr. Jousett
🔴In habitual vomiting in babies, one should think of Iris.= Dr. C.G. Raue
🔴For the excessively obstinate child, Tuberculinum is most often indicated.= Dr. D.M. Foubister
🔴I have cured probably 100 cases of Adenoids with Tuberculinium alone.= Dr. J.T. Kent
🔴Persons suffering from ulceration of the lungs can scarcely get well without Kali Carb.=Dr. Hahnemann
🔴There is one remedy in regard to enlarged prostate and that is Hydrangea.= Dr. A.H. Grimmer
🔴For the terrible falling out of hair after Typhoid, Fluoric Acid is well indicated.= Dr. C.M. Boger
🔴I recommend Arnica Mont. as preventive and curative of boils.= Dr. Hahnemann
🔴Nitric Acid is almost specific for diarrhea after antibiotics, especially the mycins.= Dr. E.W. Hubbard
🔴I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali Brom 30.= Dr. J.H. Clarke
🔴Lycopodium is master remedy in infantile Eczema.= Dr. Leon Renard
🔴We have found Bacillinum almost specific for ulceration of cornea in children.= Dr. M.L. Tyler
🔴Several cases of cataract have been arrested in their progress by Causticum and the sight even improved, where before its administration they were rapidly going on to complete blindness.= Drs. Allen and Norton
🔴The more Benzoic Acid is used in Gout the more it will be prized.= Dr. C. Hering
🔴Arthritis deformans responds to Antim Crud. a near specific.= Dr. Schwartz
🔴In Diabetes, 2 or 3 grains of the 3rd trituration of Uran. Nit. Administered morning and night, will in a short time reduce the quantity of urine passed to nearly a normal standard, and after a continual use, the proportion of sugar is materially lessened.= Dr. Bradford
🔴Some of the worst cases of chronic rheumatism have been cured by Ant. Crud., guided by the extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet.= Dr. E.B. Nash
🔴Ipecac. is especially the infant’s friend and is commonly indicated in the bronchitis of infancy.= Dr. J.T. Kent

By Mohammad Omar in Homeo Experiments

Saturday, 13 January 2018



HAIR baldness :  Flouric-ac., Graph., Lyco, Phos., Sep., Sil.,
HAIR falling in patches : ., Calc., Graph., Lyc., phos., sep.

HAIR falling young people : Bar-c., sil.

HAIR brittleness : Ars., bell., fl-ac., kali-c.

HAIR color changes : Kali-i.

HAIR curly, becomes : Mez.

HAIR dryness :  calc., chel., fl-ac., kali-c., med., phos., plb., psor., sec., sulph., Thuj.

HAIR falling, grief, from : Ph-ac.

HAIR falling handfuls, in : Lyc., mez., Phos., sulph.

HAIR falling due to menopause : Sep.

HAIR falling parturition, after : Calc., canth., carb-v., Lyc., nat-m., nit-ac., sep., Sulph.

HAIR falling pregnancy, during : Lach.

HAIR falling spots in : Apis., ars., calc-p., calc., carb-an., Fl-ac., hep., phos., psor.

HAIR falling spots in and comes in white : Vinc.

HAIR falling Forehead : Ars., bell., hep., merc., nat-m., phos., sil.

HAIR falling Occiput, on : Carb-v., chel., petr., sil., staph.

HAIR falling Sides : Bov., graph., kali-c., ph-ac., staph., zinc.

HAIR falling Temples : Calc., kali-c., lyc., merc., nat-m., par., sabin.

HAIR gray, becomes : Ars., graph., kali-i., kali-n., Lyc., op., ph-ac., sec., sil., sul-ac.

HAIR gray becomes in spots : Psor.

HAIR greasy : Bry., Phos-ac.

HAIR lustreless : Fl-ac., kali-n., med., psor., thuj., tub.

HAIR painful when touched : Alum., am-c., ambr., ars., asar., bell., calc., carb-v., carl., chel., chin-s., chin., cinnb., coloc., ferr., fl-ac., hep., kali-i., lac-c., nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-v., phos., puls., Sel., sep., spira., stann., sulph., zinc.

HAIR sticks together : Bor., Mez., nat-m., psor.

HAIR sticks together ends at : Bor.

HAIR tangles easily : Bor., fl-ac., graph., psor., verat., vinc.

Ref.:- Dr.J.T.KENT


My sister had delivery a month back of a premature baby due to which it was unable to suck. And now able but mother not producing milk and had to give tinned there any remedy for this deficiency? Doctors give your valuable feedback.

Agnus castus Q

20-20 drops 3 times after meal in half cup water
Use fruits and milk for 10 days then feedback

By Qasim- I Love Homeo


Stomach Acidity and my clinical experience

Acidity With constipation nausea and vomiting
Carbo veg 30/200
Ipecac 30/200
Nux vomica 200
Tds for 7 days

Acidity with Constipation
Carbo veg 30
Nux vomica 200
Tds for 7 days

Acidity with Nausea and vomiting
Carbo veg 30
Ipecac 30/200
Tds for 7 days

Acidity with loose motion
Carbo veg 30
Nux vomica 200
Merc cor 200
Tds for 7 days

Acidity with dry mouth
Carbo veg 30
Ars alb 30/200
Tds for 7 days
Avoid Spicy food oily rise meat chilli
With the help of ALLAH I cure more than 120 cases

By Qasim -I Love Homeopathy

Friday, 12 January 2018




Simple sensitivity of tooth/teeth cant eat sweets/cant drink cold water calc.phos 6x for one month 1 tab each day superb results within 2-3 day but continue to rebuild damaged dental enamel.Tried and tested many times.

By Rajendar Kumar In I Love Homeo

Homeo Mnemonics

Homeopathic Mnemonics
======================                                                                                                                                                                                                                      AMBRA GRISEA

A =After business embarrassments: unable to sleep.
M =Melancholia: great sadness, sits for days weeping.
B =Bluish = white mucous in leucorrhoea.
R =Reading aloud causes coughing.
A =Anxious from ineffectual desire: the presence of others, even the nurse, is unbearable during stool.


A =Anxious: suspects some one is pursuing.
N =Nervous headache of sedentary persons.
A =All gone sensation in the stomach.
C =Confused by two wills.
A =Apt to choke when eating and drinking.
R =Rectum seems powerless: as if plugged-up.
D =Desire for stool, but ceases with the effort.
I =Irresistible desire to curse and swear.
U =Unfit for business: loss of memory.
M = Memory loss.


A = Aconite of chronic diseases.
L = Leucorrhoea: Acrid and profuse.
U = Undigestible things desire.
M = Menstruation exhausts mentally and physically.
I = Inactivity of rectum: constipation.
N = New moon, full moon aggravation.
A= All irritating things produces cough.


A = Aversion to bathing.
M = Must breathe through mouth : 'snuffles'.
M = Menses : with toothache, colic and sadness.
O = Ozaena : blowing bloody mucus from the nose frequently.
N = Nose bleed when washing the face
I = Ill-humoured during wet stormy weather.
U = Ulceration tends to gangrene
M = membrane (diphtheric ) formation which obstructs the respiration.

C = Cholera-like symptoms at the commencement of menstruation.
A = Adapted to haemorrhagic diathesis: fluid blood and degeneration of RBCs
R = Right sided medicine.
B = Body red as if from scarlatina.


A = Absent minded.
G = Gonorrhoeal history: it's bad effects.
N = Nervous debility: neurasthenia.
U = Undue old-age: premature.
S = Smells: imaginary.

C = Complete impotency.
A = Apathy: adapted to lymphatic constitution.
S = Suppression of milk.
T = Thirstlessness. (Ref. Lippe).
U = Unmarried persons: old-sinners.
S = Sadness; says she will die.


A-Adapted to children who can not bear milk.
E-Expression of pain & anxiety with well marked linea nasalia.
H-Herpetic eruption on end of the nose.
U-Unable to hold up the head, prostration with sleepiness.
S-Spasm with clenched thumb & eyes turned downwards.
A-Agg. after eating & drinking, after stool,after vomiting.See more


T-- Tall,slim,narrow-chested.
U-- Upper lip swollen
B-- Boils on nose
E-- Emaciation,losing flesh while living well..
R-- Red face esp. in afternoon.
C-- Changeability;physical and mental.
U-- Unreasoning terror at medical examination..
L-- Longs fresh air but catches cold easily...
I-- Iirrritable,peevish,fretful....
N-- Nose sweat.
U--Uses foul languages..
M--Mentally deficient children.

Latest I in Clinical Tips


Dr Megha Garg:
Important Rubrics and remedies from authentic repertories for managing winter complaints with homoeopathy

I. Synthesis repertory

HEAD – ERUPTIONS – scales – winter agg. bros-gau.mrc1 Sil.hr1,ka

HEAD – PAIN – winter headaches Aur-m-n.k Bism.k carb-v.bro1 meli.vml3 nux-v.bro1 sabad.bro1 Sil.k SULPH.k,mrr1

NOSE – CORYZA – seasons – winter; in am-c.bg2 ars.bg2 cist.bg2

NOSE – SEASONS – winter; in – agg. am-c. ars. cist.

NOSE – WINTER agg. am-c.k ars.k sulph.ptk1

FACE – ERUPTIONS – urticaria – seasons – winter Kali-i.k

MOUTH – SEASONS – winter – agg. mez.

TEETH – PAIN – winter Acon.k ARS.k bell.k bry.k calc.k carb-v.k caust.k cham.k dulc.k HEP.k hyos.k ign.k MERC.k Nux-m.k NUX-V.k Ph-ac.k Phos.k puls.k RHUS-T.k SIL.k sulph.k

THROAT – INFLAMMATION – winter kali-bi.k2

THROAT – PAIN – winter agg. mez.ptk1

STOMACH – HICCOUGH – winter nit-ac.st1

HEAD – PAIN – winter headaches – alternating with – diarrhea in summer podo.

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – winter asc-t.hr1,k nat-s.k Nit-ac.k

LARYNX AND TRACHEA – CATARRH – winter kali-bi.k2

LARYNX AND TRACHEA – DRYNESS – Larynx – winter, in mez.k

LARYNX AND TRACHEA – INFLAMMATION – Trachea – winter diphtox.jl2

RESPIRATION – ASTHMATIC – winter attacks Carb-v.k Cassia-s.zzc1 Nux-v.k parth.vml3 phel.k

RESPIRATION – DIFFICULT – winter Cassia-s.ccrh1,zzc1

RESPIRATION – SEASONS – winter agg. carb-v.bg2

COUGH – CROUPY – winter – alternating with – sciatica in summer staph.

COUGH – SEASONS – winter; in – old people am-c. ammc. ANT-T. Kreos. psor.

COUGH – SEASONS – winter; in acon.bg2,k am-c.bg2 ant-s-aur.bro1 ant-t.ptk1 ars.h2,k2,kl cham.hr1,k,nh6 Coc-c.k dulc.k eupi.k ichth.br1 kali-bi.k2 kali-c.bg2 kali-m.ptk1 Kreos.hr1,k nat-m.ptk1 Nit-ac.k nux-m.bg2 plan.k Psor.bg2,k,mtf33,nh6 Rumx.k sep.h2,hr1 Stann.bg2,k staph.hr1,k Syph.hr1

COUGH – SPASMODIC – winter ars.k psor.k

COUGH – SEASONS – winter; in acon. am-c. ant-s-aur. ant-t. ars. cham. Coc-c. dulc. eupi. ichth. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-m. Kreos. nat-m. Nit-ac. nux-m. plan. Psor. Rumx. sep. Stann. staph. Syph.

CHEST – ANGINA pectoris – periodical – winter; every mez.bg2

CHEST – CATARRH – winter kali-bi.k2

CHEST – INFLAMMATION – Bronchial tubes – winter; in kali-s.mrr1 morg-p.fmm1,pte1 psor.jl2 sil.mrr1 syc.fmm1,mtf11,pte1

CHEST – PAIN – winter, returning every Arg-met.k Kalm.k

EXTREMITIES – CHILBLAINS – Hands – winter; in gaert.fmm1,pte1

EXTREMITIES – COLDNESS – Leg – winter cassia-s.ccrh1

EXTREMITIES – CRACKED skin – Hands – winter, in alum.k CALC.k,mtf33 calc-s.k2 Cist.k,mrr1 maland.jl2 Merc.k,mtf33 PETR.k Psor.k Sanic.k SEP.k SULPH.k,mtf33

EXTREMITIES – CRACKED skin – Fingers – winter; in Petr.tl1

EXTREMITIES – DISCOLORATION – Hand – blueness – winter, in cupr.k

EXTREMITIES – ERUPTIONS – Joints – winter Merc.k Phos.k Psor.jl2,k Rhus-t.k

EXTREMITIES – ERUPTIONS – Hand – scales – winter agg.; in Petr.k Sep.k

EXTREMITIES – ERUPTIONS – Fingers – Nails, about – winter psor.jl2

EXTREMITIES – ERUPTIONS – Toes – Nails; around – winter psor.jl2

EXTREMITIES – FELON – periodical – winter; every HEP.k

EXTREMITIES – PAIN – Joints – winter calc-p.k Kalm.k

EXTREMITIES – PAIN – Upper limbs – winter, in petr.k

EXTREMITIES – PAIN – Lower limbs – sciatica – summer – winter; with cough in staph.hr1,k

EXTREMITIES – PAIN – Lower limbs – sciatica – winter, in ign.hr1,k

EXTREMITIES – PERSPIRATION – Foot – winter; agg. during arg-n.k Med.al2

EXTREMITIES – SEASONS – winter – agg. – Lower limbs ign.

EXTREMITIES – SEASONS – winter – agg. – Upper limbs Petr. Rhus-t.

DREAMS – WOMEN – underwear; dressed in winter galeoc-c-h.gms1

FEVER – WINTER calc.k carb-v.k chin.k nux-m.k puls.k Rhus-t.k sulph.k verat.k

PERSPIRATION – PROFUSE – winter; during carc.

SKIN – CRACKS – winter; in alum.k CALC.k Calc-s.k CARBN-S.k cist.a Graph.k,mtf33 merc.a PETR.k,mrr1 Psor.k sanic.

Homeo Learning system



Nux Vom

Dreams of accidents cause him to wakeV up from sleep. Sexual dreams with emission every 3rd or 4th day. Broods in a secluded corner. Dreams of coffee or wine drinking.


Dreams of black beasts. Congestion in heart and chest when lying on left side.


Dreams of animals.

Magnesia Mur

When talking and crying out during sleep. Anxious dreams.

Rhus Tox

Dreams of business in typhoid. Dreams of flying through the air.


Dreams of black cats.


Dreams of funerals.


Dreams of graves.


Dreams of dead people. Uneasy sleep with dreams. Of falling from a height; of battles, all due to frequent vaccinations. Give in 1 M dilution.


Dreams that he has been bitten by a dog. Sits on a chamber in dream, causing her to wet bed.


Dreams of fire.

Kali Carb

Dreams of ghosts. Imaginative.  Of misfortunes.


Of spirits.


Frightful dreams of murder; of corpses and dead persons; of being poisoned; of choking; of thieves entering the house thus disturbing sleep. Give in 1 M dilution.


Urinating in dream in a decent manner and wetting the bed at night.


Of weeping with tears. Fearful dreams.


Dreams all night paying anxious and careful attention to his business. Occupied with household affairs in dreams.

Lac Caninum

Dreams of snakes, of urinating and on awaking must hurry to prevent an accident.

China Off

Frequent dreams of vomiting live worms.

Picric Acid

Dreams that she is pregnant.

Arnica M

Full of dreadful dreams, nightmare; dreams of muddy water, robbers etc. Horrors in the night.


Dreams of accidents and fights.


Dreams of nudity and shame.

Mag. Carb

Dreams of fire, flood, robbers, quarrels, money, pleasures, misfortunes, dead persons.


Frightful dreams of hideous objects which come over him as he closes the eyes.


Dreams all night of the same subject.

Natrum Mur

Frightful dreams of robbers, murderers, thieves and fire. Dreams of burning thirst.


Dreams of passing stool.

Crotalus Hor

Horrible dreams of murder, of death, of dead bodies and dead people, of associating with the dead and with corpses, of being in graveyards; even the smell of cadaver is dreamed of. He rises from sleep as in a fright.


Sleep disturbed by awful dreams and attacks of suffocation after having slept for a long time.

Natrum Sulph

Dreams of fighting.

Natrum Phos

Great dreamer; dreams anxious, amorous, of dead people, distressing, of previous events, of fire, frightful, nightmare, pleasant, vexatious and vivid.
   _        Dr.Sarita Bodkhe
             MD Hom.