Saturday, 9 December 2017


Part Number 02 ... FEAR

MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - air amel.; fresh aml-ns. Crot-t. rhus-t. spong. Sulph. zinc.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - alone, amel. by conversation; when rat.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - family; to his ambr. ars. calc-s. calc. carc. caust. phos. psor. sep. tub.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - himself; to ambr. ars. calc-s. calc. carc. caust. phos. psor. sep. tub.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - home; before he got Zing.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - horrible; something ambr. aml-ns. Calc. calen. carc. cupr. cypra-eg. elaps fl-ac. ign. irid-met. lac-e. lappa lyss. mang. med. onos. pall. psor. pyrus Sep. thea
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - husband; that he would never return ars. bar-c. caust. Plat. sep. vanil.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - leaves the room, when someone falco-pe.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will – night Arn. nat-p.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - parents; child is afraid something bad will happen to his phos.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - pollutions; after carb-an.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will – sad aesc. Calc. Phos. STILL.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - still, cannot sit aml-ns.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - terrible is going to happen; something aml-ns. Calc. Calen. carc. cimic. elaps fl-ac. fuma-ac. ign. limest-b. Lyss. med. nit-ac. onos. pall. podo. ruta scut. suis-em. vult-gr.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - unpleasant; something agar. caust. glon. lyss. mag-c. mag-s.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - uterine hemorrhage, in PLAT.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - waking; on lyss.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - warmth of bed amel. Caust. mag-c.
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will Abel. acet-ac. Acon. alum-p. alum. am-c. ambr. aml-ns. anac. androc. anth. apis Arg-n. arge-pl. arn. Ars. aur-m-n. bar-c. bufo cact. CALC. calen. carb-an. Carb-v. carc. cartl-s. CAUST. chel. choc. CIMIC. cocc. Coloc. corn-a. crot-c. crot-t. cypra-eg. dendr-pol. dig. Dulc. Elaps falco-pe. fl-ac. fuma-ac. Gels. graph. ham. hydrog. ign. Iod. irid-met. Kali-ar. Kali-br. kali-c. kali-p. kali-s. kalm. kola Lac-c. lac-e. lac-h. lappa Lil-t. Lyc. Lyss. mag-c. maias-l. Manc. mang. marb-w. Med. melal-alt. merc. mez. moni. mosch. nad. nat-ar. Nat-m. Nat-p. nicc. NUX-V. Oci-sa. Onos. Pall. Ph-ac. PHOS. Plat. plb. plut-n. PSOR. pyrus rat. rhus-t. Ruta sacch-a. sanic. scut. spong. still. stront-c. stry. suis-em. sul-i. suprar. SYMPH. tab. tarent. thea Tritic-vg. TUB. urol-h. vanil. wye. xan.
MIND - FEAR - harmed, that others should be caust.
MIND - FEAR - head - something wrong in her head bamb-a.
MIND - FEAR - head - water; to have the head under calc. puls. stram.
MIND - FEAR - health - loved persons; about health of carc. Cocc. hep. merc. succ-ac.
MIND - FEAR - health - ruined, that she has Agn. calc. chel. staph.
MIND - FEAR – health eric-vg. miml-g. morg-p.
MIND - FEAR - heart - arising from aur. lyc. meny. merc-c. mez.
MIND - FEAR - heart - cease to beat unless constantly on the move; heart will both-a. both-ax. Gels. lach.
MIND - FEAR - heart - disease of the heart – night arn.
MIND - FEAR - heart - disease of the heart - organic disease; of Apis Aur. calc. Spong.
MIND - FEAR - heart - disease of the heart - stop; heart will - fright; from lac-cp.
MIND - FEAR - heart - disease of the heart - stop; heart will - sleep; during cassia-s.
MIND - FEAR - heart - disease of the heart - stop; heart will both-a. coca dig. GELS. lac-c. lach. tritic-vg. vib.
MIND - FEAR - heart - disease of the heart acon. aml-ns. arg-n. arn. ars. Aur. bapt. cact. calc-p. calc-s. Calc. caust. cupr. daph. fum. germ-met. hed. hydrog. Kali-ar. lac-c. lach. Lil-t. lob. meny. mez. nat-m. nux-m. Phos. plac. podo. psor. rhus-t. ruta sars. sin-n. Spong. tarent.
MIND - FEAR - heart - pain about heart; from daph.
MIND - FEAR - heat - during - cold; during a sulph.
MIND - FEAR - heat – during acon. Ars. cact. cham. nux-m. spong.
MIND - FEAR - heat – from chen-a. hyos. lyss.
MIND - FEAR - hell; of manc.
MIND - FEAR - high places, of - others on; seeing Sulph.
MIND - FEAR - high places, of - pushed by someone behind him; might be aids.
MIND - FEAR - high places, of abies-c. aeth. aids. aloe Arg-n. ars. Aur-m-n. aur-s. aur. bell. calc-ar. calc-f. calc-p. calc. carb-an. carb-v. Carc. caust. cob-n. coca con. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. gels. hep. hyos. hyper. kali-p. lach. lyc. manc. med. merc. morg-g. nat-m. oncor-t. petr-ra. phos. pin-con. plut-n. psor. ptel. puls. rhod. sil. staph. stram. sulph. thuj. zinc.
MIND - FEAR - homosexuality; of hydr-ac. manc. musca-d. Puls. Staph.
MIND - FEAR - horror movies; of calc.
MIND - FEAR - horses; of hydr-ac.
MIND - FEAR - hospital; going to the arg-n. calc. kali-s.
MIND - FEAR - humiliated, of being Carc. falco-pe. nat-m. nux-v. puls. Sep. staph.
MIND - FEAR - hungry, when grat. iod.
MIND - FEAR - hurry followed by fear benz-ac.
MIND - FEAR - hurt, of being – emotionally carc. chin.
MIND - FEAR - hurt, of being Arn. carc. chin. hep. kali-c. lap-la. nat-m. Rhus-t. ruta spig. symph. vanil.
MIND - FEAR - hydrocephalus, in Zinc.
MIND - FEAR - imaginary - animals, of BELL.
MIND - FEAR - imaginary - things; of imaginary acon. ars. bad. BELL. brom. calc-sil. cham. chin. dros. Hell. hydr-ac. hyos. iod. laur. lyc. MED. merc. nat-c. Phos. rhus-t. Sabad. sep. STRAM. verat. zinc.
MIND - FEAR - imbecile, to become stram.
MIND - FEAR - impotence; of - old people; in phos. stry.
MIND - FEAR - impotence; of nat-m. onos. pitu. rhod. tritic-vg.
MIND - FEAR - impulses; of his own alum. androc. germ-met. merc. osm. sulph.
MIND - FEAR - inevitable things cob.
MIND - FEAR - infection, of aids. Borx. bov. bufo calad. CALC. carc. falco-pe. galla-q-r. lach. positr. psor. sulph. Syph.
MIND - FEAR - injury - being injured; of - dark; in valer.
MIND - FEAR - injury - being injured; of - sewing; when sep.
MIND - FEAR - injury - being injured; of anthraq. arn. ars. calad. calc-s. cann-i. carc. cartl-s. chin. choc. Cimic. crot-c. cupr-act. falco-pe. fuma-ac. gels. hep. hyos. kali-br. kali-c. kola lyss. mag-c. oxal-a. phasco-ci. rhus-g. ruta sep. spig. staph. STRAM. Stry. suis-pan. symph. valer. vanil.
MIND - FEAR - injury - others; of injuring - himself; for fear of being hurt nat-m.
MIND - FEAR - injury - others; of injuring androc. arg-n. osm-o.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - chorea; in sumb.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - crying; with Puls.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - evening - bed; in falco-pe. nat-m.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - fright; after Ign. stram.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - headache; with - vertex; in cimic.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - headache; with ambr.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - menopause; during Cimic.
MIND - FEAR - insanity – night calc. manc. Merc. phys.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - repose, he must always move; if he wants to ars. iod.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - restlessness and heat; with CHEL.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - senses; of losing one's alum. calc. cann-i. carb-an. chlor. Kola stram.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - typhoid; after Manc.
MIND - FEAR - insanity - vertigo; with Phys.
MIND - FEAR – insanity acon. agar. alum-p. alum-sil. Alum. Alumn. ambr. anac. antip. aq-mar. arg-n. ars-i. ars. bov. bry. cact. Calc-ar. calc-i. calc-s. CALC. CANN-I. Cann-xyz. carb-an. carbn-s. Carc. Chel. chlor. chord-umb. Cimic. cupr. cypra-eg. dendr-pol. Dig. Eup-per. falco-pe. gels. Graph. guare. haliae-lc. Hell. hydrog. ign. iod. irid-met. kali-bi. Kali-br. kali-c. Kali-s. Lac-c. Lac-e. lac-h. lach. lat-m. laur. levo. lil-s. Lil-t. limest-b. Lyss. mag-c. maias-l. malar. MANC. med. Merc. merl. mosch. mur-ac. Nat-m. Nux-v. ol-j. Phos. phys. pin-con. plat. prun-cf. psor. PULS. rhod. sanic. sec. Sep. spong. Staph. Stram. sul-i. sulph. sumb. syph. taosc. tarent. thuj. verat.
MIND - FEAR - insects; of ABEL. ars. bufo calc-ar. Calc. carc. cartl-s. cimic. lyc. Nat-m. nat-p. phos. puls. sulph.
MIND - FEAR - insensible; of becoming lyc. nux-v. sulph.
MIND - FEAR – invalidity ign.
MIND - FEAR - jarred; of being arn.
MIND - FEAR - job, to lose his lucrative calc. ign. puls. rhus-t. sep. staph. sulph. verat.
MIND - FEAR - joints are weak, that sep.
MIND - FEAR - jumps - bed from fear; out of - typhoid fever; during chlol.
MIND - FEAR - jumps - bed from fear; out of Ars. BELL. stann.
MIND - FEAR - jumps - touch, on bell.
MIND - FEAR - jumps - window, out of the ars. hir.
MIND - FEAR - killing, of - child; her ars. coff. manc. merc. Nux-v. rhus-t. sep. sil. Sulph. thea
MIND - FEAR - killing, of - knife, with a ars. der. Nux-v.
MIND - FEAR - killing, of absin. alum. alumn. am-m. arg-n. Ars. Chin. der. Hyos. kali-br. med. merc. Nux-v. Rhus-t. sulph. thea
MIND - FEAR - knives; of alum. ars. chin. coff. hyos. lac-c. lys. lyss. merc. nux-v. Plat. symph.
MIND - FEAR - labor – after iod.
MIND - FEAR - labor – during acon. ars. coff. Op. plat.
MIND - FEAR - labor - of – approaching cimic. gels. puls.
MIND - FEAR - labor – of borx. kali-c.
MIND - FEAR - laughed at and mocked at; being calc.
MIND - FEAR - life; of embracing dioxi. lac-h.
MIND - FEAR – lifelong am-c. am-m. calc. Carc. lyc. petr. puls. sil. stann. sulph. zinc.
MIND - FEAR - lightning, of bell. cycl. dig. gard-j. lach. phos. phys. sil. taosc.
MIND - FEAR - liquids; of - thirst; with agn. am-c. androc. arn. ars. ARUM-T. Bell. cann-i. Canth. Caust. Cocc. Hell. Hyos. jatr-c. lac-c. Lach. Lyc. lyss. merc. nat-m. Nux-v. rhus-t. samb. sel. Stram. tarent.
MIND - FEAR - liver, in affections of Mag-m. podo.
MIND - FEAR - looking - before her, when sulph.
MIND - FEAR - looking - first thing he sees; fear looking at the stram.
MIND - FEAR - losing objects; of irid-met.
MIND - FEAR - losing one's way home; of cassia-s.
MIND - FEAR - loss; of suffering a RUTA tritic-vg.
MIND - FEAR - lung disease; of anh. Aral. arg-n. podo.
MIND - FEAR - lying - amel. mang-act.
MIND - FEAR - lying - bed; in - lest she die mosch.
MIND - FEAR - lying - bed; in androc. falco-pe. kali-c.
MIND - FEAR - Lyme disease ars. bor-pur. calc. sulph. syph.
MIND:  FEAR :- lyzard . Ferm Phoc
MIND - FEAR - mammae; lumps in bamb-a.
MIND - FEAR - mania; in - fright; after ign. plat. stram.
MIND - FEAR - mania; in bell. cupr. sec. stram.
MIND - FEAR - manual labor, after iod.
MIND - FEAR - Martians; of manc.
MIND - FEAR - medical examinations; of ant-t. phos. puls. sanic. tub.
MIND - FEAR - medicine - poison; being hyos.
MIND - FEAR - medicine - selecting remedies, when crot-h.
MIND - FEAR - medicine - taking too much medicine; fear of all-s. iber. ruta
MIND - FEAR - medicine - unable to bear any kind of; of being all-s. carc.
MIND - FEAR – medicine falco-pe.
MIND - FEAR - men; of [= male persons] acon. ambr. anac. aur. bar-c. bell. cic. con. Hyos. kali-bi. lach. lyc. merc. nat-c. PULS. rhus-t. sel. stann. sulph. tritic-vg.
MIND - FEAR - men; of [old rubric] bar-m. choc. dream-p. ign. marb-w. phos. Plat. sep. sinus. stram. sulph.
MIND - FEAR - menses - after - closing the eyes  thuj.
MIND - FEAR - menses – after Pall. Phos.
MIND - FEAR - menses – before Acon. borx. calc. con. hep. kali-bi. kali-br. mang. pitu-a. plat. sec. sep. sulph. xan.
MIND - FEAR - menses - during - menstrual colic, during ant-t.
MIND - FEAR - menses – during acon. bell. cina Coff. con. IGN. Lach. mag-c. manc. Nat-m. nux-m. nux-v. oena. op. Ph-ac. phos. plat. rhus-t. sec. sep. staph. sulph. verat.
MIND - FEAR - menses - suppressed menses from fear acon. act-sp. Calc. Lyc. Nux-m.
MIND - FEAR - menses - suppressed menses; fear from Cocc.
MIND - FEAR - mental exertion - after mental exertion calc-sil.
MIND - FEAR - mental exertion - amel. falco-pe.
MIND - FEAR - mental exertion - of mental exertion - literary work aloe lyc. Nux-v. Sil. sulph.
MIND - FEAR - mental exertion - of mental exertion - literary work – morning nux-v.
MIND - FEAR - mental exertion - of mental exertion calc-p. con. graph. nat-p. ph-ac. pic-ac.
MIND - FEAR - mice - waking; on colch.
MIND - FEAR – mice calc-f. CALC. carc. cupr. mag-m. pot-e. puls. sep.
MIND - FEAR - mirrors in room, of - lest he should see himself camph.
MIND - FEAR - mirrors in room, of bufo camph. cann-i. Canth. carbn-s. carc. Lyss. puls. Stram.
MIND - FEAR - mischief; he might do - night - waking; on canth. Phys.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - afternoon - 14 h hura
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of – afternoon castm. hura tab.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - air amel.; open calc-s.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - chilliness, during cycl.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of – daytime phel.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - evening - bed; in - amel. mag-c.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of – evening ferr. nat-m.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of – forenoon am-c.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - heat, during atro. cycl.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - hysteria, weeping amel. Aster.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - losing something of great value sec.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of – morning am-c. mag-s.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - noon - 15 h; until astac.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - play; in phel.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - twilight; in caust.
MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of acon. agar. alco. alum-p. alum. alumn. am-c. ambr. aml-ns. Ammc. Anac. ant-c. arn. ars-i. ars. asaf. aster. atro. aur-m. aur. bamb-a. bar-c. bell. bros-gau. bry. bufo cact. calad. calc-f. calc-i. calc-p. calc-s. Calc. camph. caps. carb-v. carbn-s. carc. castm. Caust. cham. chin. CHININ-S. cic. cina Clem. cocc. coff. colch. croc. crot-h. crot-t. cupr. cycl. dig. digin. dros. ferr-ar. ferr-p. ferr. fl-ac. genist. gins. glon. Graph. Hell. hep. hura hydr-ac. ign. Iod. ip. kali-i. kali-p. lach. laur. lil-t. lipp. lyss. mag-c. mag-s. mang. MED. meny. merc-c. Merc. mez. mur-ac. naja Nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. nicc. NUX-V. petr. phel. phos. PSOR. Puls. rhus-t. rumx. sabad. sabin. sanic. sec. sil. spong. stram. sul-i. sulph. tab. tarent. valer. verat. vichy-g. vinc. wye. zinc.
MIND - FEAR - mistakes; of making cob. coca-c. crot-c. lac-ac. lac-h. vanil.
MIND - FEAR - monomania; religious lach.
MIND - FEAR - monsters; of - dark; in the - not in the dark; in light and lac-c.
MIND - FEAR - monsters; of - dark; in the med.
MIND - FEAR - monsters; of lac-c. med. tarent.
MIND - FEAR - moral obliquity - alternating with - sexual excitement lil-t.
MIND - FEAR - moral obliquity lil-t. manc.
MIND - FEAR - morning - bed, in lyc. nux-v.
MIND - FEAR - morning - rising, on arg-n.
MIND - FEAR - morning - until evening sul-ac.
MIND - FEAR - morning - waking, on alum-sil. arn. kali-ar. puls.
MIND - FEAR – morning alum. anac. arg-n. ars. carb-an. carb-v. carbn-s. caust. chin. Graph. ign. ip. led. Lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mur-ac. nicc. nit-ac. Nux-v. phos. plat. puls. rhus-t. sep. sul-ac. Verat.
MIND - FEAR - motion, of - cough; lest it brings on bry. cina
MIND - FEAR - motion, of Bry. calad. chel. gels. hyos. mag-p. mur-ac.
MIND - FEAR - multiple sclerosis; of ars.
MIND - FEAR - murdered, of being absin. ars. caps. Cimic. lac-h. op. phos. Plat. plb. rhus-t. staph. stram. tab.
MIND - FEAR - music, from Acon. Ambr. bar-c. bufo cocc. dig. Nat-c. nat-s. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. Sabin. sulph. tarent. thuj.
MIND - FEAR - narrow place, in - trains and closed places; fear of acon. aids. arg-n. bar-c. cimic. dys. ferr. ham. nat-m. puls. succ-xyz. succ. tritic-vg. vanil.
MIND - FEAR - narrow place, in - vaults, churches and cellars; fear of Ars. bry. Calc. carb-an. carc. caust. dulc. dys. nat-s. Puls. sep. stram. tritic-vg.
MIND - FEAR - narrow place, in abies-c. absin. ACON. aids. ambr. ant-c. aran-sc. aran. ARG-N. ars. Aur-m-n. Bamb-a. bry. Calc. carb-an. carc. chinin-ar. chlam-tr. cimic. cocc. coli. dirc. dys. falco-pe. ferr. ham. Ign. ignis-alc. kali-ar. kali-c. Lac-d. lach. lavand-a. Lyc. lyss. manc. med. morg-g. morg. nat-m. nat-s. nat-sil. nux-m. nux-v. pert-vc. petr-ra. pin-con. plb. positr. psor. Puls. ruta sep. sil. stann. staph. staphycoc. STRAM. succ. suis-pan. sulph. tab. til. Tritic-vg. valer. vanil. vult-gr.
MIND - FEAR - nausea; after - sitting; while tarax.
MIND - FEAR - nausea; after ANT-T. calc. NUX-V. tab.
MIND - FEAR - near; of those standing bell.
MIND - FEAR - neglected, of being - wife; by his musca-d.
MIND - FEAR - neglected, of being aur-s. crot-c. PSOR. PULS. thuj.
MIND - FEAR – nervous Kali-p. Scut.
MIND - FEAR - new enterprise; of undertaking a aster. Aur-m-n. aur-s. bar-c. lyc. plb. Sil. stront-c.
MIND - FEAR - new persons, of lyc. stront-c.
MIND - FEAR - night - children; in borx. calc-s. Carc. cina kali-br. kali-p. tub.
MIND - FEAR - night - flee; with desire to merc.
MIND - FEAR - night - grief; with Merc.
MIND - FEAR - night - intestinal spasms; from Op.
MIND - FEAR - night - lie in bed; cannot Rhus-t. syph.
MIND - FEAR - night - meningitis; during tubercular Tub.
MIND - FEAR - night - midnight - after - 3 h ARS. kali-c.
MIND - FEAR - night - midnight – after ign. mang. rat.
MIND - FEAR - night – midnight con. manc.
MIND - FEAR - night - sleep; on going to cob-n.
MIND - FEAR - night - waking, after aesc. cann-i. carb-v. coca-c. con. lach. lyc. maias-l. phos. samb. spong. toxi.
MIND - FEAR – night abel. acon. agar. am-c. arn. Ars-s-f. Ars. aur-ar. aur. Bell. Borx. bung-fa. calc-ar. Calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. CAMPH. carb-an. Carb-v. Carbn-s. Carc. caust. cham. Chin. chinin-ar. chlol. cina cocc. colch. con. Crot-c. dros. dulc. eup-per. gard-j. graph. hep. ign. ip. Kali-ar. Kali-br. kali-c. kali-p. kali-s. kola Lach. lyc. mag-c. maias-l. manc. Merc. nat-c. Nat-m. Nat-p. nit-ac. op. paeon. ph-ac. phos. psor. Puls. rat. RHUS-T. rob. sanic. scut. sil. sol-ni. spong. stann. stram. Sulph. suprar. tab. thea tritic-vg. tub. verat. zinc-p. zinc.
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - door – at Aur. cic. Lyc.
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - door - moving in the dark ozone
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - menses; during carc.
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - night - pollution; after aloe
MIND - FEAR - noise, from – night bar-c. Caust. Nat-s. oxal-a.
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - rattling - newspaper; of calad.
MIND - FEAR - noise, from – rattling aloe
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - rushing water; of bell. canth. hyos. LYSS. STRAM. sulph.
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - slight noise - pollutions; after aloe
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - slight noise aur.
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - street, in bar-c. Caust.
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - sudden, of Borx. Cocc. lac-h. limest-b. ruta
MIND - FEAR - noise, from - unusual; of borx.
MIND - FEAR - noise, from acon. aloe alum. Ant-c. Asar. Aur. bar-c. Bell. Borx. calad. calc-p. cann-s. Caust. Cham. chel. chin. cic. Cocc. coff. dulc. ferr. hipp. hura ign. kali-c. Lyc. mag-m. med. mosch. nat-c. Nat-s. nit-ac. nux-v. oxal-a. Phos. Ruta sabad. sil. sulph. tab. tanac. tarent. ther. zinc.
MIND - FEAR - noon - 12-15 h aster.
MIND - FEAR – noon zinc.
MIND - FEAR - nose - cut off; of having the nose ars.
MIND - FEAR - observed; of her condition being - morning - bed; in falco-pe.
MIND - FEAR - observed; of her condition being ambr. anthraq. aq-mar. atro. bamb-a. CALC. chel. choc. germ-met. limest-b. marb-w. sal-fr. sanguis-s. taosc.
MIND - FEAR - occupation, of lyc. sel. sil.
MIND - FEAR - ocean - power of the galeoc-c-h.
MIND - FEAR – ocean galeoc-c-h.
MIND - FEAR - offended, of being puls.
MIND - FEAR - offending his associates tus-fa.
MIND - FEAR - old; of getting lach. lyc. marb-w. sep.
MIND - FEAR - open spaces; fear of - menopause; during Glon.
MIND - FEAR - open spaces; fear of Acon. Anth. Arg-n. Arn. ars. bar-c. Calc. carc. crot-h. ferr. glon. hydr-ac. hydr. hyos. kali-bi. Kali-p. lac-c. levo. lyc. lyss. merc. morg. nux-v. phos. prot. puls. ser-a-c. stram. succ-ac. tab. visc.
MIND - FEAR - operation, of each aeth. calc. phos.
MIND - FEAR - opinion of others, of AMBR. ars. aur-m-n. bar-c. bar-s. calc. cygn-be. Germ-met. nux-v. ozone prot. puls. thuj.
MIND - FEAR - ordeals, of Arg-n. arn. ars. carb-v. Gels. kali-br. lys. lyss. Stroph-h. thuj.
MIND - FEAR - osteoporosis, of calc.
MIND - FEAR - pain - during - Abdomen; in bism.
MIND - FEAR - pain – during acon. carc. dulc. merc-br. RUTA sars. tritic-vg.
MIND - FEAR - pain - of the pain - distracted from pain; that she will become all-c.
MIND - FEAR - pain - of the pain - unbearable; that the pain will become all-c. carc.
MIND - FEAR - pain - of the pain all-c. ARN. aur. bry. calc. clem. coff. cor-r. cori-r. der. eup-per. lil-t. lyc. phos. pip-m. pip-n. Ruta Spong. tritic-vg. vanil.
MIND - FEAR - palpitation, with abel. Acon. alum. aur-m. ferr. hydrog. Merc. nat-m. nit-ac. Op. Puls. spong. tritic-vg. Vanil.
MIND - FEAR - paralysis, of Anac. arn. asaf. bapt. bell. dulc. kali-p. nux-m. syph.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - behind him might hit him; fear that people alum.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - being alone; yet fear of ars. clem. con. kali-br. lyc. sep. stram. tarent.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - children, in - fever, during cupr.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - children, in BAR-C. carb-v. caust. cham. Lyc.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - confidence in; from loss of cic.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - contempt for; with cic.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - fever; during con. hyos. Puls.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - menses; during carc. con.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - shuns the foolishness of cic.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - stool – before ambr.
MIND - FEAR - people; of - stool - complaints of stool; with ambr.
MIND - FEAR - people; of acet-ac. Acon. aloe alum-p. alum. am-m. ambr. Anac. Anh. Arist-cl. ars-i. ars-s-f. ars. aur-ar. aur-i. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Aur. bar-act. Bar-c. bar-i. bar-s. bell. bufo-s. calc-i. calc. camph. carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-s. Caust. chin. Cic. cocc. Con. crot-h. crot-t. cupr. cycl. dig. dios. dream-p. dros. ferr-ar. ferr-p. ferr. fl-ac. gard-j. gels. granit-m. graph. hep. hydrc. HYOS. hypoth. ign. Iod. Kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-br. Kali-c. kali-i. kali-p. kali-s. ketogl-ac. lach. Led. LYC. M-aust. meli. merc. musca-d. Nat-ar. NAT-C. Nat-m. nat-s. phos. Plat. Puls. rhus-g. RHUS-T. sel. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. sul-i. sulph. tab. til. vult-gr.
MIND - FEAR - perspiration, with - cold perspiration ars.
MIND - FEAR - perspiration, with acon. ars. Bell. Calc. carc. caust. Cham. kali-i. lach. lyc. nux-v. Petr. Phos. puls. sabad. samb. sep. Spong. sulph.
MIND - FEAR - piano, when at Kali-br. Phos.
MIND - FEAR - pins; of Alum. Apis ars. bov. lac-f. merc. nat-m. plat. SIL. SPIG. symph.
MIND - FEAR - pitied, of being chin. nat-m.
MIND - FEAR - pneumonia – during acon.
MIND - FEAR - pneumonia - of pneumonia; fear chel.
MIND - FEAR - poisoned - being poisoned; fear of - aluminium; by alum.
MIND - FEAR - poisoned - being poisoned; fear of – night ars-met.
MIND - FEAR - poisoned - being poisoned; fear of all-s. anac. apis arge-och. ars-met. Ars. aur. bapt. Bell. bry. cimic. dros. euph. falco-pe. glon. HYOS. ign. kali-bi. Kali-br. Lach. lyss. maias-l. meli. nat-m. oxal-a. ph-ac. phos. plb. RHUS-T. stram. verat-v. Verat.
MIND - FEAR - poisoned - has been euph. glon. hyos.
MIND - FEAR - poisoned - mania, in puerperal Verat-v.
MIND - FEAR - pollutions, after aloe carb-an. petr.
MIND - FEAR - poverty, of - spending money in order not to be short of it in future; fear of Nux-v. spong. stann.
MIND - FEAR - poverty, of agath-a. aids. ambr. ars. bamb-a. borx. BRY. Calc-f. calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. chinin-s. chir-fl. chlor. cit-ac. coca-c. dream-p. dulc. falco-pe. gink-b. graph. hydrog. iris kali-c. kali-s. lach. meli. merc. moni. nit-ac. nux-v. phasco-ci. positr. Psor. puls. sec. Sep. sil. spong. staph. suis-em. sulph. syph. tritic-vg.
MIND - FEAR - pregnant; of getting Sep.
MIND - FEAR - problems of my proximate friends; to be mixed with the – afternoon gard-j.
MIND - FEAR - process, of a Nit-ac.
MIND - FEAR - processions, in stram.
MIND - FEAR - prolapse; of - Anus; of ign. nit-ac.
MIND - FEAR - prolapse; of - Uterus; of Lil-t.
MIND - FEAR - pulsation; of - body; in carb-v.
MIND - FEAR - pulsation; of - Head; in aml-ns.
MIND - FEAR - punishment; of – child camph.
MIND - FEAR - punishment; of – divine crot-c.
MIND - FEAR - punishment; of calc. carc. moni. olib-sac. plb. tritic-vg.
MIND - FEAR - putrefy, body will bell.
MIND - FEAR - rage, to fly into a calc. chin. Nux-v. staph.
MIND - FEAR - rail, of going by bar-c. ferr. puls.
MIND - FEAR - rain, of calc. cor-r. dulc. Elaps gard-j. lap-la. naja
MIND - FEAR – rats absin. bell. calc-ar. CALC. cimic. hyos. olib-sac. op. phos. sep.
MIND - FEAR - recover, he will not - menopause; during sars.
MIND - FEAR - recover, he will not all-s. ant-t. carc. falco-pe. hep. ruta
MIND - FEAR – recurrent arn. ars. carc. cham. cocc. nat-c. nat-m. phos. plat. sep. spong. sulph.
MIND - FEAR - red, anything Alum.
MIND - FEAR - rejection; of aur-m-n. Aur. carc. Ign. kali-c. lac-c. Mag-c. mag-m. Nat-m. plat. Staph. thuj.
MIND - FEAR - reproaches; of camph. caps. carc. dig. nux-v. plb.
MIND - FEAR - reptiles; of calc-s.
MIND - FEAR - respiration; of – painful viol-o.
MIND - FEAR - respiration; of bell. osm.
MIND - FEAR - respiratory disease; of a lac-c. lob.
MIND - FEAR - responsibility - much responsibility; of too carc.
MIND - FEAR – responsibility arg-n. ars. aur. kali-p. lyc. sil.
MIND - FEAR - riding in a carriage, when - closed carriage and being obliged to jump out; in a cimic. succ.
MIND - FEAR - riding in a carriage, when acon. androc. arg-n. ars. aur. Borx. bry. carc. cocc. cupr. dulc. falco-pe. gins. Lach. lipp. mag-m. nat-m. olib-sac. pitu-a. Psor. sanic. SEP. staph. succ. vanil.
MIND - FEAR - ringing at the door; from Lyc.
MIND - FEAR - roasted, to be stram.
MIND - FEAR - robbers, of - night - midnight - waking; on ars. Ign. nat-m. sulph.
MIND - FEAR - robbers, of – night cupr. dulc. lach. sanic.
MIND - FEAR - robbers, of - waking, on merc. nat-m. sil.
MIND - FEAR - robbers, of agar. alum. anac. aq-mar. Arg-n. arizon-l. ARS. aur-s. aur. bell. Con. crot-c. dulc. elaps Ign. kali-p. lac-del. lac-h. Lach. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. maias-l. Merc. moni. nat-c. NAT-M. Phos. plut-n. positr. psor. puls. sal-fr. sanic. sil. sol-t-ae. stront-c. sulph. tritic-vg. verat. zinc-p. Zinc.
MIND - FEAR - room, on entering - air amel.; open Bry.
MIND - FEAR - room, on entering alum. hydr-ac. lyc. plat. til. Valer.
MIND - FEAR - run against something; to arg-met. tarent.
MIND - FEAR - run over; fear of being - going out; on anth. hydr-ac. lyss. op. PHOS.
MIND - FEAR - sadness, with am-m. cic. croc. Crot-h. Dig. hep. Kali-br. kali-c. KALI-I. lyc. Nat-m. plat. Plb. rhus-t. syph. tab. vinc.
MIND - FEAR - scorpions; of abel. op.
MIND - FEAR - sea; of the Morb.
MIND - FEAR - self-control, of losing alum. Arg-n. bamb-a. cann-i. crot-c. Cupr-act. cupr. cypra-eg. des-ac. GELS. germ-met. Merc. mur-ac. nux-v. ozone rhod. Staph. sulph. thea thuj.
MIND - FEAR - senses; with exalted state of lyss.
MIND - FEAR - separation; of - children; from calc. phos. puls.
MIND - FEAR - separation; of - friends; from lac-c.
MIND - FEAR - separation; of - husband; from ign. puls. sep. staph.
MIND - FEAR - separation; of - parents; from lac-ac. puls.
MIND - FEAR - separation; of - partner; from galeoc-c-h.
MIND - FEAR - serious thoughts, of crot-h. plat.
MIND - FEAR - sex; of opposite kali-p. lac-f. puls. sep. staph.
MIND - FEAR - sexual – assault musca-d.
MIND - FEAR - shadows - candlelight; thrown by calc.
MIND - FEAR - shadows - his own shadow; of acon. calad. Calc. lyc. staph.
MIND - FEAR – shadows acon. Calc. caust. med. phos. staph. xan.
MIND - FEAR - sharks; of nat-lac. nat-m.
MIND - FEAR - shivering from fear GELS. granit-m. hydrog.
MIND - FEAR - sighing, with ip. Rhus-t.
MIND - FEAR - sin; of manc.
MIND - FEAR - sitting amel. iod.
MIND - FEAR - sleep – before acon. arg-n. calad. calc. carb-v. chir-fl. cob-n. gels. lac-h. nat-c. Rhus-t. sars.
MIND - FEAR - sleep - close the eyes lest he should never wake; fear to aeth. ang. hypoth. plac.
MIND - FEAR - sleep - go to sleep; fear to - dark; in the caust.
MIND - FEAR - sleep - go to sleep; fear to – night cob-n.
MIND - FEAR - sleep - go to sleep; fear to - pain; because of increasing lach.
MIND - FEAR - sleep - go to sleep; fear to aeth. apis bapt. cadm-s. calad. calc-sil. calc. camph. cench. coff. dig. grin. Hydr-ac. kali-s. Lach. Led. med. merc. nat-m. Nux-m. nux-v. Rhus-t. Sabal Syph. thea
MIND - FEAR - sleep - jerking on falling asleep; from sabal
MIND - FEAR - sleep - lack of; of daph.
MIND - FEAR - sleep - loss of sleep; from cocc. corv-cor. Nit-ac. tritic-vg.
MIND - FEAR - sleep - never sleep again, he will Ign.
MIND - FEAR - sleeplessness; of op.
MIND - FEAR - smallpox, of Vac. vario.
MIND - FEAR - snakes, of Abel. arg-n. ars. bell. calc-s. calc. carc. Elaps hep. ign. LAC-C. lac-f. Lach. lob. nat-m. puls. ruta sep. spig. sulph. syph. urol-h.
MIND - FEAR - social position; about his chel. ign. Lyc. sep. staph. verat.
MIND - FEAR - sold; of being bell. bry. Hyos. lyss. rhus-t.
MIND - FEAR - solitude, of act-sp. ars-s-f. Ars. berb. cadm-s. Carc. lyc. stram. vanil.
MIND - FEAR - spiders, of - children; in carc.
MIND - FEAR - spiders, of Abel. calc. carc. cupr. ign. lac-c. lec. mag-m. nat-m. phos. puls. sep. sil. stram. tarent.
MIND - FEAR - spoken to, when Kali-br. sep.
MIND - FEAR - starting, with bar-c. bell. calc-p. carc. Hyos. kali-br. nit-ac. Op. phos. stram. Verat.
MIND - FEAR - starving, of ars. Bry. calc. grat. kali-m. lap-la. op. Sep. staph. sulph. tritic-vg.
MIND - FEAR - stomach - arising from adon. asaf. Aur. bry. Calc. Cann-s. canth. carc. Dig. euph. euphr. hydrog. Kali-c. Lyc. MEZ. Phos. positr. thuj.
MIND - FEAR - stomach - ulcer in, of ign. nat-m. sabad.
MIND - FEAR - stool – after calc. caust. kali-c. nit-ac.
MIND - FEAR - stool - complaints of stool; with ambr. caust.
MIND - FEAR - stool - dark stool and urine, with urging for ozone
MIND - FEAR - stool - involuntary stool; of - flatus or urinating; when passing aloe carb-v. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. olnd. ph-ac. podo. sulph. verat.
MIND - FEAR - stool - involuntary stool; of - green, gushing, exhausting verat.
MIND - FEAR - stool - involuntary stool; of - hemorrhoids; with ozone
MIND - FEAR - stool - involuntary stool; of phos. sep.
MIND - FEAR - stool - painful - children; in nux-v. sulph.
MIND - FEAR - stool - passing; on account of pain sulph.
MIND - FEAR - stoppage of circulation; with sensation of – night Lyc.
MIND - FEAR - strange fears arg-n.
MIND - FEAR - strange places; of carc.
MIND - FEAR - strangers, of - children; in bar-c. cupr. lach.
MIND - FEAR - strangers, of - menses – during con.
MIND - FEAR - strangers, of ambr. Arn. aur-m-n. Bar-c. bufo cadm-s. Carb-v. carc. caust. Con. Cupr. dys. ign. kali-p. lach. lyc. plb. puls. rhod. sil. Spong. stram. stront-c. stry. Thuj. tub.
MIND - FEAR - strangled, to be PLAT.
MIND - FEAR - streets - busy streets; of Acon. bar-c. carc. caust. PSOR.
MIND - FEAR - struck - approaching him; of being struck by those ARN. bell. ign. kali-c. lach. stram. thuj.
MIND - FEAR - struck - walking behind him, by those alum.
MIND - FEAR - subways; of ACON.
MIND - FEAR - sudden - followed by - diabetes mellitus op.
MIND - FEAR - sudden - followed by – grief ign.
MIND - FEAR - sudden - night - midnight - after - 0-2 h ARS.
MIND - FEAR - sudden - night - waking; on achy. bar-c. gard-j.
MIND - FEAR - sudden – night ars.
MIND - FEAR - sudden - overheated; when Ruta
MIND - FEAR - sudden - trembling and weakness of legs; with diosm.
MIND - FEAR - sudden - urination; before alum. borx. ph-ac.
MIND - FEAR - sudden - voice; with complaints of hyos.
MIND - FEAR – sudden achy. Acon. androc. apis arg-n. arn. ars-i. Ars. atra-r. bamb-a. Cann-i. carb-v. carc. cypra-eg. diosm. foll. gard-j. gels. germ-met. glon. heli-n. hydrog. hyos. kali-ar. kali-c. lac-h. levo. med. meli-a. meli. merc. nit-ac. ozone plb. Ruta stry. ther. Tritic-vg. Vanil.
MIND - FEAR - suffering, of - exhaustion while walking; from lach. syph.
MIND - FEAR - suffering, of - unbearable; will become all-c.
MIND - FEAR - suffering, of achy. acon. aur. bry. calc. carc. cham. clem. coff. cor-r. cori-r. der. epiph. eup-per. fl-ac. hep. hom-xyz. lil-t. merc-br. parth. phos. pip-m. pip-n. sanic. spig. stram. syph. vanil.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - asthma; with Phos.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - bed; driving out of Dig.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - closing eyes, on carb-an.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - dark; in the aeth. aether
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - eating amel. Graph.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of – evening aether carb-an.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - goitre, in Merc-i-f.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - heart disease, in Dig. Lach. Spong.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - lying, while ars. carb-an. dig. mosch. sil.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - motion, with dyspnea; on Spig.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - mucus; from - Throat; in carb-an. nat-sil. spong. tritic-vg.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of – night Aeth. agar. Ant-t. arn. ars. aur-m. cact. Chin. Dig. ip. Lyc. med. Puls. ruta sil. Spong. Sulph.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - rubber dam is placed in the mouth by dentist; after a Stram.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - sleep, during bapt.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - swallow; with desire to Bell.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - walk about; must am-br.
MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of acon-f. ACON. aeth. aether am-br. am-c. amyg. anan. apis Ars. Bry. CAMPH. carb-an. carb-v. cupr-act. Dig. Dulc. falco-pe. Grin. ignis-alc. Kali-i. lac-d. lach. lat-m. Lob. lyss. melal-alt. merc. nux-v. Phos. rob. ruta samb. seneg. Spig. Spong. Staph. Stram. Sulph. tritic-vg. vanil.
MIND - FEAR - suicide; of - knife; on seeing a alum. merc.
MIND - FEAR - suicide; of Alum. arg-n. Ars. caps. lach. med. Merc. Nat-s. Nux-v. plat. Rhus-t. sep. tub.
MIND - FEAR – superstitious rhus-t.
MIND - FEAR - supper, after caust.
MIND - FEAR – surgery Aeth.
MIND - FEAR - surprises, from pleasant Coff.
MIND - FEAR - swimming; fear of - deep water; only in med. psor.
MIND - FEAR - syphilis, of Hyos. merc. SYPH.
MIND - FEAR - talking - cough; lest it brings on bry. cina
MIND - FEAR - talking - kill her; as if talking loud would meli.
MIND - FEAR - talking - people are talking about him/her nux-v. pall. puls.
MIND - FEAR - talking - say something wrong; lest he should bamb-a. germ-met. Lil-t. med. rhus-g.
MIND - FEAR – talking arg-met. brass-n-o. sep.
MIND - FEAR - telephone, of nat-p. visc.
MIND - FEAR - terror – causeless maias-l.
MIND - FEAR - terror - night - children; in calc. chlol. cina cupr. KALI-BR.
MIND - FEAR - terror - night - followed by strabismus - children; in kali-br.
MIND - FEAR - terror – night acon. Aur-br. calc. Carb-v. cham. chlol. cic. Cina cupr. cypr. gaert. gard-j. Kali-br. Kali-p. morg-g. scut. sol-ni. Stram. syc. tub. zinc.
MIND - FEAR – terror acon. androc. ars. aur. bamb-a. bell. carb-v. carc. caust. cham. chin. cocc. coff. dig. falco-pe. maias-l. nux-v. phos. plat. positr. puls. rhus-t. spong. stram. sulph. tarent. toxi. Tritic-vg. Vanil. verat.
MIND - FEAR - things; of real and unreal cann-i.
MIND - FEAR - thinking - disagreeable things; when thinking of phos.
MIND - FEAR - thinking - sad things; of rhus-t.
MIND - FEAR - thoughts, of his own androc. camph.
MIND - FEAR - throat; from sensation of swelling of Glon. nat-m.
MIND - FEAR - thunderstorm, of – before gels. Nat-c. Phos. Psor. Rhod.
MIND - FEAR - thunderstorm, of - children; in calc-p. carc. lac-c. lach. nat-m. nit-ac. stram.
MIND - FEAR - thunderstorm, of arizon-l. bell. Borx. Bry. calc-p. calc. carc. caust. Coloc. con. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. dys. elec. gard-j. Gels. glycyr-g. Graph. hep. hyos. ignis-alc. lac-c. lach. Lyc. merc. Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. Nit-ac. Oscilloc. PHOS. plut-n. psor. Rhod. rhus-t. Sep. sil. Staph. stram. sulph. tritic-vg. tub.
MIND - FEAR - toilet; in Lac-d.
MIND - FEAR - torticollis; after Nux-v.
MIND - FEAR - touched; of being - chest wall; on stroph-s.
MIND - FEAR - touched; of being - colic; in Nux-v.
MIND - FEAR - touched; of being - feet, cries out; on kali-c.
MIND - FEAR - touched; of being - gout; in ARN.
MIND - FEAR - touched; of being - sore parts; on ph-ac. tell.
MIND - FEAR - touched; of being Acon. Ant-c. ant-t. apis ARN. ars. asar. Bell. bruc. calc-sil. CHAM. Chin. cina coff. Colch. con. cupr. Hep. ign. iod. Kali-c. lac-h. lach. lyc. mag-p. nit-ac. nux-m. Nux-v. ph-ac. phos. Plb. sanic. sep. sieg. Spig. stram. sulph. tarent. tart-ac. Tell. thuj. valer.
MIND - FEAR - trains; of succ.
MIND - FEAR - tread lightly or will injure himself, must cupr.
MIND - FEAR – tremulous brot. acon. ambr. ant-c. ars. Aur. bell. Calc. carb-v. caust. Cham. cina coff. croc. cupr. diosm. dys. elaps GELS. granit-m. graph. hydrog. iber. lach. Mag-c. marb-w. merc. mosch. Nat-c. nicc. OP. oxal-a. ozone phos. Plat. puls. ran-b. rat. rhus-t. Ruta sars. sep. ther. tritic-vg. verat.
MIND - FEAR - trifles, of - head; during pain in but-ac.
MIND - FEAR - trifles, of acon. anac. Ars. borx. calc. chin. dys. ign. iod. Kali-c. Lyc. Nat-c. Nat-m. rhus-t. sep. thuj.
MIND - FEAR - tuberculosis; of - incipient; in tub.
MIND - FEAR - tuberculosis; of calc. ruta syph.
MIND - FEAR - tunnels; of Acon. ARG-N. cimic. Lyc. nat-m. STRAM. succ.
MIND - FEAR - twilight; in calc. caust. rhus-t.
MIND - FEAR - unconsciousness; of - sunstroke; in thuj.
MIND - FEAR - unconsciousness; of alum. alumn. til.
MIND - FEAR - undertaking anything; of alum. am-c. Arg-n. Ars. BAR-C. coli. kali-p. lach. LYC. puls. sil. tax-br.
MIND - FEAR – unendurable lyss.
MIND - FEAR - unfamiliar objects aur. bar-act. bar-c. calc-i. granit-m. hydrog. kali-m. kali-sil. laur. limest-b. mang. Psor. zinc-m.
MIND - FEAR - unfit for work; of becoming cean. symph.
MIND - FEAR - unknown; of the ars. aur. brom. calc. carc. lach. lyc. med. morg. sacch. stram. tarent. tub. vanil.
MIND - FEAR – unreasoning acon. calc.
MIND - FEAR - upward, of being drawn calc-p. camph. falco-pe.
MIND - FEAR - urinating, after sulph.
MIND - FEAR - urine - involuntary loss of urine; fear of Phos. pitu.
MIND - FEAR - urine - retention of urine from fear Op.
MIND - FEAR - vertigo; of bamb-a. op. sumb.
MIND - FEAR - vexation; after Ars. cham. coff. lyc. Petr. verat.
MIND - FEAR - voice, of using cann-i.
MIND - FEAR - voices; of Crot-c. gard-j. stram.
MIND - FEAR - vomiting; of acon. lach.
MIND - FEAR - waking, on - aggravation on waking; of the syph.
MIND - FEAR - waking, on - dream, from a abrot. alum. Ars. bov. brass-n-o. calc. chin. cina dulc. frax. gink-b. graph. hep. hydroph. KALI-BR. lac-h. Lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mur-ac. Nat-m. nicc. op. ozone petr. ph-ac. phos. plac-s. psor. puls. samb. sil. SPONG. STAPH. tarent. toxi. tritic-vg. vanil. zinc.
MIND - FEAR - waking, on - under the bed, of something bell.
MIND - FEAR - waking, on Agn. aids. alum-p. alum-sil. alum. am-c. ant-t. arn. ars. aster. Bell. bism. Borx. Bry. bufo Cact. Calc. Caps. carb-an. carb-v. Cham. cina cocc. con. cupr. dioxi. hep. hyos. ign. irid-met. iris kali-br. kali-c. Lac-c. lach. lepi. lept. Lyc. lyss. mag-s. Med. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. nat-sil. nit-ac. Nux-v. ph-ac. psor. Puls. rat. Sil. Spong. Stram. Sulph. suprar. ter. TUB. xan. zinc-p. zinc.
MIND - FEAR - walking - of walking - canal; by ang.
MIND - FEAR - walking - of walking - dark; in the Carbn-s. galeoc-c-h.
MIND - FEAR - walking - of walking - street; across a busy Acon. carc. crot-h. kali-p. PSOR.
MIND - FEAR - walking - of walking nat-m.
MIND - FEAR – war cupr.
MIND - FEAR - warm room – in iod.
MIND - FEAR - warm room – of Puls. valer.
MIND - FEAR - washed; of being ant-c. sulph.
MIND - FEAR - wasps; of hep.
MIND - FEAR - water, of – deep phos. stram.
MIND - FEAR - water, of - faucets; of lyss.
MIND - FEAR - water, of - running water; of lyss. stram.
MIND - FEAR - water, of - washing hair cupr.
MIND - FEAR - water, of acet-ac. agar. agav-a. alum. anag. ant-c. Bell. cann-i. canth. carc. cocc-s. cupr. fagu. gels. HYOS. iod. jatr-c. Lach. lap-la. laur. lycps-v. LYSS. med. merc. nux-v. perh. phel. Phos. plb. psor. ruta sabad. spirae. STRAM. sulph. tanac. tarent. verat. xanth.
MIND - FEAR - weary of life, with carc. kali-p. Lyc. Nit-ac. Plat. rhus-t.
MIND - FEAR - weeping amel. Aster. dig. GRAPH. phos. tab.
MIND - FEAR - wet his bed; fear he will alum. cob.
MIND - FEAR - wind, of ars. Cham. cupr. Dys. gard-j. glycyr-g. lac-c. lyc. nat-m. nat-p. Oscilloc. psor. puls. Rhod. SIL. Tarent. thuj.
MIND - FEAR - wolves; of bell.
MIND - FEAR - women; of - children; in – boys puls.
MIND - FEAR - women; of - men; in Lyc.
MIND - FEAR - women; of puls. raph. sep. sil. staph.
MIND - FEAR - work; of – afternoon Arg-n.
MIND - FEAR - work; of - daily, of calc-f. nux-v.
MIND - FEAR - work; of - headache, during gran.
MIND - FEAR - work; of - persuaded to work; cannot be Con.
MIND - FEAR - work; of – prolonged con. nat-m.
MIND - FEAR - work; of Arg-n. aur-i. cadm-s. calc-f. calc-sil. calc. cham. chin. coloc. Con. cygn-be. graph. hyos. ind. iod. Kali-c. kali-p. kali-s. kali-sil. lyc. nat-m. nat-p. Nux-v. ozone petr. phos. plb. Puls. ran-b. sanic. sel. Sil. Sulph. tab. tarax. tong. tritic-vg. zinc.
MIND - FEAR - worm diseases; with stann.
MIND - FEAR - worms; of aesc. ars. nat-m.
MIND - FEAR - wounds; to see calc.
MIND - FEAR - wrong, of something - commit something Merc.
MIND - FEAR - wrong, of something Kali-br.
MIND – FEAR abrot. absin. acet-ac. achy-a. ACON. act-sp. aeth. aether agar. agn. All-c. aloe alum-sil. Alum. alumn. am-br. am-c. am-m. ambr. aml-ns. anac. androc. ang. ant-c. ant-s-aur. ant-t. apis aq-mar. aral. arg-met. ARG-N. arist-cl. arizon-l. Arn. ars-h. ars-i. ars-s-f. ARS. art-v. arum-m. asaf. aspar. astac. Atro-s. atro. aur-ar. AUR. bac. bapt. Bar-c. bar-m. BELL. berb. bism. BORX. both-a. bov. brom. Bry. bufo but-ac. Cact. calad. calc-f. CALC-P. Calc-s. calc-sil. CALC. camph. cann-i. cann-s. cann-xyz. canth. Caps. carb-an. Carb-v. CARBN-S. carc. castm. caul. Caust. cham. chel. chin. chinin-ar. chlol. chlor. CIC. cimic. cina cist. clem. cob-n. coc-c. Coca Cocc. Coff-t. coff. colch. coli. coloc. Con. cortico. corv-cor. croc. Crot-h. cupr-act. cupr-ar. Cupr. cycl. cystein-l. cyt-l. daph. DIG. dros. dulc. dys. echi. elaps elec. euph. euphr. falco-pe. ferr-ar. ferr-p. ferr. fl-ac. Form. fuma-ac. gaert. gard-j. Gels. gent-c. gins. glon. GRAPH. grat. hed. hell. Hep. hippoc-k. hoit. hydr-ac. Hyos. hyper. iber. IGN. Iod. ip. jatr-c. KALI-AR. Kali-br. Kali-c. kali-i. kali-n. kali-p. kali-s. kreos. kres. lac-ac. lac-c. lac-del. lach. lact. lat-m. laur. led. Lil-t. lipp. lob. lol. LYC. LYSS. m-arct. m-aust. macro. mag-c. Mag-m. mag-s. maias-l. manc. mang-act. mang. med. meli-xyz. Meli. meny. merc-c. merc-i-r. Merc. mez. morg-g. morg. Mosch. mur-ac. murx. mygal. nad. Nat-ar. NAT-C. Nat-m. Nat-p. nat-s. nicc. nit-ac. nux-m. Nux-v. olib-sac. Onos. Op. orig. ox-ac. petr-ra. Petr. ph-ac. PHOS. physala-p. Phyt. pip-m. pip-n. PLAT. plb. podo. polys. positr. pot-e. prot. PSOR. Puls. pyrog. rad-br. ran-b. ran-s. raph. rat. rauw. rheum rhod. Rhus-t. rhus-v. ruta sabad. sabin. sal-fr. samb. sang. sanguis-s. sars. sec. seneg. SEP. sil. sinus. Spig. Spong. squil. Stann. staph. STRAM. Stront-c. stroph-s. stry. succ-xyz. suis-em. suis-pan. Sul-ac. Sulph. suprar. syc. Syph. Tab. tarent. tell. tere-ch. thea Ther. thuj. til. TRITIC-VG. tub. valer. Vanil. Verat. vero-o. viol-t. visc. wye. xan. zinc-m. ZINC-P. zinc.
MIND - GRIEF - fear at night, with Merc.
MIND - HIDING - himself - fear, on account of - assaulted; of being tarent.
MIND - HIDING - himself - fear, on account of Ars. Bell. calc. cupr. dulc. hyos.
MIND - HYDROPHOBIA - hear the word "water" without shudder of fear; cannot Lyss.
MIND - HYPOCHONDRIASIS - fear of death; with nit-ac.
MIND - IMPULSIVE - alternating with - fear - control; losing dendr-pol.
MIND - INJURING himself - fear to be left alone, lest he should injure himself alum. arg-n. ars. Cimic. kola Merc. Nat-s. sep.
MIND - INSANITY - black insanity with despair and weariness of life - fear of mortification or loss of position; from calc. ign. puls. rhus-t. staph. sulph. verat.
MIND - INSANITY - job; from fear to lose the calc. ign. puls. rhus-t. staph. sulph. verat.
MIND - INSANITY - mortification - fear of; from calc. ign. puls. rhus-t. staph. sulph. verat.
MIND - LAUGHING - alternating with - fear of death Plat.
MIND - LOATHING - general loathing - fear of death, during cop.
MIND - MEMORY - loss of memory - fear, from anac.
MIND - RAGE - alternating with – fear bell.
MIND - RESTLESSNESS - fear; from acon. am-br. aml-ns. ars. aur. calc. carb-v. cimic. Ign. iod. merc. tarent.
MIND - SADNESS - fear – from cimic. nux-m. sec. stram.
MIND - SADNESS - fear - with - disease; of lil-t.
MIND - SECRETIVE - exposure; fear of galeoc-c-h.
MIND - SUICIDAL disposition - fear - death; with fear of alum. Chin. NIT-AC. NUX-V. Plat. rhus-t. Staph. tab.
MIND - SUICIDAL disposition - fear - window or a knife; with fear of an open arg-n. camph. chin. Merc.
MIND - SUICIDAL disposition - throwing - windows, from - fear; from ars.
MIND - SUSPICIOUS - fear of company ambr. bar-c. falco-pe. Nat-c.
MIND - THOUGHTS - tormenting - dark; tormented by delusions and fears in the manc.
MIND - WALKING - fear; from - perspiration amel.; until camph.
MIND - WEARY OF LIFE - fear of death, but Kali-p. Nit-ac. Plat. Rhus-t. Spong.
MIND - WEEPING - fear; from kali-c. phos. spong.
RECTUM - DIARRHEA - excitement agg. - fear; with acon.
SLEEP - DEEP - fear of death, after vario.
SLEEP - DISTURBED - fear; by - apoplexy, of arn. carb-v. nat-c.
SLEEP - DISTURBED - fear; by - future, of the dulc.
SLEEP - DISTURBED - fear; by - ghosts; of cocc. sulph.
SLEEP - DISTURBED - fear; by - mice, of colch.
SLEEP - DISTURBED - fear; by - robbers, of merc. nat-m. sil.
SLEEP - DISTURBED - fear; by am-c. bell. Con. ip. lyc. merc. nat-c. nat-m. ph-ac. phos. rat. Sil. stann. Sulph. zinc.
SLEEP - FALLING ASLEEP - late - fear of falling; from cimic.
SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - fear; from - die; that she must cench.
SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - fear; from ACON. alum. am-c. androc. arn. ars. bamb-a. bell. Bry. calc. Cann-s. carb-an. carb-v. caust. cham. Chin. Cocc. coff. Con. dig. graph. hyos. Ign. kali-c. Lach. Laur. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. merc-c. merc. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. Plat. plb. Puls. ran-s. Rhus-t. Sabin. Samb. sep. sil. sulph. syph. thuj. Verat. vip. zinc.
SLEEP - WAKING - fear of ghosts; from cocc.
STOMACH - FEAR - Pit of the stomach carc. lyc. mez. phos.
STOMACH - FEAR - sensation of ange-s. carc.
TEETH - GRINDING - fear; from - children; in kali-br.
TEETH - CHATTERING - fear; from elaps GELS.
; from plb.
TEETH - PAIN - biting teeth together - afraid to bite, for fear they would fall out nit-ac.
VERTIGO - FEAR agg. ther.

RA Khan

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