Wednesday, 13 December 2017


Homeopathy for CANCER Treatment

Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. Cancer is classified according to the organ affected (e.g. prostate cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer etc) or type of tissue or cells involved (e.g. adenocarcinoma of lungs, astrocytoma, osteosarcoma) or according to the stage of disease (usually stage I to IV). The prognosis and treatment of different types and stages of cancer varies.

Homeopathy for Cancer Treatment

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine which has been used by many practitioners to treat cancer patients. There are historical accounts about homeopathy treatment of cancer and modern literature also gives several case studies of homeopathy for cancer treatment.

Homeopathy for Cancer

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic remedies for cancer are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The homeopathic remedies for cancer given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each remedy may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a remedy. To study any of the following remedies in more detail, please visit our Materia Medica section. None of these homeopathic remedies for cancer should be taken without professional advice.

Homeopathic Remedies for cancer

Following is the list of some common used homeopathic remedies for cancer

Calcarea flour, Conium, Lapis albus, Hecla lava, Silicea, Phytolacca, Condurango, Baryta carb, Baryta mur, Mercurius, Carcinocin, Schirrinum, Thuja, Hydrastis, Plumbum iod, Arsenicum album, Phosphorus etc.

Details of homeopathic remedies for cancer

Calcarea fluorica.  Calc-f.

This homeopathic remedy for cancer is most useful for knots, kernels or hardened lumps in the female breast, accompanied with indurated glands of stony hardness; the enlargements may occur in the fasciae. It will prevent the development of cancer, and should be considered always in the cases where the breasts present suspicious lumps. Enchondroma.

Lapis albus. Lap-a.

Several cases of incipient scirrhus (cancer) of the breasts, presenting retraction of the nipple, and the other characteristic symptoms have been cured with this remedy. It is of signal use in many cases of goiter. Dr. E. G. Jones recommends Lapis in malignant diseases of the uterus where the discharges are black and offensive and intense burning pains all through the diseased part.

Silicea.  Sil.

This homeopathic remedy will often abate the pains of cancer. Lupus and sarcoma with a thick yellow and offensive discharge.

Hecla lava.  Hecla.

Osteomata (Bone Cancer), not so-called ivory tumors, but those of spongy nature.

Conium.  Con.

Great hardness of the infiltrated glands, with flying stitches in them worse at night. Cancer, mammary tumors of beginning of scirrhus; chief remedy, especially useful after contusions and bruises, it corresponds particularly to glandular bruises. Here it is an absolute specific, and the writer advises the 30th potency. Dr. O. S. Haines has verified this statement. The irritability seems the characteristic. Epithelioma, enlarged testicles or uterus.

Condurango.  Cund.

This homeopathic remedy for cancer has achieved considerable reputation is cancer of the stomach and various forms of carcinoma. Many cases have improved under the Ix; open cancer and cancerous ulcers; it modifies the pain. Bernstein believes the field of this remedy to be in epithelioma, especially in open and ulcerated types. He recommends the 6x potency, and has had remarkable results from its use.

Baryta carbonica. [Bar-c.

Fatty tumors appearing here and there over the body.

Baryta iodide. [Bar-i.

Hard cancerous tumors of the breast. Ovarian tumors with a scrofulous taint.

Phytolacca has a tendency to fat formation, and may prove useful in fatty tumors as well as in hard, painful nodosities in the breast. Cancers of the breast when the tumors is hard, painful and purple. It acts as an absorbent in fibroid tumors of the uterus.

Plumbum iodatum.  Plb-i.

Inflamed indurated masses in the female breast slowly developing. The hard, unchangeable character, the slow development and the supervention of painful inflammations therein are the elements of decision.

Arsenicum.  Ars.

This homeopathic remedy corresponds to the general phenomena of the cancerous diathesis, though Bayes notes that we have other remedies which may posses more power over cancer indicated. It is said to be almost a specific for lupus, and its special indications in any form of tumor, be it cancer or not, the sharp burning and lancinating pain, the weakness and debility and the general Arsenicum symptoms known so well. In other words, the patient is to be treated, not the disease.

Bromine is sometimes useful for mammary cancer.

Iodine. Cancer of the uterus, with profuse haemorrhage.

Aggravation from warmth. Excessive hunger.

Morphine, when there is great susceptibility to pain, may be of service.

Phosphorous.  Phos.

Fungoid and bleeding growths. Fungus haematodes.

Thuja.  Thuj.

Bleeding fungi. There is on record the cure of a fungus tumor of the orbit, with this remedy and Carbo vegetabilis, in the Austrian Field Marshal Radetsky. It is also a remedy for polypoid growths in the nose and ears. The epithelial variety of cancer, and cauliflower excrescences would seem to correspond to this remedy. Dr. Helmuth also considered Thuja as a valuable remedy in sarcoma. Palpillomata also comes within its field.

Hydrastis. Hydr.

This remedy corresponds to what Jousset terms the epithelial diathesis and is of undoubted and special value in epithelioma and uterine cancer. Our English confreres praise this remedy in simple glandular tumors of the breast; here it allays the pain retards the growth and improves the patient generally. The dyspeptic symptoms of the remedy lead to its choice. The hydrastis treatment is one of the best known in cancer.


Epithelioma, honey colored scabs.

Kali sulphuricum has cured cases of facial epithelioma when operation was refused.

Cuprum aceticum will allay with the distressing vomiting in carcinoma. Dr. Pope, of England thinks no scirrhus of the breast should be removed until Hydrastis has been tried.

Hydrastis corresponds to the cancer diathesis, the worn jaded look, the sallow complexion hide-bound state of the skin, low spirits, loss of appetite, constipation, as well as to the ulcerative stage. It has cured lupus, epithelioma and malignant ulcers. Tumors of the stomach and pylorus have disappeared under the continued use of Hydrastis.

Radium. Rad-br.

The use of this substance has been heralded as a homeopathic remedy for cancer. Though it produces actually and pathologically that disease, it has never cured cancer in any dosage nor in any stage of that affection. It use in all doses save those of Homoeopathy is dangerous and should be avoided. However, the excellent provings by Dieffenbach have precisioned its use and it may indicated therefore, not in Cancer, but in what Vannier so happily the terms that “Cancerinique” dyscrasia, which means the abnormal blood conditions which tend toward that disease, and always precede it. Thus it use is confined to the pregrowth manifestations when we have such symptoms as aching pains, itching over the body, pains resembling a chronic arthritis. Apprehension. Mentally tired and irritable patients. Pimples on the skin and spots which itch and burn.Restlessness, heat in stomach, flatulence and constipation. The 30th potency is as low as it should be used. We can never be certain whether a patient has not been subjected in some unknown way to radium emanations and by giving the remedy in the lower strengths we may add to the trouble. A recent finding of the New York Health Department (April, 1932) says : “In regions where radio-active minerals were mined an increased incidence of cancer, especially of cancer of the lungs, had been noted.” It also condemned the use of so-called radium waters as elements of danger. A study of the “cancerinique’ or pregrowth symptoms will give positive information as to the approach of this disease, and positive indications for the remedies that should be used to prevent the same.

Carbo animalis. Carb-an.

Mammary cancer, scirrhus, gland indurated in little nodes, the parts being as hard as stone; skin bluish and mottled axillary glands swollen; drawing pains through mammae. Cancer of cervix, with induration and burning pains, with thin offensive discharge from the vagina.

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