Sunday, 31 December 2017



Four Tips from Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea

Ambra – Lack of reaction in nervous affections of old people, nerves worn out (senile dementia, MS)

Capsicum – Lack of reactive force esp. in fat people

Carbo Veg. - Lack of vital reaction with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, cyanosis with collapse.

Laurocerasus - Want of reactive power in chest & heart affection.

Opium - Lack of reaction in toxaemic conditions with drowsiness with lax muscles.

Valeriana – Lack of reaction in hysterical persons.

Thanks to Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea Principal Allen College of Homoeopathy Director- Bengal Allen Medical Institute, Calcutta.

Mercurius in Shingles

In shingles mercuriusis said to be a specific for relieving the burning, and preventing the appearance of new crops. Right side, extending across the abdomen.

Special Pathology and Diagnostics with Therapeutic Hints – C.G.Raue, MD (1882)

Gelsemium in Scarlet Fever

Gelseminum diminishes cerebral congestion and nervous excitement, moderates the pulse, and has great power in developing the eruption when it is imperfect. It is also recommended when the symptoms are of a remittent character.

The Homeopathic Vade Mecum of Modern Medicine and Surgery – E. H. Ruddock MD 1869

How Remedies Reduce Tumors

A study done at the Amala Cancer Research Centre in Kerala India, concluded that apoptosis (programmed cell death) is one mechanism by which homeopathic remedies reduce tumors.

Integr Cancer Ther. 2012 Jun;11(2):172-82. doi: 10.1177/1534735411400310. Epub 2011 Jul 19.

Remedies Attack Cancer Cells

Four highly potentized (Carcinosin, Phytolacca, Conium and Thuja) were tested against two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) and a cell line derived from immortalized normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMLE). The remedies exerted preferential cytotoxic effects against the two breast cancer cell lines, causing cell cycle delay/arrest and apoptosis.

Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on breast cancer cells. – Int J Oncol. 2010 Feb;36(2):395-403.

Thanks to

First Stage of Gonorrhea

For the first stage of an uncomplicated gonorrhoea there is no better simile and no more efficient remedy than Mercurius solubilis. Voluptuous tickling in urethra when touched, violently excited sexual desire; greenish-yellow purulent secretion from urethra, with traces of blood.

The Science of Therapeutics According to the Principles of Homeopathy – Bernhard Baehr, M. D. (1872)
Bruised Head of a Child After Birth

Caused by the pressure during birth, this is either an extravasation of lymph or blood into the cellular tissue (caput succedaneum) or an extravasation of blood between the bones and the pericranium (thrombus neonatorum). Arnica will usually do what is required; in some cases, however, Bar. mur. and Merc. have been successfully applied.

Special Pathology and Diagnostics with Therapeutic Hints – C.G.Raue, MD (1882)

Amygdalus Persica (Peach)

I had a little patient whose principle difficulty seemed to be an inability to retain anything whatever upon her stomach. An elderly neighbor suggested an infusion of peach bark. I gave the patient a few swallows and presto, the child was cured. It fills the indications of hydrocyanic acid, ingluvin, ipecac or any other anti-emetic. It will more frequently allay the vomiting of pregnancy than any remedy I have ever tried. And nearly every case of retching or vomiting (except it be reflex) will promptly yield under

its use. Of course it is not a specific for all “upheavals of the inner man,” but will meet more indications than any other known remedy of its class.

New Old And Forgotten Remedies – Ed. Dr. E.P. Anshutz

Safety of Vitamins

The new annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from vitamin A, niacin, vitamin B-6, vitamin D, or vitamin E. To quote Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD: “No one dies from vitamins.”

The Orthomolecular News Service

A Dangerous Sign

When a patient is coming down with severe internal troubles, it is not uncommon for unhealthy looking boils to come out, or carbuncles or erysipelas blotches. It is always serious when these are not immediately followed by relief to the patient.

James Tyler Kent – Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Three Tips from W.A. Dewey

Caulophyllum is a specific for false labor pains.

If there is any “best remedy” for iritis it is Mercurius corrosivus. It is almost a specific for simple and syphilitic iritis, accompanied with pains in the eyes, extending over the top of the head. The exudation is rather serous than plastic.

Rhus tox is of great use in scrofulous ophthalmias and is almost specific in orbital cellulitis with great intolerance of light, so much so that the eyes cannot be opened even at night. The tears are hot and scalding and cause pimples on the parts bathed in them. A gush of tears on separating the lids is a trustworthy indication.

Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics – W. A. Dewey, M. D. (1901)

What to Eat

A person who has contracted a bilious fever from anger and vexation, longs for nothing so much as fruit. Who tells him that this is almost the only thing that can do him good? I might give you many more examples of the expression of the instinct of the stomach. We understand it under the terms appetite and repugnance, two very important but much neglected monitors for our well being. If we would only study this voice of nature often enough….we would obtain a great facility in understanding its feeblest manifestations. We should be enabled thereby to escape a large number of diseases, and in many cases to attain to long life without difficulty. But we find that this small voice of nature is only audible to persons who live upon very simple articles of food.

Samuel Hahnemann – Lesser Writings

Lachesis in Croup

Lachesis has cured far advanced and apparently hopeless cases of croup, indicated especially by aggravation after sleep, as if the child were dying; commencing paralysis of the lungs.

G. H. G. Jahr -The Clinical Guide or Pocket Repertory for the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Diseases

Tetanus in Horses

Passiflora is said to be almost a specific for tetanus in horses.

The Homoeopathic Recorder Volume IV – 1889


The suppression of a diarrhœa will often produce constipation, then fever and a tendency to delirium. When cholera infantum was so prevalent many children who had received opium to stop the diarrhoea (which it promptly did) developed the next day a hydrocephaloid state and succumbed to the ravages of opium rather than to the ravages of the disease.

H.A. Roberts – The principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy

Sticta in Grip

Sticta pulmonaria is a great remedy for tuberculous subjects attacked by the grip. We have no better remedy for the incessant, wearing, racking cough of this class of patients, and if we study its pathogenesis we shall find that it comprises symptoms, which could not be more characteristic of the disease in question

The Hahnemannlan Monthly Volume 28,1893.

Borax in Pulmonary Complaint

The action of Borax on the lungs must not be forgotten. We find it indicated when there is cough which is accompanied by sharp sticking pain, worse through the upper part of the right chest. So sharp are these pains that they make the patient catch his breath. The expectoration has a sort of musty, mouldy odor.

Some Tips From the Masters

(Thanks to Dr. Pankaj Titar)

Repeat the dose until an effect is produced better or worse, then stop.

Erastus Case

In bad hearts, high potency may give a bad reaction. It may be necessary to use the tincture.

Dr. Arthur Grimmer

We have no long acting drugs. The continued favorable condition depends on the quality of the vital force and its harmonious action.

H.A. Roberts

If the symptoms for which a remedy is given are removed and a new symptom appears, withhold the hand if you wish the case to go on to recovery.

Dr. Lippe

Susceptibility exists in the vital force, not in the tissues.


Ultimately the constitutional peculiarity is bound to reveal itself in a form pointing to its remedial counterpart. Nature calls for relief in her own language which it behoves us to learn properly. It is contained in the symptom picture but many times we are forced to look for it elsewhere.

C.M. Boger

On uterine Contractions and Pulsatilla – It will often cause in five minutes a very strong contraction of the uterus, sometimes almost in a painless way.


Never leave a remedy until you have tested it in a higher potency, if it has benefited the patient.


Do not dip into a chronic state when dealing with an acute condition, and vice versa.

H.A. Roberts

Metrorrhagia Cure


✔ *Metrorrhagia*

- Uterine bleeding at irregular intervals, particularly between the expected menstrual periods. Metrorrhagia may be a sign of an underlying disorder, such as hormone imbalance, endometriosis, uterine fibroids or, less commonly,cancer of the uterus.

Homeo Learning System

✔Metrorrhagia may cause significant anemia.



- Bleeding between periods and profuse , bloody leucorrhea. Intermenstrual bleeding


- Metrorrhagia with violent irritation of rectum and bladder, prolapses uteri. Bright red flow


- Menses every three weeks, with a bearing down sensation and pain on top of the head. Vagina dry and hot


- Metrorrhagia , bright red blood . Bearing down sensation in lower abdomen


- Bleeding between periods with pain in the back and legs. This may happen due to overexertion or lifting heavy weights


- Slight haemorrhage from uterus  between periods. Menses too early , scanty and lasts too long. Weeps before menses


-Discharge of blood between periods with sexual excitement . Hemorrhage from the uterus with partly clotted blood, worse from least motion


- Continuous oozing of thin watery blood  between periods and until the start of next period


- Too frequent and copious menses. Hardly recovers from one period when another starts


- Menses every two weeks , long lasting for a week or over and leucorrhea  between the periods of bleeding


-Bleeding remaining long after cessation  of menses
Totality is necessary for each and every case 😊😊


Some Tips on Traumatic Remedies
Symphytum — Non-union of fractures; the pain is jagging, pricking, as if the end of the bone was sticking into flesh. To facilitate the union of fractured bone.

Arnica — Injury to soft tissues; contused wounds, with much discoloration and sore, bruised feeling. Great fear of being touched.

Calendula — When there is much loss of tissue, lacerated wounds, where the repair has to be made by granulation.

Ledum — Punctured wounds in palms and soles, as from nails, awls, rat-bite, sting of insects, etc. Pain remote from seat of injury; parts cold, subjectively and objectively.

Rhus Toxicodendron. — Sprains and strains of single muscles or groups of muscles, from lifting heavy weights, reaching up, etc. — first moving — continued motion.

Actea racemosa. — Straining and soreness of muscles of entire body, as in skating, rowing, running, football, etc.

Staphisagria, — For incised, clean-cut wounds, especially after operations on the abdomen.

Hypericum — Similar to Ledum. Punctured, contused, lacerated wounds; from needles, splinters, etc., especially under the nails or in soft tissues rich in nerves. Torn or lacerated nerves — pains shoot up limb in streaks. To prevent lockjaw.

From: The Medical Counselor  – January, 1896.

From; Homeopathic Learning System

Saturday, 30 December 2017


Clinical tips by masters of Homoeopathy Cholera and Antim tart: It has the nausea, vomiting, loose stools, prostration, cold sweat, and stupor or drowsiness found in almost all bad cases of this disease, and I have seldom been obliged to give more than two or three doses, one after each vomiting before the case was relieved. – Dr.E.B.Nash Obstinate Constipation and Aloe: I was called to treat a child five years of age suffering from birth with a most obstinate form of constipation. He had to be forced and held to the stool crying and screaming all the while being totally unable to pass any faeces even after an enema. I then gave a few doses of Aloe 200 th and cured the whole trouble quickly and permanently. Dr.E.B.Nash Liver Cancer and Cadmium: I frequently find cancer of the liver yielding to Calcarea ars. In every way but with a tendency to relapse, when a single dose of Cadmium in high potency will render the cure permanent. Dr.A.H.Grimmer Scar and Graphitis: if you know a woman who is suffering from an old scar that has formed a lump, when she is about to go into confinement, give a dose of Graphitis as a general remedy, unless some other special remedy is called for. Dr. J.T.Kent Goitre and Iodum: I have cured many cases of Goitre with Iodine CM, every night for four nights, after the moon fulled and was waning. Dr.E.B.Nash. Fracture of Fingers and Symphytum: Fracture of hand and finger bones knit more quickly with Symphytum 30 two or three times a day for a week. Dr.Pierre Schmidt Cirrhosis of Liver and Muriatic acid: is useful in last stages of dropsy from Cirrhosis of Liver. Dr.E.A.Farrington Pain in biliary passage and Calcarea carb: when given in repeated dose of 30 th dilution relieves the pain attending the biliary passage. Dr.Hughes Animal/Insect bites and Cantharis: Cantharis 200 given internally quickly cures the inflamed and horrible swelling that may follow great bites.- Dr.M.L.Tyler Uterine Contraction and Pulsatilla: It will very often cause in five minutes a very strong contraction of the uterus, sometimes almost in a painless way. Dr.J.T.Kent Toothache and Plantago: Toothache with the 2X dilution of Plantago, I cure seven-tenths of all cases of this kind in about 15 minutes. Dr. Ruetlinger Appendicitis and Rhus tox is the homeopathic knife in appendicitis. Dr.Biegler Cramps and Viburnum Q: cramps in the abdomen and legs of pregnant women are controlled very quickly by this remedy.  Dr.Hale. Blisters on Hand and Aristolochia: Blisters on the hands from heavy manual labour disappear overnight after the application of 10% Aristolochia ointment. Dr. Julius Mezger Claustrophobia and Argentum nit: Argentums nitricum cures Claustro-phobia. Dr. M.L.Tyler Weak Ankles and Natrum carb: Weakness of the ankles from childhood finds a good remedy in Natrum carb. Dr. E.B.Nash Stiff Back and Causticum: Painful stiffness of the back and sacrum, especially on rising from a chair. Dr. E.B.Nash Kreosote and Cancer Cervix: One has seen Kreosote 200 annihilative of the terrible odours that sometimes accompany cancer of the cervix, where if it did nothing more, it made life more supportable for patient and for entourage. Dr. M.L.Tyler Stiff neck and Belladona: Belladona is the best remedy for stiff neck of the rheumatic origin or from cold. Dr.E.A.Farrington. Temperature and Sulphur: Sulphur dreads the cold in hot weather and the heat in cold weather: Dr. Constantine Hering. Kent on Potency: Never leave a remedy until you have tested it in a higher potency if it has benefited the patient.  Dr.J.T. Kent. ☆》 Causticum is the routine remedy for Retention of Urine after operation. – Dr. D.M. Foubister. ☆》 Nothing equals Hypericum in cases of Smashed Fingers. – Dr. E.A. Farrington. ☆》 Hyoscyamus is one of our best remedies for Hiccough occurring after operations on the abdomen. – Dr. E.A. Farrington. ☆》 Hypericum is the main remedy for Spinal Injuries. – Dr. D.M. Foubister. ☆》 Berberis Vulgaris is an excellent remedy for Renal Colic. – Dr. E. A. Farrington. ☆》 Cholesterinum is said to be almost specific for Gallstone Colic. – Dr. Pulford. ☆》 Colocynthis cures Colics again and again. – Dr. T.K. Moore. ☆》 In Biliary Colic, Calcarea Carb. has never failed me. – Dr. R. Hughes. ☆》 One’s chief use for Mag. Phos. has been in the treatment of Dysmenorrhoea. – Dr. M.L.Tyler. ☆》 Any Haemorrhage seeming to be in sympathy with heart trouble, think of Cactus. – Dr. E.B. Nash. ☆》 In Cramps of the calves, I have never known Cuprum to fail. – Dr. Jousett. ☆》 In Habitual Vomiting in babies, one should think of Iris. – Dr. C.G. Raue. ☆》 For the Excessively Obstinate Child, Tuberculinum is most often indicated. – Dr. D.M. Foubister. ☆》 I have cured probably 100 cases of Adenoids with Tuberculinium alone. – Dr. J.T. Kent. ☆》 Persons suffering from Ulceration of the Lungs can scarcely get well without Kali Carb. – Dr. Hahnemann. ☆》 There is one remedy in regard to Enlarged Prostate and that is Hydrangea. – Dr. A.H. Grimmer. ☆》 For the terrible Falling out of Hair after Typhoid, Fluoric Acid is well indicated. – Dr. C.M. Boger. ☆》 I recommend Arnica Mont. as preventive and curative of Boils. – Dr. Hahnemann. ☆》 Nitric Acid is almost specific for Diarrhea after antibiotics, especially the mycins. – Dr. E.W. Hubbard. ☆》 I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple Acne as Kali Brom 30. –  Dr. J.H. Clarke. ☆》 Lycopodium is the master remedy in Infantile Eczema. – Dr. Leon Renard. ☆》 We have found Bacillinum almost specific for Ulceration of Cornea in children. – Dr. M.L. Tyler. ☆》 Several cases of Cataract have been arrested in their progress by Causticum and the sight even improved, where before its administration they were rapidly going on to complete blindness. – Drs. Allen and Norton. ☆》 The more Benzoic Acid is used in Gout the more it will be prized. – Dr. C. Hering. ☆》 Arthritis Deformans responds to Antim Crud. a near specific. – Dr. Schwartz. ☆》 In Diabetes, 2 or 3 grains of the 3rd trituration of Uran. Nit. administered morning and night, will in a short time reduce the quantity of urine passed to nearly a normal standard, and after a continual use, the proportion of sugar is materially lessened. – Dr. Bradford. ☆》 Some of the worst cases of Chronic Rheumatism have been cured by Ant. Crud., guided by the extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet. – Dr. E.B. Nash. ☆》Ipecac. is especially the infant’s friend and is commonly indicated in the Bronchitis of Infancy. – Dr. J.T. Kent.

Friday, 29 December 2017


For Gastric Problems. Carbo veg 200+ China 200+ Pulsatila 200+ Bryonia 200+ Antimonium crud 200. 20 drops 2 time a day.

By Ahmed Kareem- World Homeo Doctors


SYPHILLINUM develop a tremenous aversion to anything dirty after sex. If someone touches them in a bus will wash clothes. Will not even shake hands with you. Wash hands-50--200 times daily.
If a cat passes near clothes when on washing line, has to wash them again.
Like my group-"HOMOEOPATHY"


Phosphorous1m every fourth day one dose removes impotency maximum seven doses to be taken

By Sajjad Anwar- Homeo Discoveries
                   in Clinical Practice

Wednesday, 27 December 2017



I give a Homeopathic Viagra formula applicable on all.

You can TRY IT 30 TO 200 POTENCY. Agn, Arg.N, Calad, China, Con, Lyc,Nux,Phos Ac,Phos, Sele, Staph,, Med, Sabal, Damiana, Sul, Calc Arn, Nuphur, Mosh, Kali br, Yoh. Mix all. 85% successful

By Amjad Jswad Khan. Homeopathic



Tuesday, 26 December 2017


#Infection After #Delivery

Pyrogenium 200
Sulphur 200

Mix 10-10 drops BD

In half cup water before meal for 7 days
Spicy food oily rise meat onion chilli and green tea

By world Homeo Doctors

Monday, 25 December 2017


🔴Causticum is the routine remedy for retention of urine after operation.= Dr. D.M. Foubiser
🔴Nothing equals Hypericum in cases of smashed fingers.= Dr. E.A. Frrington
🔴Hyoscyamus is one of our best remedies for hiccough occurring after operations on the abdomen.= Dr. E.A. Farrington
🔴Hypericum is the main remedy for spinal injuries.= Dr. D.M. Foubister
🔴Berberis Vul. is an excellent remedy for renal colic.= Dr. E. A. Farrington
🔴Cholesterinum is said to be almost specific for gallstone colic.= Dr. Pulford
🔴Colocynthis cures colics again and again.= Dr. T.K. Moore
🔴In biliary colic, Calc. Carb. has never failed me.= Dr. R. Hughes
🔴One’s chief use for Mag. Phos. has been in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea.= Dr. M.L.Tyler
🔴Any haemorrhage seeming to be in sympathy with heart trouble, think of Cactus.= Dr. E.B. Nash
🔴In cramps of the calves, I have never known Cuprum to fail.= Dr. Jousett
🔴In habitual vomiting in babies, one should think of Iris.= Dr. C.G. Raue
🔴For the excessively obstinate child, Tuberculinum is most often indicated.= Dr. D.M. Foubister
🔴I have cured probably 100 cases of Adenoids with Tuberculinium alone.= Dr. J.T. Kent
🔴Persons suffering from ulceration of the lungs can scarcely get well without Kali Carb.=Dr. Hahnemann
🔴There is one remedy in regard to enlarged prostate and that is Hydrangea.= Dr. A.H. Grimmer
🔴For the terrible falling out of hair after Typhoid, Fluoric Acid is well indicated.= Dr. C.M. Boger
🔴I recommend Arnica Mont. as preventive and curative of boils.= Dr. Hahnemann
🔴Nitric Acid is almost specific for diarrhea after antibiotics, especially the mycins.= Dr. E.W. Hubbard
🔴I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali Brom 30.= Dr. J.H. Clarke
🔴Lycopodium is master remedy in infantile Eczema.= Dr. Leon Renard
🔴We have found Bacillinum almost specific for ulceration of cornea in children.= Dr. M.L. Tyler
🔴Several cases of cataract have been arrested in their progress by Causticum and the sight even improved, where before its administration they were rapidly going on to complete blindness.= Drs. Allen and Norton
🔴The more Benzoic Acid is used in Gout the more it will be prized.= Dr. C. Hering
🔴Arthritis deformans responds to Antim Crud. a near specific.= Dr. Schwartz
🔴In Diabetes, 2 or 3 grains of the 3rd trituration of Uran. Nit. Administered morning and night, will in a short time reduce the quantity of urine passed to nearly a normal standard, and after a continual use, the proportion of sugar is materially lessened.= Dr. Bradford
🔴Some of the worst cases of chronic rheumatism have been cured by Ant. Crud., guided by the extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet.= Dr. E.B. Nash
🔴Ipecac. is especially the infant’s friend and is commonly indicated in the bronchitis of infancy.= Dr. J.T. Kent


Impotence (Acute case)#SULPHUR 1M ONE DOSE, ACID PHOS 3X+CALADIUM 3X BD,AVENA Q EVENING Luke warm water.
Selenium 200 OD.
Chronic case/OLD AGE#
Lycopodium 1OM ONE DOSE..
Above every Q tincture 10 Drops..

By Kaushik Chatterjee in Homeo Clinical


. In the deep
intrinsic illnesses of the liver, the following formula is very
effective: Bryonia 200 once or twice a day, Sulphur 30 three times a
day and a few drops of Mother Tincture of Carduus Marianus mixed
in water, three times a day.
This prescription has proven very effective in Hepatitis B, as well as
in cancer of the liver.

By Obaidullah

Saturday, 23 December 2017



A calcaneal spur (or heel spur) is a small osteophyte  (bone spur) located on the calcaneus  (heel bone). Calcaneal spurs are typically detected by a radiological examination
When a foot bone is exposed to constant stress, calcium deposits build up on the bottom of the heel bone. Generally, this has no effect on a person's daily life. However, repeated damage can cause these deposits to pile up on each other, causing a spur-shaped deformity, called a calcaneal (or heel) spur. Obese people, flatfooted people, and people who often wear high-heeled shoes are most susceptible to heel spurs.
An inferior calcaneal spur is located on the inferior aspect of the calcaneus and is typically a response to plantar fascilitis  over a period, but may also be associated with ankylosing spondylitis  (typically in children). A posterior calcaneal spur develops on the back of the heel at the insertion of the A chilles tendon.
An inferior calcaneal spur consists of a calcification  of the calcaneus, which lies superior to the plantar fascia at the insertion of the plantar fascia. A posterior calcaneal spur is often large and palpable through the skin and may need to be removed as part of the treatment of insertional Achilles tendonitis   These are also generally visible to the naked eye.
Symptoms-- Major symptoms consist of pain in the region surrounding the spur, which typically increases in intensity after prolonged periods of rest. Patients may report heel pain to be more severe when waking up in the morning. Patients may not be able to bear weight on the afflicted heel comfortably. Running, walking, or lifting heavy weight may exacerbate the issue.



It is an excellent remedy for calcaneal spur. It is the most effective Homeopathic medicine with the best healing power to dissolve the Calcaneal Spur. This Homeopathic remedy is of great help in all cases of Calcaneal Spur whether painful or not. Calcarea Fluor acts as the best resolving agent for Calcaneal Spur and is considered the first choice of Homeopathic remedy in every case of Calcaneal Spur. It is considered a specific remedy for this condition


Ammonium Mur is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for Calcaneal Spur.Pain in heel on walking. This Homeopathic remedy is of great help in decreasing the pain in heel on walking due to Calcaneal Spur. Ammonium Mur helps in decreasing the pain as well as dissolving the spur. Apart from specific worsening of pain on walking, the person also complains of pain in morning. A few people needing Ammonium Mur may get relief by slight rubbing of the heel. The pain can be stitching or tearing in nature .


Rhus Tox is the top  remedy for pain in heel on standing due to Calcaneal Spur. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox also helps in repairing the muscles and ligaments covering the heel bone, thus preventing further heel damage. Its next action is to dissolve the spur. Rhus Tox thus acts in three spheres for Calcaneal Spur patients — pain relief, strengthening the muscles or ligaments, and dissolving the spur. The pain  is stitching in  character.  The person may feel the pain as being similar to that caused by a splint. Another expression used may be pain as from a nail under the skin.


Aranea Diadema is considered a top  Homeopathic medicines for Calcaneal Spur treatment. This Homeopathic remedy is best for getting rid of digging and boring type of pains in heel. The pain may alternate with a numb feeling in the heel. An extreme sensitivity to cold air can also be predominantly present.


Pain in heel at night. The pain in heel at night due to Calcaneal Spur is best relieved by Aurum Met


Pain by touching. For patients complaining of pain in heel spur when touched,  Mezereum is the best remedy. Mezereum is of great help in treating the heel spur pain that worsens by touching. The patient may show an increased sensitivity to cold air.


Pain in heel extending to Achilles tendon. The tendon that connects the calf muscle present in the back of the leg to heels is known as Tendo Achilles. For patients who have pain in heel due to Calcaneal Spur with the extension of pain in Tendo Achilles, the best Homeopathic remedy for relief is Ruta. Ruta is of great help in bony and tendon complaints.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017


Ichthyosis: Dry, rectangular scales on the skin. Like fish scales. From the Greek "ichthys" meaning fish.

Throat =Hep.---Sensation of splinter fish bone or plug in
the throat (Arg-n., Nit-ac.)

Hep 200 has cured

Cold all time =Led.---Complaints of people who are cold all
the time,; always feel cold and chilly; lack of animal or
vital heat (Sep., Sil), the wounded parts are especially cold
to touch. Parts are cold to touch, but not cold subjectively
to patient.

Ailment from Quinine =Carb-v.---Ailments from quinine
specially suppressed chills and fever from abuse of
mercury, from salt and meats, from putrid meat or fish and
rancid fats.

From  Obaidullah

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Useful Hints

(Jeros Oak) 
Chenopodium is prepared from oak trees grown in Jerusalem. It is a 
fairly broad-spectrum remedy. It is related to the nerves and paralysis 
related to them. According to most physicians, there is no curative 
treatment for the deafness resulting from the paralysis of the 
auditory nerve. Once the nerves are dead there is no hope of 
reviving them, but recent research has shown that when a nerve has 
been damaged, the ends of the adjoining nerves spread out to 
compensate for the loss. In particular, modern scientific research has 
proved that when the nerves inside the eye degenerate, new ones start 
developing. Sometimes when an eye has been lost, nerve fibres 
develop from the healthy eye to connect with the dying and dead 
nerve fibres of the affected eye. More experiments are being done. 
No doubt, the dead nerves do not vitalise, but other nerves spread out 
to substitute them. If the nerve endings are not completely dead, 
Chenopodium may revive the dying fibres

Obaidullah Shameem

Constipation =Alum 200., Arg-n200., China 200.,---
Unsatisfactory evacuation of stool. 3 doses for a few days

Obaidullah Shameem

In Kreosotum, like Chamomilla, the patient is of a hot temper and 
easily enraged. The Chamomilla patient is furious by nature, however 
in Kreosotum, the condition is short-lived. The patient becomes 
irritable due to the severity of the illness therefore the symptoms like 
that of Chamomilla become apparent. Whether he is sick or healthy 
Chamomilla patient is always irritable and bad tempered.

Obaidullah Shameem

CALC-PHOS : *Anaemia *Albuminuria *Bitter Taste In The 
Morning *Convalescence *Defficient Bone Structure In Children 
*Rachitis *Summer Complaints Of Children * Chronic Diseases 
with Loss Of weight *Tonic For The Aged.

Obaidullah  Shameem Tips


The neuralgic pains of Mag Carb subside on a light stroll, especially 
the toothache. The neuralgia usually begins at night. In Lachesis, the 
movements do not relieve the pain, unlike Mag Carb. In Mag Carb, 
like Natrum Mur, the nails and hair become damaged. The teeth and 
gums become hypersensitive as also found in Antimonium Crude. 
This hypersensitivity can be treated with Antimonium Crude, Mag 
Carb or China

Obaidullah  Shameem

Clinical Tips

✔In handling things she drops them. Fingers fly open spasmodically while holding things.
✔You will sometimes cure BRIDGET in the kitchen with AGARICUS or APIS, when trouble is that she is continually breaking the dishes by letting them fall.
✔These two remedies are opposites, AGARICUS must stay near fire, while APIS she wants to get out of the kitchen.
✔The awkwardness, clumsiness, etc, are both mental and bodily.
*Medical & Dental Anxiety and homeopathic medicines*
Great fear and anxiety on going to the dentist, doctor, or medical tests, MRI, CAT scan, and surgery.
Apprehension, agitation and nervousness with belching. Fear of going to the dentist or doctor, of heart disease, cancer, strokes, of having an incurable disease, of fainting, and of hospitals.
Great concern and anxiety about their health and their symptoms, which causes even more stress. They go to many doctors, and try every kind of therapy. Their concern about diet leads to rigorous health regimes which they follow religiously, even if the chosen foods are not compatible with their system.
Fear of going to the dentist. Of being examined and weighed by the doctor. Anxiety and fear about germs, contamination, and infection. Anxious about health, cancer, heart disease, pain, and mental illness.
Paralyzed by dread and apprehension before dentist or doctor visits with diarrhea. Fear that heart will cease to beat unless they keep moving.
Anxiety and Fear of surgery, they cannot bear anything penetrating their body.


Smog is an air pollution by a mixture of smoke n fog. It has effected various cities n suburbs of Pakistan since couple of days.
People may suffer from Eye inflammation, Cough, Flue or any allergy.
Homoeopathy acts as magic if can be used as Prophylactic or as per symptoms.
Quoting my own experience based remedies.
BACCILINUM 1M 10drops as prophylactic weekly till smog remains in environment.
It will keep u safe from Lungs cancer also In sha Allah.
ALLIUM CEPA 30 5drops after 2 hours if burning in eyes with watery discharge n also from nose associated with sneezing.
ASPEDO SPERMA Q 10drops in tablespoonful water if patient feels severe SOB (Shortness of breath). This remedy can be repeated after 10 minutes till patient cannot come to healthy state. It is an emergency remedy.
Any Cough Syrup of Homoeopathy of any ISO Certified Company can also be given with these remedies. 2 teaspoonful after every 2 hours.
If severity persists, u must visit ur nearest qualified homoeopathic doctor.
A public safety msg by
Dr. Atif Jamal
PhD. Scholar
Homoeopathic Researcher
Cooper's cure of a very chronic case of deafness with single drop doses of Bell Ø.
Carsickness- Cocculus India 30 is a good prophylactic against Carsickness , Should better taken for two days (one dose per day) before a journey. By-Dr.K.C. Bhanja
.student for better concentration  clema
student to better remember thing chest
student not to despond when un front of unexpect situation  genmtine
student for surplus of care examination requre  elm
student to have confidence in your ability  larch
student if you are scared about examination or shy mimulu
student afraid before examination  impat
student mind always gies to study when yout an nit stop whiteches
1) Legs are restless at night in bed_kali carb.
2)Legs are very restless in bed at night_tarentula hispania.
3)Restless legs in bed at night_zinc metallicum.


helpful in the following conditions:
Shatawari means “curer of a hundred diseases”
• High blood glucose levels or uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
• High cholesterol and triglyceride levels 
• Bacterial and fungal infections  Diarrhea and dysentery

Infertility   Menstruation and menopause

Lactation  Excess stress and depression

Gastric ulcers  Cancer  Liver diseases

Helps support and facilitate kidney function
• Increases urine production (diuretic)
• Soothing to the urinary system
• Anti-edema – especially with excess fluid from around the heart
• Kidney and bladder cleanser
• Boosts cellular action in the kidneys
• Breaks up uric acid – therefore excellent for gout and 
kidney stones

Top Remedy Tips

Memory tips
Medorrhinum: Top Homeopathic remedy for weak memory for names and spellings of words
Medorrhinum is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for persons who possess a weak memory especially for names and spellings of words. To remember a name even of a well known person is quite a task for such subjects. The weakness can even be of such an extent that the person forgets his or her own name. Medorrhinum is also a Homeopathic remedy that is very beneficial when a person has a weak memory to remember the spellings of words. The weakness may be found while speaking as well. The person repeatedly loses the conversation thread and wants the question to be repeated before answering as the mind seems very feeble to hold on to a conversation.
Kali Phos:One of the Natural Homeopathic medicines for weak memory following mental exertion
Kali Phos is considered the top natural remedy  in Homeopathy to treat weak memory because of mental exertion. It could be post an examination or due to excessive office work, where the mind has gone feeble as a result of mental exhaustion. Homeopathic remedy Kali Phos acts as the best memory enhancer by removing the after-affects of over-use of mind. It provides strength to the brain and nerves and can be considered as a complete tonic for improving memory.
Kali Bromatum: One of the top Homeopathic remedy for extremely weak memory leading to complete memory loss
Natural Homeopathic remedy Kali Brom is of great help in treating memory loss. It is very beneficial when a person completely forgets how to speak and can utter only the words told to him — in other words, can only repeat after you. Independent speech is totally impossible as complete memory has been washed out. Marked restlessness, especially in hands, is noticed in persons needing Homeopathic medicine Kali Bromatum. In case of children, another accompanying symptom may be screaming and crying in sleep. Walking during sleep could be another noticeable symptom, for which Kali Bromatum is the ideal Homeopathic remedy.



For Hepatitis C
Calca carb 1M single dose weekly
Cheledonium Q
Apis 30
10-10 drops 3 times alternately in half cup water before meal for one month
Spicy food oily rise onion meat green tea and chilli

Friday, 15 December 2017


Homeopathic Remedies for Corneal Ulcer What is Corneal Ulcer? A corneal ulcer often occurs if the delicate and extremely thin surface of the cornea has been scraped by an injury or damaged by viral infections or herpes simplex or by wearing of contact lenses. If corneal ulcers are not well taken care of, it can eventually cause blindness. Symptoms of corneal ulcer are ophthalmia, stabbing pain, watering, redness and photophobia. Homeopathic Remedies Symptoms: Acute corneal ulcer, pain is piercing, corneal ulcer with pus, inflamed eyelids, sensitive to cold air and touch Hepar Sulph 200 Symptoms Cornea is inflamed and ulcerated, pus discharge is yellow and thick, sometimes thin or blood-tinged but copious, intense photophobia, the eye has a sensation of some foreign matter, most inveterate and chronic corneal ulcer cases Homeopathic medicine: Silicea 200

Heart Tonic


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Varicose Veins

Varicose veins and DVT ( Deep veins thrombosis) formula :-
Meddorrhinum 1m only one dose in night ( don't repeat again)
Aescullus hip 30
Lachesis 30
Tabacum 30
Arnica 30
Hamamelis vir 30
Cal flour 30
Mixed all medicine equally quantity
15 drop TDs with Luke warm water

by Dr Vipin Gupta -clinical homeo



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One Medicine

ONE MAN ARMY - Saw Palmetto (sabal ser )
1-Sabal ser Q + Agnus-castusQ,+ Glycyrrhiza glabraQ+ Urtica dioicaQ
for reduction of PCOS + related symptoms of associated with
this disorder
2- Sabal ser Q +Damiana Q-
to support healthy libido.
3-Sabal ser Q + Ginseng Q+ + Withania somniferaQ
For male factor infertility, low sperm count and reduced male
reproductive function
4-SABAL SERQ+Mitchella repens-Q
for uterine prolapse and to aid in vaginal tone after multiple
5- SABALSER Q+ Agnus-castusQ+Mahonia aquifolium Q
For cystic acne
7--SABAL SER Q+ Uva Ursi Q+ juniperous commuQ,+
prostate - unwanted pressure on the urethra and INCREASES
the flow of urine REDUCES the frequency of nighttime
8--SABAL SER Q 2 + Urtica dioicaQ 1, F+ Chimaphila
umbellataQ2, F + Galium aparineQ2 +Thuja Q 2,
for Urine retention
Sarsaparilla Q+ GLY GLABRA Q
Bladder retention or urinary retention
11 - SABAL SER Q+ Hydrangea Root Q+ +APIUM GQ+
Ginger Q Support for prostate function

from Deepak Pandya


Obesity Fucus Ves Q 10 drops+ Phytolaca Berry Q + Calotropis Q...15 drops with Luke warm water bds Calc. Carb 200 bds weekly(for female) Nux Vomica 200 bds weekly(for male) Antim Crud 200 bds weekly (for children) Nat. phos 6x tds

From Homeopathic Discoveries

Phytolacca Barry 3+3+3
tabs. 1/2 hour before every meal,with warm water.(with diet restriction.)


Obesity Fucus Ves Q 10 drops+ Phytolaca Berry Q + Calotropis Q...15 drops with Luke warm water bds Calc. Carb 200 bds weekly(for female) Nux Vomica 200 bds weekly(for male) Antim Crud 200 bds weekly (for children) Nat. phos 6x tds

From Homeopathic Discoveries

Back Pain

Natrum Ars

Urinary System




Thursday, 14 December 2017

Computer Vision Syndrome

#Computer Vision Syndrome and #homoeopathy
Are you having symptoms of headaches from eyestrain with blurry vision, dry eyes and pain in neck and shoulder? These symptoms are indicative of Computer Vision Syndrome.

An optometrist can provide you with corrective lenses that are optimal for your computer situation. The right lenses can help your eyes focus at the plane of the computer screen and provide some relief of headache symptoms.

Although it is necessary to properly evaluate all other symptoms which accompany headache like fever, body pains for any other diagnosis.

Now talking of Computer Vision Syndrome, in today’s which has become part of daily business, education, mode of chatting and socializing. This increased usage has lead to major health issues.

#Argentum nit-

Complaints due to overwork. Muscles around eyes become tired. Patient feels better by closing eye or pressure. Aggravated by overheated. Good remedy for restoring power of weakened cilliary muscle

#Ruta –
Chief remedy for eyestrain due to overuse of eye muscle. Patient has watery eyes, oversensitive to light. Stiffness and pain Ultimately lead to headache Patient feel pressure behind eyeball. Difficulty to focusing eye.

#Conium Mac –
Artificial light or overwork cause eyestrain. Photophobia. improper night vision. Patient has foreign substance sensation as brain go to sleep. Aggravation on night, Amelioration by pressure and dark room. Seing black spot from fatigue. Headache with lancinating pain on vertex , semilateral.

#Natrum mur –
Continuous reading or school work lead to weak bruised feeling in the eye, stiffness of muscle around eyeball. Eyelid feel heavy and lastly person complain of headache. Person feel that letters on screen board runs together. Constant computer typing cause numbness and tingling in the fingers. Person can not hold the things. Backache relieved by putting hard things under back.

#Euphrasia –
After continuous eye work problem start. Watery eye. Burning and swelling lids Sticky mucous on cornea so patient blink often.


Ambra Grisea
(Ambergis – A morbid secretion
of the whale)
Ambra Grisea is a useful homoeopathic remedy for thin, lean, short-
tempered, irritable and easily provoked children as well as adults.
Over-sensitivity is its peculiar feature. Vertigo and loss of balance
can manifest in early age, which normally happen in old age. So this
remedy can also be very useful in common old age ailments.

In Ambra Grisea, symptoms of old age, such as numbness of the
hands and feet, palpitation and flabby muscles creep in rapidly.
Ambra Grisea is very useful in minimizing the effects of sudden
shock. I have often used Ambra Grisea on women who have been

deeply grieved due to sudden emotional shock. In transient
emotional shock, however, Ignatia is the best.

By Obaidullah Shammem


The women of the Belladonna type love to eat sour things. Diarrhoea
of Belladonna is characterized by frequent, scanty stools.
In Belladonna, the patient also develops piles. Belladonna is very
useful in frequent urination if it is due to the infection of kidneys or
the bladder. Otherwise, frequent urination is not a typical symptom of

Baryta Carb is very important in the treatment of Cerebral
Arteriosclerosis i.e. the thickening and narrowing of the arteries of
the brain. Continued use of Crataegus by the patient also proves very
beneficial. Remember that Arteriosclerosis is a very slowly
progressive disease and so its treatment would also be slowly
effective. Baryta Carb will have to be administered at least for a year
or two to show its good effects. Thus, for most old folks, it is their
best friend. In fact, Baryta Carb is mostly used in the two extreme
ages i.e. the childhood and old age.

By Obaidullah Shammem


Hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain important hormones.
Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world.Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When hypothyroidism is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.
#Anacardium 200---Anacardium is suited to persons having bad memory and absent minded due to hypothyroidism. Lack of confidence in himself or others . They are very easily offended. Profound depression with tendency to use foul, violent language. Weak digestion with fullness and distension. Eating relieves dyspepsia.
#Baryta carb 200---Baryta carb is suit to shy persons , shy of strangers. Mental weakness and loss of memory. Idiocy. Childish and thoughtless behavior. Slow mental grasp and backward. Chilly patient.
#Calcarea Carbonica 30----- Calcarea carb is suitable to fat, flabby , fair persons, who are always chilly and cannot tolerate cold air. Excessive sweating on head is a leading symptom for its use in hypothyroid patients. Craving for boiled eggs, desire for indigestible things like chalk, pencils, lime, and aversion to fats. Over worked and exhausted. Forgetful , confused, misplaces and expresses himself wrongly. Woman with hypothyroidism have too early, too profuse and too long menses with vertigo, toothache and cold damp feet . Constipation. The first part of the stool is hard and is followed by soft stool.
#Conium 200-----Conium maculatum is suited to old maids and bachelors. Weak memory. Slow grasp, difficult understanding. Constipation on alternate days. Menses too late , irregular and scanty.
#Sepia Officinalis 200----Sepia is adapted to irritable, very weak persons , have yellow saddle across nose , faint very easily from least exertion and on exposure to excessive cold temperature. They are angry , sensitive very irritable , easily offended and miserable. They have an indifferent behavior towards family members who were earlier very much loved. Craving for acid things and pickles. In women with hypothyroidism the menses appear too early and profuse with sharp clutching pain. Along with this a feeling of dragging or bearing down sensation as if everything would escape through the vagina , must cross limbs to prevent protrusion or press against vulva . Uterus weak. Loss of sex drive and sexual disorders due to hypothyroidism. Hair falls out , especially at menopause because of hypothyroidism. Constipation. Very hard and large stools, cannot strain with great tenesmus. Severe pain during the passing of stool that continues for long time after the stool.
#Lycopodium 200------Lycopodium is suited to persons having gastric disturbances with hypothyroidism. Digestion is weak. Excessive accumulation of gas and bloating in abdomen, after taking food. Eating ever little creates fullness. The complaints are mainly worse from 4-8 p.m. Craving for sweets. Lycopodium person prefers hot drink and hot food. Lycopodium is adapted to irritable angry persons who cannot bear little contradiction. They have low sex drive due hypothyroidism. Hair falls, becomes gray early.
#Graphites 200--- Graphites is suited to obese persons who take on cold very easily. Mentally Graphites person is sad , weeps easily without any cause. Music makes her weep. Long standing constipation is a marked feature in hypothyroidism. Stool is large, knotty, united by mucus threads and passes with great difficulty. Flatulence. Cannot bear tight cloths around the waist. Abdomen distended, as from incarcerated flatus. Menses late, scanty, pale, irregular and painful. Woman have great aversion to sex.
#Nux vomica 200---Nux vomica is suited to very irritable persons, sensitive to all impressions. Cannot bear noises, odors and light. They are extremely temperamental in nature and get offended very easily. Nux vomica persons mainly suffer from gastric complaints due to hypothyroidism. Obstinate constipation. Constipation with frequent ineffectual desire or passing but small quantities at each attempt. Stool is incomplete and unsatisfactory. Desire for stimulants like alcoholic drinks and coffee, fatty food and spicy food. Menses too early, lasts too long, always irregular, black blood with fainting spells.
Tuberculinum CM--- Start treatment with this remedy. No other medicine should be given for the next 72 hours.
Thyroidinum 3x---Arrested mental and physical development. Concentration difficult on studying. Irritable before menses. Menses often too early. Inclined to excessive obesity and weight gain. Craving for sugar.

From I Love Homeo

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For Cold and Flu


Phytolaca berry    - Q 5 DROPS
Taraxicum            -  Q 5 DROPS
Fuccus Ves           -  Q 20


Along wth

Cal carb 200
Graphite 200
Ant crud 200
Thyroidinum 30
All potencies twice a day

By Mian Muhammad Tariq=Homeopathic Discoveries