Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Our Nail

Our Nail & Homoeopathy*
*1. Medicines like Ruta, Silicea, Natrum Muriaticum and Hypericum are found to be useful in treating ingrown toe nails, even the one’s leading to deformity.*
*2. Thuja for diseased finger nails with an ugly–waxy look.*
*3. Myristica Sebifera for pain in finger nails with swelling of the phalanges.*
*4. Calcarea Carb gives very good results in corrugated nails which are uneven, spotted and irregular, stimulating the growth of new ones.*
*5.Fluoric Acid is excellent for crumpled ridges.*
*6.Graphites is helpful when the nails are thickened, rough and deformed like a horn or are brittle and crumbling.*
*7. Apis M if blood settles under the nails.*
*8. Causticum for ingrowing nails when Silicea fails.*
*9. Lachesis for ingrown, proud flesh, purplish, stinging.*
*10. Magnetis Polus Aust for sore pain of an ingrown toe nail. Very painful on touch or by the shoe pressing on the toes and nails as from corns.*
*11. Silecia nails are grow inwards surrounded with flesh and pus, infected and disfigured, oozes bad smelling sweat from the feet, hands and armpits associated with a sharp unbearable pain in the finger and toe nails & seems to be very restless and irritable.*
*12. Bufo rana fungal infections of the nails and toenail which appear bluish or blackish in color with skin surrounding the nails is swollen and occasional formation of pus associated with a deep dull pain that runs upward till the axilla (armpit).*
*13. Antimony Crudum Distorted Nails brittle and break very easily, associated with thick horny callosities of the skin have horny warts on the hands and soles. The nails are Irritated at the slightest things, split and grow at a very slow pace.*

From Homeopathy and Female Diseases


Presenting something new and exciting for 2019 😇😇
I am Arsenic I want to be clean.
I am Bryonia,I'm just lazy don't think I'm mean.
I am Calcarea,I need some security.
I am Dulcamara I don't want dampness,give me purity.
I am Euphrasia I need a hanky to clean my eyes and nose.
I am Fluoric acid,I want to roam around free,don't force
I am Gelsemium,I am feeling so dizzy and drowsy.
I am Hyocyamus I am shameless and lousy.
I am Ipecacuanha I just wanna puke.
I am Justicia soothe my cough, everything I took.
I am Kali Carb,I have bad back pain.
I am Lachesis,you can't stop me from talking,your efforts are in vain.
I am Mancinella I'm sad and silent.
I am Natrum Muriaticum don't give me sympathy it makes me violent.
I am Opium,I have so much constipation.
I am Phosphorus,I want colours and celebration.
I am Quillaya,I can't stop sneezing.
I am Rhustox my joints are pleading.
I am Sulphur, I'm burning inside brightly.
I am Tarantula I just can't sit quietly.
I am Urtica,I have bad rashes.
I am Veratrum album,I'm so weak I feel like ashes.
I am Wyethia, Please cure my throat.
I am Xerophyllum I'm so dull,I feel like a goat.
I am Yucca,my stomach is not well.
I am Zincum I have so much fag,my life has become hell.

From Homeopathy and Female Diseases

Mother Tincture

1. Chelidonium Q - enlarged liver, jaundice with loose motion.
2. Carduus Mar.- enlarged liver, jaundice wth constipation.
3.Aegal Mar. - diarrhoea and indigestion
4. Kurchi Q - Amoebic dysentery 
5. Chaparro Am Q - Bacillary dysentery 
6. Craetagus Q - heart tonic and coronary artery blockage 
6. Avena Sativa Q - Tonic for nerves
7. Alfalfa Q - General tonic, appetizer and fat producer 
8. Aspidosperma Q - asthma, broncho dialeter.
9. Blatta oriant. Q - Asthma 
10. Trillium. Q - bleeding from uterus red color
11. Mellifolium. Q - dark uterine bleeding and epistaxis
12. Hydrastis. Q - dyspepsia, constipation, liver dysfunction 
13. Berberis. Vul. Q - kidney stone 
14. Hydrangea Q - for breaking of kidney stone
15. Sarsaparilla Q - for cleaning of kidney stone, sand in kidney
16. Gentiana Lut. Q - Appetizer in children 
17. Gentiana. Chirata. Q - chronic fever and blood purifier
18. Echinacea Q - blood purifier antiseptic 
19. Calendula Q - for antiseptic wash of wounds
20. Passiflora Q - sleeplessness and as a tranquilizer 
21 Acalypha Indica Q - bleeding of pulmonary TB 
22. Jabotandi Q - for mumps and local use for falling of hair
23. Arnica Q - local massage for injury 
24. Aleteris Q - leucorrhoea with weakness
25. Viburnum Opul. Q - painful menses
26. Damiana Q - sexual weakness and less sperm 
27. Yohimbinum Q - sexual weakness and early ejaculation 
28. Plantago Q - local use for toothache and gums swelling 
29. Mullain Oil Q - local use for earache 
30. Cascara. Sag. Q - constipation 
31. Arjuna Q - A heart tonic 
32. Atista Indica Q - for all types of worms 
32 . Berberis. Aqua. Q - external use for pimples and spots 
33. Baptisia Q - typhoid fever 
34. Ceanothus. Q - enlarged spleen and kala azar 
35. Carica Papaya Q - enlarged liver and spleen and indigestion
36. Chionanthus Q - gall stone colic 
37. Cynodon Dect Q - any type of bleeding
38. Ficus Rel. Q - bright red blood from any orifice of the body
39. Fraxinus Americana Q - enlarged uterus with bleeding
40. Justicia Q - expectorant
41. Lufa Bindal - gall stones
42. Xanthoxylon Q - Painful menses among young girls
43. Streculia Q - for stamina/athletes
44. Asoka Q - tonic for woman
45. Hydrocotyl Q - Leucodermia
46. Natrum Hyposulph Q - Locally and internally for Liver spots
47. Pinus LT Q - Menses irregularity among married women
48. Vesicaria Q - Kidneys failure and dysuria

By Muhammad Javed - Homeopathy and

                              Female Diseases


Homeopathic Medicine for Worms-----------
Carboneum tetramur. Q (One dose only): It has given wonderful clinical results in the treatment of hookworm infection. A single dose (3c) expels 95% of hookworms in adults. For children, half the dose.
Chelone Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: It is an enemy to every kind of worm infesting the human body including round worms and thread worms.
Chenopodium oil (Thrice a day): Ten drops a dose and three doses in a day every two hour to get rid of hookworms and roundworms.
Cina 200 (One dose daily): It is a remedy for round, thread and tapeworms. The patient is usually rubbing the nose and is restless. Grinding of teeth during sleep is a guiding symptom for the use of this remedy. One dose daily.
Cucurbita pepo Q (One dose daily): One of the most efficient and least harmful remedies for expulsion of tapeworms.
Cuprum oxy. nig. 1x (Thrice a day): It expels all kinds of worms including tapeworms and trichinosis (a hair-like worm). One-gram dose, thrice daily.
Helminthochortos (Thrice a day): It acts very powerfully on the intestinal worms especially round worms (lumbricids).
Hydrocotyle 6x (Thrice a day): It is very near specific in the treatment of expulsion of filaria and thread worms from the intestines.
Santoninum 3x (Thrice a day): It is of unquestioned value in the treatment of worminal diseases – itehing of nose, restless sleep and twitching of muscles indicate this remedy in the treatment of thread worms and round worms. It has no effect on tape worms.
Spigelia (Thrice a day): Abdominal pains and other symptoms on account of presence of worms in the intestines. Pains are more in circles around the navel and the child points to the navel to indicate it. Pains are worse on touching.
Teucrium mar. (Thrice a day): It is very near specific for treatment of ascarides – pin worms and round worms in the intestines. Tingling and tickling in the nose is an important symptom of this disease in children.
Thymolum 6 (One dose only): It is specific for hookworm infestation. A single dose of 3 ml removes 95% of the hookworms in adults.
NOTE: All worms infesting the human body are parasites and they consume the patient’s nutrients. Hundreds of human parasites are known. Conventional anti-parasitic drugs cure only a few types and tend to cause side-effects. General symptoms are constipation or diarrhea, gas and bloating, anemia and teeth grinding, chronic fatigue and other immune problems. Anti-parasitic foods include garlic, onions, raw pumpkin seeds, raw beets, carrots, figs, papaya seeds and pomegranates

By Sourav Das

Monday, 18 March 2019


⚛AMMONIA CARB. -Piles worst at the time of menses.
⚛ARS ALB. - Burning pain and restlessness relieved by hot application.
⚛APIS MEL. - With sharp stinging pains relieved by cold application.
⚛AESCULUS HIP.- Painful, blind piles of purplish colour. Pain in back n hips. Bleeding gives relief.
⚛ALUMINA.- Piles worse in the evening n better after night's rest.
⚛ALOE S. -Piles like bunches of grapes. Better by cold water.
⚛ACETIC ACID. - Profuse bleeding from bowels after checked menstrual bleeding.
⚛CARBO VEG. - Protrudding piles, blue, even suppurating, offensive, swelling, burning in the rectum; Oozging of fluid from rectum.
⚛CAPSICUM.- Piles, burning, swollen, itching, throbbing with sore feeling in anus.
⚛COLLINSONIA. - Haemorrhoids with backache n obstinate constipation. Prolapse of rectum. Piles bleeding or blind n protruding.
⚛CACTUS G. - Bleeding piles. The tumours from on account of relaxation of veins which bleed copiously.
⚛CAUSTICUM. - Intolerably painful piles, worse when walking.
⚛CALC CARB. - Piles, painful when walking, better when sitting, cause pain during stool with profuse bleeding.
⚛DIOSCOREA. - Piles look like bunches of grapes with darting extending to the liver.
⚛FICUS REL. - May be tried when MUCUNA fails.
⚛GELSEMIUM. - For paralysis.
⚛HYPERICUM. - Specific for bleeding piles with pain and tenderness.
⚛HAMAMELIS. - Painless bleeding followed by prostration which is out of all proportion to the loss of blood.
⚛IGNATIA. -Blind piles, painful while standing n sitting. Pain reduced by walking.
⚛KALI CARB.- Piles painful, burning life fire n bleed copiously. Great distension and swelling inside. Fistula of the anus.
⚛LACHESIS. - When the piles are inflammed with hammering pain.
⚛LEPTENDRA.- Bleeding piles with prolapse of rectum.
⚛MERC SOL.- With diarrhoea and dysentry.
⚛MUR ACID. - Piles like a bunch of grapes which look purple and burn when touched. Piles in children.
⚛MUCUNA.- Specific for bleeding piles.
⚛NUX VOMICA.- Head remedy for bleeding or non-bleeding piles, burning pain n constipation with ineffectual desire.
⚛NITRIC ACID.- Haemorroids that have ceased to bleed, but are very painful n hanging down loosely with sharp pricking pain in rectum.
⚛PHOSPHORUS.- With a small stream of blood after every stool.
⚛PAEONIA. - Haemorrhoids with ulceration, the anus and surrounding parts are purple n covered with crusts, ulcer within the anus very painful, the whole mucus membrane studded with ulcers n cracks. Biting, itching in the anus that provoker scratching.
⚛PODOPHYLLUM. - Piles with prolopse following confinement. Congestion of the liver n constipation.
⚛RHUS TOX. - Blind piles, after every stool with backache n pressure outwar in rectum.
⚛SLAG. - Piles with great itching in the anus, soreness n pain in knee caps.
⚛SANGUINARIA. - Bleeding from the bowel. the blood being watery.
SULPHUR. - Head remedy for both type of piles.
<consult your nearest physician for proper treatment>
Dr Ahmad Yar Qadri.

Kali iod.

A note about Kali iod.
This medicine is a very much neglected remedy in Homeopathy at least in my consideration. The lamentable matter is that this medicine often gets defeated by Merc. Sol.in day to day practice.
Why? Because of the fact that both of them have extreme similarity in their symptomatology and we get confused which one to use.
★ Both of them have aggravation at night from sunset to sunrise
★Both of them are great cough remedies
★Both of them have offensive body odour
★Both of them have excoriating discharge 
★Both of them have extreme sensitiveness to damp /wet air = coryza
★Both of them have swollen & painful gum
★Both have paraphimosis & Chancre-like ulcer on genitals of both sex
★ Both of them are great itchy remedies 
★Both of them are very very weak
And for this reason one often commits mistake in prescription. It is olso due to the fact in the classroom lectures too this comparison is NEVER TAUGHT with emphasis.
So the differences between them should be searched in the others spheres.
1)Kali iod is not so thirsty as Merc.sol
2) Kali iod is extremely hot patient whereas Merc. Sol sensitive to hot & cold weather
3)Kali.iod though weak but he is extremely restless for getting relief of pain which is not with Merc.sol
4)Merc. Sol has extreme craving for bread mixed with butter which is lacking in Kali.iod.
5) Kali.iod has DIFFUSE SORENESS of a painful part like Arnica which is absent in Merc.sol
6)Merc. Sol is chronic patient of Dysentery whereas Kali.iod has extreme trouble with constipation and FLATULENCE like Lycopodium.
7)Kali.iod has general aggravation from COITION which is absent in Merc.sol
8)Chest pain of Merc.sol spreads in different direction where as in Kali.iod it goes from sternum to back
9)Cough of Merc.sol does not have the 3 AM -5 AM aggravation of Kali.iod and the sputum of Merc. sol. is yellowish, offensive and sometimes mixed with blood whereas it is very characteristic "SOAP-SUD LIKE" in Kali.iod.and SALTY in taste.
10)Merc.sol can't lie on right side whereas Kali.iod can't lie on PAINFUL SIDE. 
11)Kali.iod suffers from Anxiety;very much irritable towards his children,talkative full of jokes whereas Merc.sol suffers from depression; answers question slowly, difficulty in expressing his problem.
Above all the great advantage of Kali.iod.is that it often antidotes the overuse of Merc.sol in practice which Merc.sol can't do.

Sunday, 17 March 2019


Homeopathic Medicine for Sensation🔅*
1. Aram. Mur -
Sensation of coldness in the back between the shoulders.
2. Sepia -
Sensation of a ball in rectum like an apple or potato. Diarrhoea and constipation are also cured with this symptom. Sensation of sand in the eyes.
3. Crocus -
Sensation of Something alive moving about in the abdomen or chest. (Remedy for violent foetal movements as well as in cases of imaginary pregnancy).
4. Myrica Cerifera -
Sensation As if insects crawling on face.
5. Lobelia Inflata - 
Sensation As if bone in throat.
6. Leptandra - 
Sensation As if something passing out of rectum.
7. Laurocerasus - 
Sensation As if flies and spider crawling over body.
8. Sulphur - 
Head remedy for burning sensation in any part. Sensation of tight band round the head. Lump of hair in throat. Lump of ice in chest. Mouse running up arms and chest.
9. Borax -
Sensation of cobwebs, bugs or insects crawling on face.
10.Chelidonium -
Sensation as if cold air is blowing on him. Sensation of dust in the air passages causing cough.
11. Ignatia - 
Sensation of emptiness.
12. Ailanthus -
Sensation of a rat running up the legs. Sensation of passing electric current from head to limbs.
13.Terebinthina - 
Sensation as if he had swallowed a small ball which remained at the pit of the stomach; as if intestines are being drawn towards spine.
14.Thuja -
Sensation of nail driven into the brain; as if boiling lead were passing through the rectum; as if anus would fly to pieces during stool; as if legs were made of wood; as if body was made of glass and would break: as if something alive is bounding about inside the body.
15. Theridion -
Sensation of something alive bounding about inside the body. It may be tried after Thuja fails.
16. Tuberculinum -
Distressing sensation of damp clothes on the spine.
17. Chamomilla -
Sensation as if walking on the ends of the bones of the legs and did not have any feet.
18. Dulcamara -
Sensation of sinking.
19. Graphites -
Sensation of cobweb on face; tries hard to brush it off.
20. Camphor -
Sensation of great coldness of the surface of the body with a desire to uncover. Great heat or sweat with desire to cover. Sensation as if cold air was blowing on covered parts.
21. Crotalus C -
Sensation as if something alive were walking about in head in circles. Sensation of red hot iron in vertex. Sensation of an opening in abdomen through which air passes. Sensation of coldness in stomach after eating. Sensation as if heart is dipped in water or there is water in chest. Sensation of shortening of right limb.
22. Nitric Acid -
Sensation as if the head is in a vice from ear to ear over vertex. Sensation of sticks in the throat like fish bone.
23. Aconite N -
Sensation of face growing large.
24. Alumina -
Sensation of bandages about the limbs and body. Fishbone sensation in the throat. Sensation of constriction in oesophagus down to stomach everytime he swallows a morsel of food. Sensation of creeping as of ants in the back and legs. Sensation of cobweb or dried white of egg or dried blood on the face.
25. Actea Race -
Sensation as if a black cloud has settled all over her and enveloped her head, so that all is darkness and confusion; it weighed like lead on the head. Waving sensation in the brain. Sensation as of a bolt through neck to vertex.
26. Cistus Can -
Sensation of coldness in all the parts of the body, e.g. stomach, throat, chest, tips of fingers etc. Sensation as if ants were running through the whole body when lying down with anxious and difficult breathing. Obliged to get up and open windows for fresh air which relieves. Immediately on lying down again these sensations return.
27. Cocculus -
Sensation of weak, hollow and gone feeling in head.
28. Glonoine -
Sensation as if the chin were elongated to knee.
29. Kali Bich -
Sensation as if head and nose would burst; as if loose bones rubbed against each other in the nose; as if a hair high up in the nostril; a hair on back of tongue. Sensation of a drop of urine remaining in urethra. Sensation of choking on lying down.
30. Carboneum Sulph -
Sensation of a hole close by into which he was in danger of falling. Of a weight between the scapulae compelling her to bend forward.
31. Kali Carb -
Any bang, shock or bad news is felt in the stomach. Sensation or fish bone or splinter in the throat. Stubborn sensation of chilliness at noon.
32. Lachesis - 
Fish-bone sensation in the throat. Sensation as if lice were crawling over surface; worse from heat, motion and at night.
33. Medorrhinum -
Sensation as if a worm crawls in right ear, and commences boring anterior wall of auditory canal. Sensation as if paper or pin is forcing through the pit of stomach causing her to rise and double up with screaming; pins seem to come from each side; sensa­tion of sand under lids.
34. Mercurius
Sensation of apple core stitching in throat.
35. Opium
Absence of sensations points to this remedy in any ailment.
36.Onosmod -
Sensation as if treading on cotton.
37. Palladium -
Sensation as if an animal were snapping and tearing off small portions inside the abdomen. Crawling as from fleas on back, arms, abdomen, thighs and ankles; actual spots like flea-bites appear on various places, lips, nostrils; etc. It has violent itching.
38. Petroleum - 
Sensation ass if heart were cold. Coldness in spots
39. Platinum -
Sensation as if thighs are too tightly wrapped; of water in forehead! of coldness, crawling; numbness in legs. Sensation off retraction of the abdomen.
40. Pyrogen - 
Sensation of a cap on head. Sensation as if her head was on the pillow but knows not where the rest of the body is.
41. Ranunculus B -
Sensatiom as if wet cloth were applied to body on going out of doors.
42. Ruta -
Sensation of heat and fire in the eyes. Sensation of coldness of spine downwards.
43. Salicylic Acid -
Sensation as if foot is perspiring.
44. Sanicula -
Sensation that head was open and wind went through it. Sensation of cold cloth round brain. Sensation that the back is in two pieces. On swallowing sensation of hard substance in trachea.
45. Silicea -
Sensation of hair lying on fore-part of the tongue.
46. Staphisagria -
Sensation as if abdomen and stomach were hanging down relaxed.
47. Veratrum Alb -
sensation that if he drank water he felt as if it did not go down the oesophagus. Sensation of coldness in vertex. Sensation of cold water running through the veins. As if pregnant; as if he had commited a crime; as if pepperrnent has been eaten, coldness in the mouth and throat;, as if something alive were rising from stomach to throat; as if knives were cutting bowels; as if hot coals in abdomen and intestines.
48. Acid Phos -
Sensation as if feet are rising until he stood on his feet.
49. Coccus Cacti -
Sensation of hair in the throat.
50. Natrum Mur -
Sensation as if a thread were hanging on tongue.
51. Valeriana -
Sensation as if a thread were hanging down the throat.
52. Xanthoxylum -
Sensation as if gentle shocks of electricity were passing through h the body.
53. Alumina Silicate -
Sensation of crawling of ants in the brain which travels down the body and leaves at the toes. She wants the body wrapped up but wants head in cold air.
54. Arsenic Sul. Flavum -
Sensation of heaviness of lower limbs and feet. Numbness and jerking of limbs.
55. Kali Sulph -
Sensation of closely fitted cap on head.
56. Cannabis Ind -
Sensation as though drops of water were tickling from heart.
57. Aethusa -
Sensation as though the stomach was turned upside down, accompanied by burning feeling in the chest.
58. Argentum Nit -
Sensation of sticks or fish bone in the throat. The patient wants every thing cold.
59. China -
Sensation of sand in the eyes.
60. Sulphuric acid -
Sensation of quivering all over the body and in the limbs without visible trembling.
61. Abrotanum -
Sensation as if stomach hanging or swimming in water.
62. Allium Sat -
Sensation of hair on tongue; worse when reading.
63. Mag. Carb -
Sensation as if teeth are too long

From Homeo Discussion Group

Monday, 11 March 2019

For Cancer.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Cancer
Homeopathic remedies for cancer of uterus (Endometrial Cancer)
The natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help for treating cancer of uterus are Bufo Rana, Lilium Tigrinum, Lachesis and Murex. Homeopathic medicine Bufo Rana is mainly used when bleeding from vagina occurs in between periods. The blood is mainly clotted and offensive. Burning pains are often present in the uterine region. Lilium Tigrinum is the natural Homeopathic medicine that is very beneficial in treating uterus cancer cases. This Homeopathic medicine is mainly used when there is heaviness and a distended feeling in uterine region, with an extreme bearing down sensation. Women requiring Lilium Tigrinum may have an enhanced sexual desire. Lachesis is the best Homoeopathic remedyforwomen with uterine cancer who complain of extreme heat flushes and palpitations. Homeopathic medicine Murex is the ideal remedy when severe pulsating, sore or sharp pains are present in the womb. The uterus may be enlarged also. A prominent symptom for the use of this medicine is extension of the pain from womb upwards towards the breast. The other natural Homeopathic medicines used for treating cancer of uterus are Kreosote, Sepia, Phosphorus and Ustilago.
Natural Homeopathic medicines Kreosote, Hydrastis, Iodum, Sepia and Argentum Nitricum can be considered as natural cancer treatments that work effectively in treating the cancer of cervix. Kreosote is the topHomeopathic medicine for the treatment of cervical cancer. This is mainly used if the vaginal discharges are very offensive and acrid, causing a violent corrosive itching of the genitals. Another indication for using this medicine is bleeding from vagina after coition. Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis is prescribed when the vaginal discharge is thick yellow and excoriating with erosion of the cervix. Iodum is the best remedyin the Homeopathic mode of treatment for women with cervical cancer who loseflesh even with a good appetite. Extreme weakness and emaciation are leading symptoms for using Iodum in cervical cancer cases. NaturalHomeopathic medicine Sepia is the ideal choice when there is pain in vagina during coition. It may be accompanied by a discharge from vagina of greenish or yellowish colour. A feeling of relaxation in pelvic organs with bearing down pains in pelvis confirm the use of Homeopathic remedy Sepia. Homeopathic medicine Argentum Nitricum, on the other hand, is the top remedy when vaginal bleeding occurs very frequently in between periods.

Golden Tips

Stomach cancer

Homeopathic Treatment for cancer of stomach
The effective natural Homeopathic medicines to treat stomach cancer are Arsenic Album, Phosphorus and Lycopodium. The Homeopathic medicine selection depends entirely upon the symptoms of each patient. Arsenic Album is a very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for burning type of pains in stomach of patients diagnosed with stomach cancer. Dark blood is present in vomitus and stool. The stool is also very offensive. The stool and vomiting get worse after eating or drinking anything. Extreme weakness and fear of death are present to the utmost degree. The patient requiring Arsenic Album usually craves for warm drinks. Natural Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is the best remedy when bright red blood appears in vomitus or stool. The stool is followed by extreme weakness. The painin the stomach getting relieved by taking cold drinks is a symptom of high value to use this .
Homeopathic medicine. The patient requiring Phosphorus usually shows a craving for ice creams, juices and cold drinks. Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium is the ideal choice when the symptoms of acidity with sour and burning belching predominate in patients of stomach cancer. The stomach is always distended with gas. The patient also shows a loss of appetite with emaciation. A craving for hot food, hot liquids and sweets may be present.

Friday, 8 March 2019

Breast Cancer

Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world.Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Breast cancer is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.
*PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA 200-* Phytolacca dec is an excellent remedy for breast cancer where the breast is hard, painful and of purple hue. Hard nodes in breast with enlarged axillary glands. Nipples cracked, very sensitive and inverted. Bloody watery discharge from breasts.
Conium maculatum is also effective for Breast cancer with hard tumor.Hard tumors in breasts with stitches or piercing pain. Stitches in breasts and nipples , on taking deep breath or walking. Conium mac is suitable to old maids and bachelors.
Start treatment with this remedy.
*HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 3C*-Hydrastis Canadensis is another excellent remedy for Breast cancer with pains like knives thrust into part. With cancer the nipples retracted. The glands in the axilla enlarged and painful. Cachectic appearance – excessive emaciation and weakness along with Breast cancer.
*ASTERIAS RUBENS 3C-* Asterias rubens is effective for breast cancer even in ulcerative stage. There is acute sharp pain. Nodes and induration of breast gland , dull , aching neuralgic pain in this region. Breasts swell, especially left and nipple retracted.Left breast feels as if pulled inward and pain extends over inner arm to end of little finger. Numbness of hands and fingers of left side.
Arsenic alb is effective in aggressive open ulcer with offensive discharge. Ulcers with burning , cutting pain and bloody offensive discharge. There is great anguish and restlessness.The person thinks it is useless to take medicine, fear of death and disease.
Antimonium crudum is also effective for open ulcer with offensive discharge. There is burning and itching worse at night. Digestion of the patient is easily disordered in Antimonium crude.
*PSORINUM 200-* Psorinum is effective for Breast cancer with open ulcers. Offensive discharge from the ulcer. The breast is swollen with red nipples. Burning and itching around nipples.
Thuja occidentalis is best for Breast cancer with retracted nipples.
*MALANDRINUM CM-* Malandrinum is effective to remove cancerous deposits and remission of primary cancer and shrinkage of mass.
to be useful in Hodgkin's disease. It has a specific affinity for the breast cancer.; very useful in the dissipation of breast tumours. It is also locally applied to cancerous glands.
The nosode of Scirrhous Cancer. Breast, cancer of
Cancer.Cancerous diathesis.Glands, enlarged Hemorrhages.
Scirrh. has aided the cure of many cases of breast tumour in Burnett's hands.
By Javed Ahmed..In Clinical Homeo

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Testosterone Deficiency

The list of testosterone deficiency and homeopathic treatment options below is provided alphabetically, for easy reference:
Acid Phos and Selenium 30 – hair loss from face and genitals due to Low T
Agnus Cast – melancholy, premature aging, lack of sexual desire
Agnus Castus 30 – erectile dysfunction caused by Low T, flaccid genitals, low sex drive
Argentum Nitricum – nervousness, inability to achieve erection, sweet and salty food cravings
Avena Sativa – low energy, poor concentration, sleeplessness
Baryta Carbonica – impotence, reduced libido
Caladium – irritability, depression, decreased erections
Chaste Tree – forgetfulness, poor concentration, flaccidity, cold genitals
Kali Phos 30 – fatigue, depression, prostration, exhaustion
Lycopodium – impotence, physically weak, insecurity
Nuphar Luteum Q – loss of sexual desire, relaxed genitals, involuntary stool and urination emissions may be present
Sabal Serrulata – lack of sex drive, testicular atrophy
Selenium Metallicum – sexual desire is present, but ability is weak, fatigue, involuntary ejaculation

Golden Tips

Monday, 4 March 2019

Open Pores

Open pores
Silicea 12x
Berberis AQUI Q +calendula Q mix and apply
Marks go. cream only at night.

World Homeo Doctors

Sunday, 3 March 2019


01. Coma - UNCONSCIOUSNESS, coma jaundice, in, all day - மஞ்சள் காமாலையில் உணர்விழந்த நிலை : Chel
02.Heart - DELUSIONS, disease incurable, has heart, of - இருதய வியாதி சரி செய்ய முடியாது என்று எண்ணுதல் : Phos
03. Brain disease - FEAR brain disease in- மூளையில் வியாதி வந்துவிடும் என்ற பயம் : Acon
04. Diarrhoea - FEAR disease, of impending diarrhea, in - வயிற்றுப் போக்கு வந்து விடும் என்ற பயம் : Croto-t

05. Liver disease - DELUSIONS, liver disease, he will have - கல்லீரல் (பாதிப்பு) வியாதி ஏற்பட்டுவிடும் என்ற எண்ணம் : Podo
06. Marasmus - SADNESS, marasmus, in- உடல் இளைப்பதால் வருத்தம் : Abrot
07. Smell allergy : AVERSION flowers, smell of- 
பூவின் வாசனையை பிடிக்காமை : Graph
08. Flower smell - SADNESS, flowers, smell of- 
பூவின் வாசனையால் வருத்தம : Hyos
09. CLINGING, to persons and situations. - குறிப்பிட்ட மனிதர் (அ) இடத்தை விடாப்பிடியாக பிடித்துக் கொள்ளுதல் - Stram
10. Weeping : WEEPING, constant, wants- தொடர்ந்து அழுதுகொண்டே இருக்க விருப்பம் : Ail

By: Illandirayan Annamalsi


 *Some important rubrics for warts* 💠
👉 *1. Warts ; inside nose : Nit. Acid*
👉 *2.Warts ; Chin : Thuja*
👉 *3. Warts; Lips: Nit.Acid, Causticum*
👉 *4.Warts ; Mouth Around: Psorinum*
👉 *5. Warts; Palate: Argent.Nit*
👉 *6. Warts; Toungue: Aur.Mur*
👉 *7. Warts; Cervical region: Nit. Acid ,or Thuja*
👉 *8. Warts ; Elbow ,bend,on: Calc. Fl*
👉 *9. Warts ; forearm: Silicea*
👉 *10. Warts; Wrist : Ferr.Mag*
👉 *11. Warts; Fingers: Lac -can*
👉 *12. Warts; Thigh: Med*
👉 *13. Warts; Toes : Spig*
👉 *14. Warts; bleeding; excerscenes: Caust or nit acid*
👉 *15. Warts; Cold washing agg: Dulc*
👉 *16. Warts; Flat: Dulc*
👉 *17. Warts; Horny: Ant- C*
👉 *18. Warts; sensitive to touch: Staph*
👉 *19. Warts; Eyebrows; on: Caust*
👉 *20. Warts; Eyelids: Thuja*
👉 *21. Warts ; on; Female organ: sec*
👉 *22. Warts; Hard: Sulph*
*Reference books:*
kent's.rep ,Boenninghausen's rep., lippe's rep.
🙏 *Team homeopathy mcqs* 🙏

By Lata Shri - Homeo Clinical Tips

Friday, 1 March 2019

Allergy Tips

Commonly prescribed Homeopathy medicines for specific allergens*
Allergy to Animal Dander – Tuberculinum
Allergy to Asparagus – Carcinosin
Allergy to Bananas – Phosphorus
Allergy to Bees – Apis mel
Allergy to bread, acidic food – Natrum Mur
Allergy to Butter – Sulphur
Allergy to Buckwheat – Pulsatilla
Allergy to Carrots – Phosphorus
Allergy to Castor BeanAlumina, Antimonium ars.
Allergy to Cats- Phosphorus, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Celery- Apium grav
Allergy to Chocolate – Sulphur
Allergy to Cod Liver Oil – Pulsatilla
Allergy to Dogs – Phosphorus
Allergy to Dust – Blatta orientalis, pothos
Allergy to Eggs – Ferrum met, Nat mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Fats, Animal- Pulsatilla, Sulphur
Allergy to Feathers – Sulphur
Allergy to Fish – Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Flowers – Sanguinaria
Allergy to Fruit – Arsenicum alb, Pulsatilla
Allergy to Glutamate – Nat mur, Phosphorus
Allergy to Grass, Freshly Cut – Allium cepa, Dulcamara, Pulsatilla, Sabadadilla
Allergy to Grass Pollens – Medorrhinum, Natrum sulph, Phosphorus, Senega
Allergy to Guinea Pig Hair – Kali carb, Lycopdium
Allergy to Hair Dyes – Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Hazelnuts – Phosphorus
Allergy to Honey – Nat mur
Allergy to Hornets – Vespa crabro
Allergy to Insect Bites – Carbolic acid
Allergy to Meat – Nat mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Metals – Sulphur
Allergy to Milk – Calc carb, Homarus, Nat mur, Sepia, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, Urtica urens
Allergy to Mosquito – Culex
Allergy to Onion – Nat mur, Thuja
Allergy to Oranges – Pulsatilla
Allergy to Oysters – Lycopodium
Allergy to Pollen – Blatta orientalis, psorinum
Allergy to Pork – Pulsatilla, Sepia
Allergy to Ragweed – Ambra graisea
Allergy to Sardines – Sulphur, Tuberculinum
Allergy to Shellfish – Arsenicum alb., Terebinthina, Urtica urens
Allergy to Starch – Nat mur
Allergy to Strawberries – Carcinosin, Fragaria vesca
Allergy to Sugar – Saccharum officinale
Allergy to Tamarind Seed – Blatta orientalis, Carbo veg
Allergy to Wasps – Vespa crabro
Allergy to Weevils – Grindelia, Ipecac
Allergy to Wheat – Nat mur, Psorinum
Allergy to beer; malt liquor – Kali Bich
Allergy to warm boiled milk – Sepia
Allergy to cod liver oil – Hepar Sulph
Allergy to aspirin, bad liquors, salt butter, bad eggs, poultry items – Carbo Veg
Allergy to antibiotic – Sulphur
Allergy to coffee – Nux Vom
Allergy to heat – Apis Mel
Allergy to cold drinks; fruits; rotten foods, iodine – Arsenic Album
Allergy to dampness – Dulcamara
Allergy to smell of flowers – Ailanthus
Allergy to sugar – Argentum nit
Allergy to rice – Tellurium
Allergy to cabbage – Petrolium
Allergy to dust – Justicia adhatoda

By Khoso- world Homeo Doctors

Communicable Diseases

Cassia sophera
Three noncommunicable diseases, DJD , COPD & IBD are like three intimate friends often found to be present in a few percentage of patients . None of them seem to be CURED by any means but can only be kept at a tolerable level by any therapeutic regimen.
Homeopathy relies on Totality of symptoms hence we have to select medicine from the Deep acting drugs for prolong amelioration but VERY difficult to find a drug which can be SIMILAR to the "common symptoms" of these TRIO. 
Recently,I have been using Cassia sophera in 3,6,12 & 30 potencies for these COMBINATION of diseases which is giving good result.
The important symptoms which guide: 
■ PAIN IN KNEE JOINTS < first motion,rising from seat > continued motion , pressure ( DJD)
■Difficult breathing< dust ,smoke, winter, change of weather, cold drink walking. Thick ,yellow expectoration (COPD)
■FLATULENCE & DISTENSION of abdomen< morning, evening > eating,drinking water.INTENSE ABDOMINAL CRAMPS< fatty food ,after eating. COLICKY PAIN< changing positions ,lying on rt.side > lying on lt.side (IBS)


Homeopathic treatment of Mastitis ..
Mastitis is the inflammation of the breast tissue. Mastitis can arise in any woman but is most common in breastfeeding women. In lactating females, mastitis develops because of the blockage of milk ducts and milk stasis due to incomplete emptying of milk. Risk factors for milk stasis include blockage of milk ducts from pressure such as tight fitting clothing, using one breast for feeding child, and using the same position to feed the child. These result in improper drainage of milk from the breast. Other causes of mastitis is the transfer of infection to milk ducts from damaged or cracked nipples and direct trauma to the breast. The main advantage of using homeopathic treatment for mastitis is that these medicines are free from side effects. Hence, they are very safe to use for the mother as well as the baby.
Homeopathy is highly successful in treating many health conditions in women, Mastitis being one of them. Homeopathic treatment for mastitis helps decrease the inflammation, swelling, pain, tenderness, heat in breast and other accompanying symptoms. Homeopathic medicines that are most beneficial for treating mastitis are Belladonna, Phytolacca, Croton Tig, Bryonia, Silicea and Hepar Sulph.
Signs and Symptoms of Mastitis
The signs and symptoms of mastitis include swelling, tenderness or pain in the breast, burning sensation and heat in breast, skin redness, fever or general malaise. Accompanying symptoms may include chills, shivering, body aches and fatigue. The mastitis not treated well in time may lead to a mammary abscess or pus collection.
Top Homeopathic Medicines for Mastitis
1. Belladonna – A Wonderful Homeopathic Medicine Used in the Initial Phase of Mastitis
Belladonna is a very useful homeopathic medicine for mastitis. Belladonna works well in the initial stage of inflammation of the breast. The breast is red and very swollen. Throbbing pains accompany the swelling. The pain is worse when lying down. Inflammation of breast after weaning is another strong indication to use Belladonna.
2. Phytolacca – A Top Grade Homeopathic Medicine for Mastitis with Stinging and Shooting Pain
Phytolacca is a top grade homeopathic medicine for mastitis. Phytolacca works well for swollen, painful breast with marked soreness. There is a stinging and shooting pain in the breast. Extreme sensitivity and tenderness of the breast are also symptoms. Hardness and a purple hue may also accompany. Nipples may also be cracked. Pain from the breast also radiates to the whole body while nursing the child.
3. Croton Tig – Another Useful Homeopathic Medicine for Mastitis
Croton Tig is yet another effective homeopathic medicine for mastitis. Symptoms indicative of using Croton Tig are a hard, swollen and inflamed breast. Another major indication for using Croton Tig is that the pain from the breast radiates to the back on nursing the child. The pain is mainly drawing in nature. Soreness of the nipples is also present.
4. Bryonia – Homeopathic Medicine for Mastitis with Stony Hard Breast
Bryonia is an excellent homeopathic treatment for mastitis. Its use is considered in cases of mastitis when the breasts are stony hard. The breasts are also hot, swollen and highly painful. The slightest motion worsens the pain in the breast, and the patient may need to support the breast with the hand. Resting seems to relieve the pain.
5. Silicea and Hepar Sulph – Homeopathic Medicines for Mastitis When an Abscess is Formed
Silicea and Hepar Sulph are great homeopathic medicines for mastitis when an abscess gets formed. These medicines are very effective when treating suppurative conditions. They help in the drainage of pus without any surgical intervention. These medicines work well in cases of an abscess with pus discharge that may be offensive in nature, intense pain, sensitivity to touch, and chills.
Dr sharma