*Homeopathic Medicine for Gastritis*
Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach lining or the mucosa.
There are many medicines for the Gastritis, it is prescribed on the basis of totality of the symptoms. Here most important medicines are given.
*Nux Vom: 30, 200*
1. Nux vomica is mostly indicated in case of chronic gastritis which is caused by tobacco, alcoholic stimulants, aromatic or patent medicines, sedentary habits, highly spiced food.
2. There is Heartburn with flatulence.
3. Nausea and vomiting in the morning. He feels “If I could only vomit I would be so much better”.
4. Alternating constipation and diarrhea.
5. Eructations sour, bitter; nausea and vomiting every morning.
6. Heartburn.
7. Drinking milk seems to cause acidity.
*Lycopodium: 200*
1. There is fullness even after a light meal, with no intestinal irritation.
2. It has pain in the pit of stomach when the hypochondria are pressed and pain in hypochondria when the pit of stomach is pressed.
3. Flatulence - Offensive discharges.
4. Bitter taste in mouth at night, sour vomiting.
5. The patient goes to meals with a vigorous appetite, but after eating a small quantity of food he feels so full and bloated that, and he leaves the table with his hunger, only momentarily satisfied.”
*Phosphorus: 30, 200*
1. Gastritis with chronic gastric erosion.
2. Burning, gnawing circumscribed pain.
3. The all gone, weak feeling at 11 a.m. starting from stomach to bowel.
4. Craves for cold food and cold drinks which give relief temporarily, but are vomited as soon as they become warm in stomach.
*Arsenic Album: 30*
1. Foul, bitter or sour taste in the mouth.
2. Burning pain in stomach like fire, as if hot coals were applied to part,
3. Better by hot application, hot drinks.
4. Acrid and bitter eructation.
5. Irritative dyspepsia and acute inflammation. 6. Nausea, retching and vomiting of slimy mucus tingled with blood.
7. Trembling and coldness of extremities with pain in stomach and oppressive anxiety.
*Veratrum album: 30*
1. Forcible eructations, mostly of air.
2. After eating, empty eructation of air.
3. After frequent eructation, copious ejection of mucus.
4. Constant sick eructation with very violent cough.
5. Voracious hunger, great thirst. Vomiting,
6. Colicky pain with salivation, profuse cold perspiration.
*Bryonia Alba 30*
1. Great thirst for large quantities at long intervals.
2. Pressure as from stone at pit of the stomach, relieved by eructation.
3. Stool large, hard, dark, and dry, as if burnt. 4. Diarrhea during a spell of hot weather;
5. Gastritis from cold drinks when overheated, from fruit or sour foods
6. Aggravation from any motion, and corresponding relief from absolute rest, either mental or physical.
7. Pains: stitching, tearing, worse at night;
*Belladonna: 30*
1. Abdominal pain causes redness of face and eyes.
2. Abdomen tender, distended; aggravated by least jar.
3. Loss of appetite with desire to drink without thirst.
4. Eructation and vertigo.
5. Nausea and inclination to vomit. Violent stomachache after a meal.
6. Bilious vomiting.
*Argentum Nitricum 200*
1. Iis an excellent homeopathic treatment for gastritis.
2. It helps persons suffering from gastritis caused by chronic alcohol intake.
3. There is a pain in the stomach which radiates to all parts of the abdomen.
4. The pain may be gnawing, burning or constricting in nature.
5. Frequent belching.
6. Distension of the abdomen may also occur.
*Bismuth 30*
1. It works well in cases of gastritis where cold drinks bring relief to the symptoms.
2. The burning in the stomach is relieved by drinking something cold.
3. There is also a pain in the area around the stomach.
4. Bending backward brings a little relief to the pain.
5. Along with the pain, there is a sensation of pressure and heavy load on the stomach.
6. There is also an inability to retain fluids in the stomach. Fluid is vomited as soon as it reaches the stomach.
*Dr Amaan Khan*
Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
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